Monday, April 4, 2022

If you want to be Wise, don't take advice!

 Wise people don't listen, but behold. Then you listen, you believe, then you behold, you judge and contemplate, on can you believe it. Only listen to things, you can trust, while loving your enemies and hating your friends, to the point of hating Yourself! Those, who love themselves and their friends, perpetuate the same course of action, not because they deemed it right, but because, they bribed and cheered it right. It is better to have a thousand fiersest critics than one overzealous friend, who always gets psyched on whatever you say or do, regardless of its weight or depth. There can be no weapon more deadly nor poison more sinister, then the false praises of a friends and blessings in the morning. Speak little, do more. Don't expect others to do, what you are reluctant in delivering... Avoid books on gathered wisdoms, just as a martial artist avoids tehniques done but once. What good are those, if you only listen, but don't behold them in action -- especially in your Life. Knowledge has become a spectacle, there wise men, are like fencing aces, showing off their gimmicks, how to trick their opponent into defeat, not how to make Life better. You should always have something greater than yourself, to call God. If you don't have God, have Superman or the nearest highest mountaintop to give you shadow in the blaze of the day and in the dark chill of the night. Man is not made to stand alone, but He can suffer, if he has something to venture to. How do you fare, if you only listen, but not behold. An era of listeners of bread and circus, has made our vision blurry and blind. Thus blind men lead the insane into their undoing. It is better to be a peasant and do your daily chores, than to be a failed leader. If a peasant gets sacked, he gets up and finds a new job; if a leader or lord gets sacked, he carries his Shame whenever he goes!! Not being able to forget our failures, while focusing on success, is the reason, why we cannot achieve any witholding Luck from our Lives. You are your own Lucksmith, when you know Yourself and Humble Yourself, just like a trainer Humbles his racinghorse, not giving him the best food or leisure, but as much to get in shape and to further the goal of being the fastest horse in the track. What is your Goal? Dont look for common goals, for what has the lion in common with the gazel!! Common goals are for negotiators and diplomats, to ease the pains of defeat and grant the Victor his laurels without the common scourged earth policies at the stages of War. Why would you seek common good in regular life? You should challenge yourself and your neighbour -- give him firewood in the winter, but don't give him bread, then its time to sow!! One hand cannot turn down and destroy, what the other hand does, while you should no know everything, what people say about you or the government, because you have slurred in your Youth as well. 

Whenever You see Wisdom and Knowledge, don't call it Good nor Evil, unless You have seen it in action!! Why do people call men wise, not regarding their teachings in their Life. Is a product Good, if none buy it, or a place Great, if nobody wants to live there? So how can people be wise, but their says go unfazed, never to be taken into action or implemented in your Life... If you have to aid or correct a teaching, in order to make its caster wise, you just invented a cane for the Wizard! If you have to travel half way on someone elses Wheelcarriage, in order to go your way by foot, it makes You lazy in admitting, that you rather despise the Teacher, you just quoted or revered, out of fear, what his disciples might do to you, if you opened up. True wise men, can laugh with the wolves and run with the stallions, without getting any harm from it. Because people listen too many chants and incantations about Good and Evil, is why the world has becom weary and vain, a lover of decadence; fame and progressive culturelessness. You cannot Love something, if you Love everything. If you choose to eat meatloaf you cannot eat beefsteak!! Every freedom of choice, denies another. Once You have made yours, you cant turn back to respeck your attention and talents to test another! Its like with marriage -- the just married cannot turn back from the altar; love and marry another, without marring the First!! People are like Pigs and Dogs, who binge themselves with the spoils of ancestry, never understanding context nor subtext, reading their own desires and fears on the lips of the teachers, servicing only death and calamity, but no advantage what so ever... This is the reason, why criticism has become Enemy of State, for people are not able anymore to see Ideas in action. Because we see and read too much, without really beholding and judging our character in the face of those words, do we really intend of paying the asking price, or are we just flattering ourselves with Virtuous looks on bankets and worthy notions on the streetcorners, where it accounts very little. How can a Man, who invests in everything, see merit? Invest in one thing, and you see results, but stay humble, for you havent invented anything, what other dost know already. Even if you have made something New and Outstanding, still stand humble, for the inventors are often robbed of their intellect and the merchant gets rich not the golddigger nor the Champion who enters the fray!! Wisdom and Prowess seldom come hand in hand, as was with King David; his son, King Solomon, was the Wisest and Richest Man on Earth, still He fell in the councel of foreign Women!!  

What do you see, when you look at Wisdom and Knowledge? Is it a Tool; a Weapon or a Chance to find youtself and service Your Way and Your people and Your culture. I have a disdain for people, who seethe themselves betters of their upbringing, venturing to be Cosmopolitcan, while needing government help and censorious aid, in order to stay that way!! A Lion nor a Wolf, don't see themselves better, than the cattle, they are hunting. They merely see their needs and ponder how to deal with it. We also don't congratulate ourselves, then we eat our beefstake, how great or awesome we where eating it. But we do so, then devouring countless books of knowledge, while implementing very little in our Lives. There was a gamer, who owned a thousand games, but had an intrest nor could play none of them -- He was called The Collector! Many Wise Men are collectors and connoseurs of fine taste, for the sake of the art, not because they find an use for it, what could benefit others. A merchant is better off, than such a wise man, because he sells goods and lies maybe about the price and quality; a Wizard lies to himself and the others about Everything!! Don't say anything, if you have nothing to say -- especially if you're the 3rd Generation of a Famous Christian or Wise Man Standing, don't say a thing. It is better to remain silent than to loose Respect. The birds chat the loudest, then the darkness falls, before the night, so too are the advisors most active, just as in Jesus time, a Wizard here; a Witch or Warlock there; all descending on the carrion of Man, who gasps for last breaths of Reason and Will. There is no Will for those, who allow themselves to taste Everything, becoming bored for a little game here, a little festivity there. Just like Rome fell with bread and circus; so do will our times... The more you have, the more you owe to your deptors. Every Wisdom and Knowledge is like a loan or a drug. You have to pay the Piper eventually!! It is better to serve God knowingly, then go insane chanting, you have none, while serving them all... Fear is a great demigod, the creator and destroyer of Civilisations; if you don't know and humble Yourself. Even the Predator Humbles himself before He encrouges to His prey, and all Warrior Kings bowed down, to grasp Leadership from the ground it had befallen. Our times bow to none, and respect nobody except their gaze du navel and their newspapers are its gazettes, calling niese and oncle on every crossroads, for any Eldrich Horror who could bat an eye of Karen!! 

Too much attention to needless things, while no attention for the needy! That is, what ruins great civilizations and thoughts; making leaders and advisors look, like God has made them folly!! A Bow stretches and lets go -- our time only stretches and breaks down and askews the broken, how dare you!! You be Wiser than the lot and travel outside of the established circles and amongst ravens and evil spirits. For what is called Evil and Transgressive amongst this adulterous Time, is often, what pleases the Lord and not its face value... Be your own advice and guidance, which everybody can read. The Open Gospel for Everybody but none, what You Live in your Life!! That is your Holy Super and your Sangreal... Halleluyah and Godspeed!

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