Thursday, September 29, 2022

The morality problem on higher progressions of Civilisation

 It has always fascinted me, how to be a moral person; while reading philosophers like Kierkegaard and Nietzsche.writers like Dostojevski and Fowles. Can a highly intelligent person also be a moral person? What does that even mean? Naturally you would assume, that all people want to act right according to a set of rules. The higher the intelligence, the more people should allign by the law. There is only one problem with that assertion. For that, lets make a test, for which you don't need to be very smart. Lets take gaming -- in particular speedruns. What is happening here? The player is beating the game, by going outside of the natural confinements of the narrative and expected storyline of the game in order to solve it sooner, because you don't have to accept the grind and loot narrative. The higher the intelligence, the more a person experiences those 4th wall breaks, there they go outside the box. Morality is in much how to play the game as intended longplay, so you would spend the most time with it, to create revenue for the creator. The speedrunner has already past that stage and is teleporting from A to Z to Alt not go ABC When you're intelligent, you're the Ruler and the Rule, not being Ruled and Determined. The obvious reasons, why Lao Zi wanted to keep peasants dull and stupid -- not out of malice, but because morality will loose its usefulness on higher intellect. You don't commune with your burger in the same way as with another person, although it came from a cow. You just eat it, and don't bat an afterthought. The same problem is with a moral person and an intelligent person. At a certain critical threshold the moral person will become the burger -- not even the cow, but the burger. Processed meat, ready to be used in a distinct way. 

When the Bible was written, meaning then its various books there collected and put together, the average IQ was 80 to 100 while 100 was our 150+ of today. People there unimaginative and couldn't conceive the simplest of abstract motives, for which reason you there'nt supposed to imagine anything in Heaven; on Earth nor Underground in its elements as told in the ten commandments. People are like a current of energy inside a wire. Why would you go the straight and narrow, if you notice the wrap around and you can just short it? The moment you learn to warp your mind to a higher dimension, it will make conceiving your reality in previous dimension impossible, because it falls flat. 

Then people advance higher, they become Radicals, meaning Society and Civilisation will become as useless to them as kindergarden to a child, then he grows up and even go to school or if he finishes it to go to work. We don't have the speedlimit, because cars cannot travel faster than 80mph but because thats the agreed safe speed in this sector. If you have a spaceship, what can face through objects, why would you mind that? You could face through the entire universe lest to speak of the planet or the pesky road with the warning sign and speedlimit. What does it matter to you? 

The same is true about enlightenment. Why does an enlightened man need to prove he is that and share it with others? Why would you tell an infant about your promotion? Or an anthill? What does it give you as being on that stage of life? Isn't that somehow an oxymoron. You claim to be outside of the game, and already beyond that, yet you're still somehow participating and taking care of your reputation and fame. Because there is somewhere a spiritual Celestial Leaderboard and people are taking note?

 Why is it important for sentient alien life to contact us? Or to be even Good Willed? What if they just await out certain level, just like we do with our cattle until we can harvest the goods? Who would judge that as morally wrong, if you cultivate a fungus/bacteria on a planet called earth, and call it humanity, much like we use petri dishes, for research purposes? What if we are the orcs of 40K bred for only one purpose, but the civilisation forgat us or got extinct before the project could be finalized or just ascended higher and didn't need it anymore? 

Our arguments about morality are always one dimensional -- going on the scale left or right. Never even reaching hight (2nd) or depth (3rd) or progression (time; 4th) to judge that something is right or wrong. Do you argue with your waterbottle, while you make it; use it; discard it; recycle it? Why would you do that?!!? Does it matter on a moral level, as a programmer, if you hang Sayori up in your plotline, as happened in DDLC would that make you evil. Would those claims from the NPC level be relevant to you? Would it make you a moral person, if you treated Sayori better, and gave her the happy ending she deserved? You there just telling a story, and Sayori was just a means to that!! Therefore, what is your goal, in pursuing enlightenment/intellect? Why are you a moral being? What does it give you at a certain level of intellect? Its not by chance nor accident,. that the smartest King of Israel -- King Solomon, was not like his father, King David, and eventually abandoned his service to Jahve Sebaot the God of Israel. He was just too smart for that and didn't need God to think!! He was figuratively soo strong with his mind and intellect like Ultra Instinct Songoku can just obliterate the universe, not just kill the planet. That experience kinda ruined my love for the Dragon Ball franchise, then the talk was not about which technique could make how many dents in the fighting arena, but how many tears could be created in the fabric of the universe... It didn't honor anymore the reason, why the story was being told about Songoku going to West and meating adversaries along the road, who become friends and aid in that quest. Why should you care? Did Solomon care, if he payed Master Hiram with Kabuul (name means what is this? Much like Ganguru in Australia) for the erection of the temple, which could not have been made, for the peasants of Israel there too pious and unimaginative. So many things, inside that temple, broke the ten commandments and the law -- yet it was built for the name of Yahweh, who was pleased!! How do you communicate with the normal people, then your mind can wrap 27 cubes in and around their dot? The normal people perhaps being able to grasp the cube in the center... Why would it be relevant to seek those things beyond a certain level! 

Schools also have classes which don't progress beyond a certain level, because the people taking those classes change, but the school and the nature of those classes does not. Would you even need humanity, then you're ascended? Which Twix do you like, the left or the right? Silence is golden and life is a fightclub. 

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