Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Guardian Angel (Do it Yourself)

https://youtu.be/WGtRemMi4gw Payton Parrish Battle Cries


Then you feel lonely and crave for a Champion, take up your place; 

then things are amiss, bleeding hearts cry out, saving no Dias case... 

Its up to You, to measure your vessel and give your values to Face!! 

Your Guradian Angel, Myself, to loosen all hideous contempting trace; 

then others seek glory and white houses with picket fences chase -- 

behold, you seek Superman, through the Cosmopolitan pollen haze; 

there none wanton to mean nor stand on any Hill or meaning Daze!!


Then you feel forgotten and unduely pushed aside, pay the Iron Price! 

Elect yourself for greater things, than crying Pitycakes and cupholders; 

nothing ventured, nihil gains -- cough your maybe, choose your Vice!! 

Your Guardian Angel, Myself, to choose your lot and naughty the Nice; 

then in doubt, do it yourself, await no fervor outside dragons smolders, 

what your own cairn cannot show forth nor hands craft and embolden!! 

Do it Yourself, and feel good about the success of blooded shoes hides.


Then you feel meek and empty, at wits ends and dead in your tracks; 

fill your boots and kill your shoots, what trouble your Way tomorrow! 

There you see your mother and sister; your brothers, bloodlines aback; 

there you seethe out fire towards thine foes and warmth to friends stack!! 

Be Brave and be Bold, behold no scold has broken a Man, but sorrow; 

fear of "Sameold" anxious in its depressed Melancholy, it burrows... 

Until you have no challenge pick you up, ward thy Angelic contract!!


  1. https://youtu.be/dRMKVM7vl4s Antifa: What We Know About This Left Wing Militia | Andy Ngo & Jordan Peterson

  2. https://youtu.be/tXiXcVzJeg8 Converting America from Capitalism to Communism in Democracy 4

  3. https://youtu.be/PpeaGMvAFxE Ukrainians captured Russian SU - 35 Fighter pilot
