How Anti-Racism is hurting Black America
The point about woke racism, where you differenciate the world into Racists and victims is, there is no way out. There is a reason, in the Bible, why there are so little passages about the Devil -- because Christians and Jews are meant to follow God, rather than follow the devil. Just like in social media -- hate-clicks and views are still clicks and views!! The more you deal with something, the more that something, can glimpse into your soul. Dealing with Racism nonstop, makes you unable to deal with compassion or empathy, because you are like Jason Bourne, constantly scanning your surroundings for something amiss. Those, who seek, shall find; those who knock shall enter... We should be proactive and seek positive things, not things, what differenciate and alienate us.
Woke Racism also disgusses about radical inclusivity. A Rabbit cannot be a good woodpecker while a fish dost run well on the track. Only a pint of living goo can be equally good in all facvulties. Its the favourite example of MBTI evaluation tests, then discerning spiritual gifts, which can also be brought too far. Then an attribute becomes too selfimportant, it starts to foreshadow everything else; its like having one leg, what is more advanced than the other -- try to walk straight with that; or one arm -- try to work ambidexterous chores with that!! Thenever the left or the right is favoured, both loose, because, what you gain in one faculty you loose in the other and the logistics between them both. You cannot hear colours and see taste, unless your brain is wired differently and you have a special condition. Wanting to ordain, that all people should have this allocation is at best naive at worse malicious wanton brainwashing. Things work the best, then they are treated inside their own compounds. Woke Racism cannot do that, because you are constantly aware and fighting the Primordial Dragon. In order to hav true awareness on things, you need to assess it the same as with plowing your field or the day-night cicle. You can only be aware one term, after which you have to get space, to contemplate about the information, you have diggested during awareness. Due to our information worship, we have to binge so much data, its kinda hard. We should not only have a Sabbath day from work, but from information -- but try to rely that in todays world, there social media is paramount. The more you engulf in information, the less value it bestows in your spirit. Less is more!! Woke Racism is like a picture with too much contrast -- both the main event and the surroundings are equally highlighted, as though you are watching on it, then you are not. A great picture, has one focus and everything else is highlighting that, letting the surroundings have less contrast and detail. Otherwise you would drown in the white noise. You cannot arteficially represent people, by assuming default abuse, because it is nondemocratic and brings us back to Feudalism, but its also cynical, because the Woke Racist is not represented in accordance of the same rules and guidelines. The Inquisitor/Comissar is excempt from contempt and persecution, while the suspect eternally remains the witch. Woke Racism deems the nesecity of Witch-hunting. That makes it Evil. The less you inquire about the true value of your surroundings and your next, the better life you have -- for that reason, was Israel not allowed to account all his men, in times of peace, in order to know, how much you can tax; to make sure, you would be moderate in taxation. What you don't know, lets the people breathe!! Wanting to constantly know, what the people think and do, is what kills our social cohesion and why there cant be Communism nor a Woke Utopia. Why should people trust themselves unto you, if you constantly mistrust by wanting to know Everything!! Willingness cannot be trained, because we're not dogs nor pigs. If you're treated like those animals, you'll loose your soul as a Man. We should focus our lives in doing our thing, not chasing after dragons; fairies and demons. For you are, what you eat; you eat your deeds and thoughts and statements!! Halleluyah! Have a nice day <3 ^^ UWU Russians used a chemical weapon in Mariuopol