Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Escaping Hell

 https://youtu.be/Twc6T19tap4 Why Free Speech is the Antidote to our problems -- Jordan Peterson 

https://youtu.be/YwWfa5TcCz4 What goes on at US universities can be horrifying -- Romanian TVee 

https://youtu.be/K38qirFBhb4 Transgender Lia Thomas may flip Blue States -- Black and White Network 

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_race_theory CRT Wiki 

https://rsc.byu.edu/vol-13-no-3-2012/paul-james-faith-works Paul and James on Faith and Works -- Mark D. Ellison

What it means to have Freedom of Speech, where it begins and ends 

When you have Freedom of Speech, it dost mean, you can mop the floor with your political or religious opponent, as long you have the Mayority, whether in numbers or social discourse and interest. For most times, the reason, why woke agenda is not addressed, is the way, they tackle dialogue,. making it next to impossible to assail, if you have diferring opinions. The reasons, why it makes it hard, is that you judge all the arguments and criticisms through the lense of your political or religious bias. Imagine, if the Christians had the same social impact at Univercities, in shaping opinion, lets say in self-harming and fasting, in order to get closer to God. How you gonna reason with that opinion, if your arguments get converted to the other side in an inquisitorial way? How can you convince the side, who is at it -- "To save the Soul"? The same problem is with the Woke agenda at Univercities, who don't do it out of malice or spite -- although I have to agree with Jordan Peterson, on this point, whats the difference in terms, then it looks like a duck; walks like a duck and quacks like a duck -- what else could it be!! The reason, that the Woke tell themselves and are indoctrinated that way -- having the Gospel of Woke if you will, that leaving it would feel like Apostacy... if you believe in CRT so much so, that a student becomes a living weapon, if to use a Diablo 3 reference. I'm still surprised and thankful, that so much of that intercourse has seeped into the Templar character and order, highlighting the absolute state of Universities in America, while I understand, it was made to ridicule the church, while failing the same, as the WW2 Hitler time german version of the Movie "Titanic". 

You cannot argue with a person, who has convictions, because convictions are believed upon, and are not the subject to change. Only the convertite can change, which means You, not the convicted Faithful Zealot, who gives you his Way and True Gospel!! That's what I learned, being a fundamentalist Christian, though it might not look that way anymore, due to my views on LGBT community and the Satanists. You cannot have Free Speech and your own Religion, as St. Paul proved with his very life, while being a moral zealot. You eventually loose the very thing, you are sworn to protect and fight for!! 

Free Speech begins, then you let go of your control over the discourse and start it at equal footing. A concept so foreign these days. Because the same forces apply to both sides. If you escalate and try to censor the opposition and subtly undermine and/or gaslight into a patronized state -- the oppressed can reply in kind. That was the reasons, why Jesus taught us to love our enemies. It is easy to love your friends, because one hand washes the other, and thats how corruption begins. By listening or more so, because I hate, what its called "active listening" there you nod your head and give assertive remarks as though you're in the convo, while being somewhere else in your mind -- for that reason, I more want to see, the words executed in your life, not to see the works of the Law, there you do a virtue signal, but not an actual thing, what corresponds with your thoughts and beliefs. For talk is cheap, and virtue signals even cheaper!! 

Free speech is not Free of Chrage or responcibility, its Free of Inquisition; Intolerance and Persecution. The things, what befell the first Democrats, then they tried to give us those rights, risking life and limb, going up against clergy and establishment, still into the Two swords doctrine, where the Church and Court ruled over the peasants, who only needed to obey! 

Free Speech is the instrument, what allows the commoner, who is not into establishment, nor into the party nor into the church nor guild etc. to have a say, without being persecuted for it. In what way then, does a stealing student, who has a differing race question with a Bakery, who just wants to get payd for his business, differ from the Christians, who threw their opponents out of the window, based on believing the wrong confession? 

Whenever you are persecuted, you are in Hell, because your thoughts and says don't matter, in shaping your environment. You are like a helpless child, awaiting mommy and daddy to give you permission to have this or that, if at all... This tyranny of the superminority for the benefit of the elite, must stop; lest our Civilisation will stop much like Rome fell before us. The Problem is, the woke believe, they are the Heathens taking over Rome, not understanding History nor Art, how long of a process it was, for the European tribes to take up power, while the Empire was breathing her last. How much political intercourse between Arianism vs Catholicism and Catholicism vs Orthodoxy there was. How many people there slaughtered over the iota, whether you believed the Holy Spirit came from only the Father (Arians) or both from the Father and the Son (Catholics) defined, if you there dead or alive in the conversation. Much the same way we have the question of Transgender, there some people believe, you are having a genocide, if you reaffirm the natural gender of male and female. Because you cannot have opinions and Free Speech anymore on that topic -- unless it reaffirms your own convictions in your moral superiority and the inferiority in the same sense, as the West looked at Africa, while colonizing it. I like the novel by Tõnjanov "The Tale of Vereštšagin" there a Russian elite soldier decides to become a painter instead, insulting his father in so doing. The book was rather atheistic in nature, because of the time it was written, but the openmindedness was refreshing. It looked at religious violence in the name of assuming power, and I recommend it to be read. 

How to have Free Speech, then the left is colonizing the smothered and selfloathing West? Then it is no longer taught, to respect yourself and your ancestors. The Three Novels of Inka by Anton B. Daniel about the Conkistadors in America, from the perspective of the Highpriestess, married to the dead king and a Spanish soldier banished by the Inquisition for his affairs and having a sus birthmark on his body, what became relevant in the religion of the Inkas. or the Magicians Guild by Canavan, what was well aired as a movie. I liked the statement of Akkarin about training for war, in order to acclaim the Red Mages traits even at times of peace, lest not loose the ability to defend. I don't like to give spoilers, because his reasons are better read than told. The book was very progay, but written so well, I had no problem it from a Christian standpoint. Because the book was written in dialogue, and had a conversation with the reader. Good Luck getting that from the left today!! And I do mean the meme from Taken. You really wanted to root for Sonea, the illegal immigrant, fighting off the evil Wizards behind the forcefield, and getting a stone through, because unbegnowst to her, she was a wizard too! Again, both series are recommended reads, if you love Democracy and Free Speech!! You cannot escape Hell, if your stuck in your own opinion, because you don't really own that opinion. You are like a prince, who believes to be the best boxer in the world, because the King has advised all your friends to loose against you, to not upset you. And looses in the first real battle. Then you open yourself up to wrongthink, is then you reclaim your values, and make them Yours! Then you stop being a child and become an adult, who takes up charge and responcibility not does as told by his betters. 

Democracy and Freedom of Speech is thought upon every time you breathe and make decisions in the mall and on the internet. What you buy and what you sell or throw away, tells more of you, then what you acclaim! Whenever you protect it from arguments, you rather smother and kill it, to make way for a Tyrant, who knows best. Does it matter if that Tyrant has a D behind his name instead of a svastika? Demonising your opponents as Nazis or Witches is the reason why so many people want to be Nazis and Witches, because they cannot agree with the Leftoid and Woke hogwash. The Left and Establishment basically summon their very own demons to be the Champions, who shall defeat and vanquish them. A Party or School of Thought sencoring his opposition, especially in power, has not won, but lost the argument, because now it happens under the counter, there you cannot seethe nor critisize, then the conversation goes amiss. You need Freedom of Speech, so you are protected from people getting the wrong conclusion of your actions and thoughts. Once you disabled it, because you are Righteous and your opponents are Plebs, you deemed yourself the target of the next counter-Revolution!! You have to choose, whether you want acolytes or discourse -- you cant have both, which came clear in the young church as in John vs James, although they there not against each-other, but their followers, not understanding the Teachings of Jesus Christ there. Also the Jewifiers wanting to further their own agenda, not even trying to understand the Gospel. The same way, I don't think the woke even understood, what the values of America and Constitution stand for, because they are too busy building Communism, that everything goes, while living in the 19th century still, then arguments go. That's why it is so easy to compare them with Christian failures in the Church. Its ironic to talk about progress, then the Woke are so stuck in their own thought patterns, you may even call it decadent. What are your thoughts on this matter, because I do love dialogue. Take care and have faith, for the night is young and just beginning, thus the chatter of the birds, going to sleep!


  1. https://youtu.be/i3uz0KQjihk David Hogg is One of the Worst of the Unrepentant Leftoid Grifters

  2. https://youtu.be/PPJBbviQy7k Well Democrat Tulsi Gabbard had this to say about Florida's Parental Rights In Education law!
