Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Enter the Den of Ravens

 https://youtu.be/Zl7h7fOSsPE Jordan Peterson -- Are Deep Thinkers more lonely? 

https://youtu.be/_FIVrsKCXM8 Jordan Peterson -- Comfort will Kill your Soul 

https://www.google.com/search?q=Michelangelo%27s+Pieta&sxsrf=APq-WBvxJP6aSCN1cuDozUweiJDjO6x3zw:1646735673064&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&vet=1&fir=PebXua2giKnOVM%252CAEKDyZ7PjNCQlM%252C_%253BvMs1cz4zAG625M%252CsU2WxnBZ9MyiHM%252C_%253B6jum1PzQeN7J4M%252CxiC9HCzYf8IpJM%252C_%253BK8eRm-0J1JeCwM%252Cg2VzzLfjP015BM%252C_%253B9HeTz-iDqOgm0M%252Ci29-5fcLB88ETM%252C_%253BA6UM2Kph7fFJ7M%252CMd4RSN-ZUaCvrM%252C_%253B9vp3tORSqI_MkM%252Cfc4pl52zlEBcqM%252C_%253B5UrDJYDSeFvf5M%252CgGgigelNfKk2DM%252C_%253BhOsDPE_jTauEnM%252Cm5qjolSUSYMkLM%252C_%253BbDV2fnYGu_vWtM%252CAVA9MwDWh866eM%252C_%253BMEFBR0XNm5WuXM%252CevWtgX57Beut5M%252C_%253BFTXeDf1WYwtUZM%252CpNM5Fl71aGKqUM%252C_&usg=AI4_-kRpXxFB2h29_0x0W7HxddDc-ma2Fw&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi4tNO2qLb2AhUmiYsKHW7qDkIQ9QF6BAgJEAE&biw=1366&bih=625&dpr=1#imgrc=vMs1cz4zAG625M Michelangelos Pieta 

https://youtu.be/aJ4q-TgR75E Haruhi Suzumiya The Melanchoy

https://youtu.be/5O9dZF2q6R8 Haruhi Suzumiya She's just Oblivious 

https://youtu.be/49tpIMDy9BE Shatter Me Feat.  Lindsey Stirling  

https://gatherer.wizards.com/pages/card/details.aspx?multiverseid=78585 Bounteous Kirin 

https://gatherer.wizards.com/pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=457301 Bedevil

You wanna burn the offerings and altars, to show the heathens Gods Thunder? 

Know this, little Eliyah, do get exiled by Jezebel for the den of Ravens awaits!! 

No Power nor Principality shall slumber in a soul, who still suckles and blunders 

at the Tits of Rome! You're strong enough to take responcibility unhindered. 

Enter the Den of Ravens and fight your demons and dosts to sift through baits; 

smelting out the true Silver, from which just aint, don't punch your ticket late -- 

being held fast in the Armouries like King Saul aint cool on reference Timber. 

Learn to loose your face and save the ones of God and His People, Whiteraven; 

criticism earned from those who praised the false prophets is a blessing granted! 

Beware of too much honey and wormwood, use temperance in every craving -- 

for crayons in Homers head have turned many a Holy Fool but not freed slaving!! 

There's always poor and enslaved amongst you to test the mettle disenchanted; 

meek and fragil in the mind, believing everything what the lords say undaunted!! 

You chose God, not the Love of this World. Enter the Den of Ravens - pray Em.

You are your own Fame and Fortune, the Haruhi Suzumiya, the Tanya von Evil; 

the cheerleader and pink slip of God! Loose yourself, find your happy thought. 

Worship your calamities despair and die beyond all Good and Evil plebs grieving; 

shatter your Self, become the Bounteous Kirin to give Life to others, relieving 

then from nightmares-demons, thy chosen food, be it dread for naught!! 

The DeathEater, who shall spite the gloom and doom for a Happy Ending account.

No token resistance, False Idol shall stand your ground nor Baba Yaga's Bedevil!!


  1. https://youtu.be/uXQLma0dVvU Ukraine: Russia Threatens to Shut Off Gas, Tiktok Bans Uploads, Biden Blames Russia for Economy

  2. https://youtu.be/YRSDmp9KCwY ~[AMV] - Move Your Body~ :P

  3. https://youtu.be/aT1Xq4df8tw Eminem - Friday Night Cypher (Freestyle) [2022]

  4. https://youtu.be/0umrUmgkAAc Bleach | AMV | Recover
