Before you start reading, I have to give you a *TRIGGER WARNING* because as the title suggest, we shall learn, how to destroy and disintegrate ^^ Yourself UWU Its an advanced class of Nihilism, not sure if its 201 or 307 -- not very good with those numbers. If somebody is, you can comment, and I will correct the number, if it seems along the line. X^D
So Anyway, what is the biggest reason, why Christians fail in serving Jesus Christ and living up to the slogan "Jesus Saves!" if you're still starting as a Christian, please go back to the kiddy section, this is grown-ups talking, and refer to your youth-pastor for everything, before you implement or read stuff in this blog. We don't want you to get poisoned, because something spicy you ate... <3
Let me tell you something, always admit, like in Martial arts training, then something hurts or you don't understand, because contrary to your bones, spiritual wounds seldom heal that well and loss of soul don't regenerate sometimes at all. The most alienation and failure, because pupils don't dare to admit, they didn't get it, what the fuck was Whiteraven talking about. I cannot elaborate, if you don't askew. There are no stupid questions, there is only stupid pride and prejudice, assuming, I don't like your question. Lord Jesus Christ lets me always ask any question I like X^D Well because I never try to hide any of my thoughts patterns, but anyway, do ask me questions, because I don't live forever. You'll regret it later, if I'm not around anymore. :P Physical bodies have a tendency of giving up, just like drives you overclock too much. I can't keep all the information inside indefinitely. I already experience gaps in my logic and sight, there things just disappear from my sensory array, and I have to askew others to point, otherwise I cannot find those things anymore. Probably due to burnout in Security work. Its a good thing, I was offered a different job, to detox. Its annoying if you cannot see as Security, if you work with cameras, and have to see!!
So anyway, you need to destroy your understanding and perception of Self. Its in the section, then in anime, the teacher tells the pupil, that he needs to forget everything he learned from the previous job, because now, he needs to do things a new way. The reason, why Christians fail being a Christian, is because their Self image.ini file in the subcon folder is corrupted. It holds too many aspirations and thought patterns, how to do the works properly. For Instance, I could play Diablo 2 but I don't, although I deem it better than Diablo 3 because I watched too many walkthroughs and playhows, and now I can't see the game and enjoy it fairly, because I try to play it in a style, what is totally not me. I don't have that problem with Diablo 3 because I didn't bother to watch any such material, so I could enjoy it at my own pace. But now Diablo 2 is just sitting there, until I detox from all those bad advice. Because they don't play, like I should be playing it. :(( The same problem is with being a Christian. Forget about Franciscus Assisi; Martin Luther or other giants of Heaven -- You want a Ship with Lord Jesus Christ!! Don't even read their worthy lives, it can help, but mostly it is a detriment. I was in my class the very best in confessional -- so Awesome-Sauce that my peers had to constantly scold me, lest I snuff out the candles of the younger Christians, who just came there, because they there still grinding for the first runewords, while I was walking around with epic Gear Hammerdin and Max Conviction Aura literally killing the room, the moment I stepped in. It felt really creepy-exilirating, but most of the others didn't appreciate it that much. You only love holymen and Holy Fools very very far, preferably if they are dead and cannot show off. Learn to delete your aura and presence, lest you harm others, who are not so far and beyond as you. The less you speak about your exploits the betters. ^^
You don't become Christian because of Yourself! You become Christian, because Lord Jesus Christ started looking for you, in much of the intention of John 6:65 if its not preordained by God, you shall not find God! Its like trying to access a private network, without getting the private access-key, then you attended for the job. Good luck hacking it, if you think yourself worthy and up to it. It is true that some blackhats get redeemed, but 9/10 go to Hell. If you're up for the game, go for it.
Wormwood and Vinegar. "Watch the Dialogue of Shukaku talking to Naruto Uzumaki, then Gaara went to his kendo sleep" You must hate yourself -- that's what it means in this negative context to love only yourself! Alienate yourself from your family and lovedones, because they are your enemies. Because they mean well. What does meaning well mean? They restrain anything, what is not normative!! Prophecy and Prophetic voice -- even if you just wanna write poetry is next to impossible, because people will immediately start to censor you. 1. Either your from is not right; 2. Your discipline is not right 3. your politics is not right (Because your family wants you to be successful, not talking to God, perhaps He has other plans) 4. your sanity is not right. (Because mental strength is like wavelength and a colour -- if your God wants, He can change it. If you allow it of course and have such a deep relationship. Mostly people dont. Lord Jesus Christ is so sad, that Christians don't love him at all. :(( TwT I don't know how to console Him... Nobody wants to give Him any priority in their lives, Its lucky, people show up at sundays and don't watch Netflix in their heads, while listening to the Sermon. Unironically... :o For that reason, I don't like to talk to Christians, they are so fake. Most of their thougths are like that meme about a guy being out on a date with his gf and dogwhistling some hot chick running by. If any of my thougths dare to do that, while I am in church, I whip them really hard.
I started to hangout at CoffeeIn and buy Coffee My favourite blend is Espresso Cacao Extra Shot Extra Cup, although I have an issue with that, because my overthinking kills the mood and dost let me enjoy most of such interactions. But due to the servicing being so awesome -- I mean, OMG ^^ <3 <3 <3 UWU There did they find those 3 Baristas, who walk around like Valkyries on steroids. I could rewind my watch on those metronomes!! No useless motions at all. They do your coffee so fast, and the leaf... ohhhh >////////< and the taste!! I have a weakness towards professional female workers. I wish I could treat my job with the same fervor and respect they possess... :$ This is How True Christians should be, then Talking to Lord Jesus Christ. If Christians would treat their faith with the same diligence as those Baristas, we would take over the World! ^^ Its like Watching Tanya Degurechaff; Juvia Lockser and Erza Scarlet effortlesly take your orders and deliver. UWU I will move mountains for those workers in Heaven, to make their names shine Silver and Golden in the Book of Life. Perhaps I should put more Frankincense (Olibanum) on the Holy Fire and on their lamps, hope they have loads and loads of customers. <3 ^^ UWU As it is said before in the Bible Pro 22:29 "Do you see a Man skilled in his work? He will be stationed in the Presence of the Kings. He'll not be standing before obscure men." They should be owning branches of this franchize!! In due time, but I can see the spark already.
Loose yourself in the work, and don't compliment yourself for doing it! The more you compliment yourself, for doing your work well, the more you detriment yourself. What will happen, then you one day for some reason fail to do your job well? Will you give up, because no more success! Halleluyah? Make working for yourself as casual and mundane as breathing. You don't compliment yourself for breathing, do you now! Throw out all the thought and contemplation, which seems to console or reward you, for doing well. It may sound insane, but it is for your own good. The first burnout I experienced, was then due to my practical studies, I had to attend in a Social work in a soup kitchen for the hobos. And I had a really serious talk with one of those Platnoy female hobos, who had a sinister reputation of chewing the workers out, if they dares to cross her. Somehow I survived. She just laughed at me, then I told in my Baizuo way, that I came to see the regulars, I will be serving then I become a Pastor. I never heard a more sonorous and cheerful laughter, like a little child would have heard the best funniest joke in her life. And I was talking about my genuine want! Because she couldn't take me seriously, because my presence was too obvious. I was nobody on the streets!! I just failed, but at least I amused her for the time being and entertained her day on that moment. :$ :o >//////<
If you reward yourself with all the things you did well, you just prepare yourself to fail, the next time, you meet with Reality! Rest assured, most people don't have it as well as you. If you had education, like reading and writing and your Mother and Father loved each-other as is in the 8 mile video about Eminem, then you have more than most people got. (While my mother was divorced, my grandparents there more than up to par to substitute) Stop drowning yourself with positive thinking. Embrace negative thinking, because you have to be intune with Depression; Anxiety etc. The stuff teens combat every day. If you don't talk that language, it dost not matter, what's your IQ; PQ or IMPT -- because you shall fail, because you have no sins nor vices and calamities. Learn to destroy yourself, to rather see the others than yourself!! You thought should always be about how to aid others and get them to Heaven, not what about yourself. You're the Navy Seal or Fire Fighter of Faith, you don't work for your White House and Picket Fence. You work for the Society and God. You're exactly there God wants you to be, not You!! You shall learn skills, what God wants you to learn, not You!! Christianity is about absolute selfloathing and abolition. Don't call Lord Jesus Christ, if you wanna halfass it. There is no 9-5 and pension plan with God. Either you're in or you're out!! And after you die, We got moore work for you!! UWU <3 :P X^D If your personal life dost not suffer, for being Christian, I don't believe, you're serving the same God. I constantly have fights with my Mom, due to being on edge and wanting my Spiritual way. You can't have this faith, if you await for your pastor to do the right thing and give you the right answer. You are the right answer, what God wrote on the Earth, as Pharisees wanted to legalrape a Harlot, while not delivering the man to justice!! Never look at the condemned, but the ones who get excused, flavouring the condemnation. Because if the Ukrainian 20th place doper gets scolded but the Russian top player gets excused, what does it say about the Olympic integrity and how little you have to care about them! If there can't be the same reason, because of tanks on the border. Do we really have honesty and integrity and the Olympic Games? You could have in matters of faith the same conundrum. Always speak your thoughts and mean what you say. Because your words are your weights and at Judgment day you shall account every single word, how it was tempered, and why did you not bare witness to The Sermon of the Mount and there ashamed of Lord Jesus Christ. It is better to be a pagan and admitting you love only bits of the bible, than to claim servitude and love, and then be a casual player. Why should people get psyched on your mundane, then they can fuck it SSS then talking their favourite games? Let that sink in, and rethink your reasons, why you're a Christian. Is it the career prospects or the Quality Time with God -- Do you even know, what First Love means, to a Christian!!
Do People see your love, like with Samwell Tarly, while being in the nightwatch. I love this guy, having the right attitude. He would do great deeds for Lord Jesus Christ. I would give my life in battle, then this guy is fighting next to me. Not so mucb for Jon Snow, being the overhyped main character, not like in the book. They never can implement the darkness and despair of being a bastard... I would know. :o Being an outcast is not cool to cast on the cinemas, because just like the Passion of the Christ made the faint of heart puke and faint, while watching, so too must be the Chrsitan servant, outside of life. Whatever the future holds, its not for You; whatever is the promise for the Christians -- its not for You, but for the layman!! If you love God, you hate Yourself. The less You have Yourself, the moore God fits inside you, and all the other people you need to reach. You can see your duties better, then you neglect yourself. But in order to neglect yourself, you first have to find and know yourself -- and then cast it down the abyss, before it can glimpse aback too much and make you nostalgic!! ^^ Class dismissed. Legends know Nihilism, to make way for True Faith, not excuse their cowardice! <3
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