This must be you, Joe Biden, I can smell you, Rat, who sent me this link, to go as a volunteer to Ukraine or donate money. How do I know? Because you didn't send me that link, then there was still possible to get a russian bullet for it. That's how I know. Also, I do know, how Jeallous is my lord Jesus Christ, how hard it was to entice Him even that far, He allowed me to write those things for Ukraine. If I would be so stupid and bold, to go to Ukraine, without disclosing it to lord Jesus Christ, God Himself would nuke them, out of Jellousy >///////< Because of that, it can't come from God nor from a good person, who wants good things to Ukraine. Not to mention the fact, that my Google wallet and debit card still have no SWIFT access making me unable to finish my transaction of 20$ to President Donald Trump while having 200 EUROS on that account!! How Dare You!! :o
The only destinations, I have disclosed with Lord Jesus Christ, there I wanna go, lest God Nukes them out of Jeslousy for not wanting to share me around are. 1. America (Because of wanting to see Wounded Knee and support Donald Trump, for I havent forgotten about Bill Clintons Lip-service to God he did with Monika Levinsky, since which time I have been an Anti-Dem) 2. Japan (Aokigahara Forest is good for writing haikus to atone for all the Ouiya board bullshit videos on YouTube) and 3 China (Which I rather not do, necause I have felt the pull, since I studied theology, and every spiritual person knows, there is no going back from such a commitment. China really needs Christians and is Priority 1 in Heaven. Had I chosen that route, there would be no Ukraine now China is like Babylon and Nebuchadnezzar! I take such shit seriously... :$
So Have a nice day, I will beoome for now a dish-washer and kitchen helpee as scheduled in Estonia, because that I have also disclosed with Lord Jesus Christ, but you don't get to choose, what Whiteraven does next. You could be so nice and croak, to let Donald Trump take over, pretty please. OwO Although, the longer you stay in office, the more damaging it is to your handlers and your son and the Donkey Party, Soon you will be that Roman meme of a Man with a Donkey head Crucified, so I don't mind, that you're still in office... UWU <3 Kill some more time and reputation for me, and take Kamala Harris down with you, will you, Joe Biden. Have a nice day and the rest of your office POTUS Joe Biden! State of the Union <3
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