Tuesday, April 26, 2022

The Futility of seeking Wisdom without humility

 The reason, why a true seeker of Wisdom needs to be humble, is not because you should always turn the other cheek, and be a welcome mat to others, but in order to counteract the negative traits of pride and prejudice, what comes after the former. People tend to expect things bestowed upon them, based on their skills; values and logical outcome of known circumstance. Due to that, people have a natural sense of justice, which tends to emotionally obscure understanding things truely. Just because something is right, dost not always mean, you deserve it happen to you every single time. It somewhat makes the cost and value of something higher for no reason. It might seem counterintuitive to undervalue yourself and what you got, but if people constantly verily see, how high yous is, they might be tempted to sabotage it, to make their own look better. The same is true with Wisdom. Trying to directly approach it, will make you have less of it, because you are too busy following the rules, to the point, those become your confinement. Truly wise people many times cheat, in order to get the better of a situation, being detached from worldly and emotional bonds. Its not that those hold no merit, but they can get in the way in judging a matter accurately. A General, who is offended, that his city and troops there attacked on Holyday, will not remain in office for long. You always want to attack your enemies, then its most convenient to you, and least affordable for the defenders. Being offended for suffering wrong, is a weakness natural to peasants and lowlifes. You wouldn't tackle a game of Red Alert the same way, you would view the same mission, then all the troops there your friends and relatives. Because its personal. Nobody seeks Wisdom, because of personal reason, unless hes a fool, but for greater gains. You achieve more feats, the more Selfless you become. There is a reason, why highly emotional people make poor leaders; because they are easily manipulated and goaded into action, what detriments their goals. A Wise person has no face; no colour and no meaning. The problem with that form of nihilism is like with Saruman, who became rainbow coat, thinking he can become all the colours while not taking the responcibility or any of them. You don't detach from meaning, because there is none, but to reaffirm it in a new way. Every time you boast on a moral value, you also must be able to follow it through, more so, you should be able to discern, when it is more useful and meaningful, to relent from a moral value and not express it. In James Bond it was regarded as when to make use of the licence to Kill. Moral values are like swords, sometimes a quill is more useful, than a sword. Having no moral values can be equally menacing and futile. A truely wise person has a healthy balance of value and relent. Humility is like cutting your mind a slack, after a great workout. You don't do that, to shame power or people of power and wealth, but to gain new focus and determination. Its like a wise accountant, who dost spend all your money on one day like a child, then only needs to buy the groceries for that day and do what is for this event. Small and feebleminded people live their lives the same way, they draw maps in videogames. The Biggest map with the most resources and baddest units you can get. This is not how big corporations hire their workers. They want to get the cheapest and moldable possible, so you would be indepted and loyal to them and earn profit!! Try avoiding the urge to state everything and mean ALL. Just as you cannot always fit all the good cards in the same deck, you cannot always possess all the good values. For each good value you need a supporting bad value to back it up. Why is it, that Martial Artist Masters follow the same trope. They live in a secluded village and are mostly xenophobic; arrogant with a short temper and fondness for corporeal punishment. Why is that. How well would they do their thing, if they would play woke teacher, and try to educate EVERYBODY, who has an interest, regardless of ability or moral stance. Its like selling a granade to an infant and hope he grows into a soldier before he uses it. Your attention and education span as a teacher is limited and teaching the wrong person, who might abuse your skills can have futile outcomes for the entire society. That is the reason, why you cannot have equity in education, if you could even have equality. For people are not equally able to make use of their intellect. A person can have 160 IQ points and he uses it like a vault full of Vodka bottles, another uses 100 like John Wick does a pencil!! See the difference. The problem with our society is not lack of Intelligence and Information, but the lack of ability to use it. Our lives have become so safe from consequence, due to the fact than ever lesser people take a keen interest of taking responcibility not only for their actions, but in furthering anything, what could relate to a quest, like which Don Quichote underwent. Having strong moral values is ridiculed while being a soulless selfindulgent twat is celebrated as a rolemodel. Have you ever heard recently somebody sacrifice something, in order to gain something of greater value. No! People are always about immediate selfgratification like drug addicts. We are addicted to our culture and its selfimportantce, not realising that so did Sodom and Gomorra; Babylon or Rome. Eventually you run out of Tomorrows, if there are not enough people to walk the straight and narrow, and if everybody just wants to be a movie star, making up stories but not hard labor. Its time to make the worker and hard labor sexy again, or to perish as a civilisation to give way for a new one!! You can only hold fast to those values, you are willing to die for, not by doing pointless riots on the streets and throwing molotov Coctails, but literally putting your money there your mouth is and living your everyday life according to your values. It is easy to die a martyr, it is hard to stand your ground. The former gets a lot of admiration, the latter a lot of spit and misunderstanding. Because if you stand your ground, you get in the way of people, who might be going the other way. Your value might even be stopping them going that other way!! Having true values can cost your friendship and family to the brink of sanity itself. Choose wisely which values you make your own, because sometimes you cannot undo those choices later on. It is better to have less value useful to you, than die a fool, under a sack full of values, which of none you actually made use of in your life. Be well and live your best You! Know Yourself.

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