Thursday, March 31, 2022

Age of Consent Biden Endorses Trans-Gender Youth Sex Change ops. The quoted link 


 The time, then you cannot consent to sex but can have a transition; 

then Christians have to await until full age, silenced in schools, Usha!! 

How long can they touch the Arc of the Covenant like that incision; 

making trust plague away form the people in hordes under decision... 

Consenting to doctrine of bias and hypocricy, while others need Massa, 

to decide for themselves, what is right or wrong, what parents Nossir-cosa; 

then using their freedom of speech and culture, see brickwalls fission!


The time, then you need to verify, something white or male came up; 

POTUS askews about Transrights, like Adams removed Indians... 

Does Muslims or Hindus or Christians get to choose by age 6 stock; 

do they get called brave for coming forth, their parents asked to buck? 

Do Sufis get to practice at school torture or Opus Dei flagelate Stans; 

cilice belts for the diciplinary commissions; delinquents for Iron Maidens!! 

Where is Justice, then you need it against madness and stupidities clusterfuck! 


Can teaches ask to convert, encourage to search your heart prepaid by tax; 

can they molest their own values into the gullible, who know no betters? 

May the earth open its gorge under Ushas vain decadent leaders Antrax; 

who pollute the name of the Lord with disdain and falsewitness Multiplex!! 

Tok'ra kree rosies; a pocket of fonies, posing scleronin-Serotonin contesters; 

madness and despair is too good for them, let them entrench in controvercy! 

Two against three, and three aghast two -- until none together on their backs. 


Back to the Covenant and to the Amendments of Constitution, Usha -- behold; 

those, who seek to sever the bond between parent and child, scattered embers 

is their fate, to be snuffed out in the cold depths of the night, forgotten-untold! 

Let them pay their own bills and eat their own bread -- for that would be Bold; 

Just as other Religions, let CRT and Transrights go back the fence -- remember! 

Those, who come with sweet words and pointing thingers, ravenous hombres; 

like wolves in sheepclothing, trying to Troyan horse into our minds as foretold!!