Monday, April 4, 2022

The Problem is not Moral Dilemma but Moral Dementia Artificial Stupidity -- Thomas Sowell

Seven Kingdoms of the Earth for a real dilemma -- in an overpoliticized World, where everybody is a swordsman, as in Rashomon, fighting over a Womans body and ownership, not even Love. Our culture has become old, being 2000 years from the birth of Jesus Christ; so old, its demented, not able to grasp all the things, they have gathered and pilthered together. People are not, what they are, but larger than Life, Larping fables and tall stories, not be able to suffer average ordinary mundane Life. Reading tales of Champions have given us confusion, what a Noble is and what a Hero is or even a Prophet or Revlutionary is. Our Swordmanship and Intellect is like Tajumaru, holding your head in the face of the lie, to not loose Honour and Esteem. 

People don't want to own up to anything nor take responcibility, but just avoid consequences. People know, what to think and believe to be Good or Evil, not how to think and verify the whole problem of 2+2... Too many people adapt moral ambivalence, without first adapting any discipline to loose it for the broader view. Because we try to teach our students the last chapers, before they have even learned the basics to understand the Introduction to the first! Truth is not the accurate depiction of what is and what happens, but what stance you are taking on the face of it. Philosophy -- A Preface to Rashomon (Also read the Novel of Akutagawa not only look the movie of Kurosawa) 

One person sees calamity and walks away; the other sees an oportunity to insert his agenda; yet another looses himself and does the right thing, often being ridiculed as the Fool. They evade their fate, like 1408! 1408 Commentary 

He, who is Himself, has no Remorse, nor Regrets for failing his journey however great or small it is... only the Jumpin Jack needs to worry, about his trick failing and people moving on, or the Harlot, worried, that if she grows old, people want no business anymore!! What is your Way, and whos thing does it do? 

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  1. Ukraine Updates: Russia Pulls Back?, Ruble Recovers, New War Crime Allegations, Orban Narrative
