Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Lets talk about L In defence of The Quartering The Anti SJW SJW Lets talk about sex

I always hate to get in between other peoples fights. That's what forced me to change my Security compnay 2 years ago... no 4 years ago... I think, because I did it twice... :(( But I really hate it, then somebody targets my Senpai... :o The only crudge I still have, who looks like my good side, so I wont totally Voldemort. So it is L time for Whiteraven again. Let us see which L it will be this time -- Lottery; Lawsuit or Las Vegas! I don't even like The Quartering, because it devastated me, then he stopped airing MTG content, what I really needed. It allowed me to vent, and then I had that option, I didn't blow my stack so often in my real life. Now I don't play it anymore, because of Political bullshit but that's neither here nor there. So lets see your beef with The Quartering from my vested intrest. 

0:10 You start with an ad hominem attack, because The Quarterings neck beard is bigger.... jeallous much... I'm still looking for the punchline (Robert De Niro vs The Joker) Oh there is none, Goofy I see  ^^ Btw a friendly advice, there is only one The Quartering around, so you might wanna not use his real name, because people allready know, unless that was for doxxing reasons. (Die Hard4 Only talk about firesale, then you dealt it!!) 

0:22 This is bad, how? Are you saying that people should be in a hivemind and not be against something but only for everything? How do you even see that happen? The reason, why YouTube became so famous, was roast Videos. Or as I like to call it, for being a former Theology student, "Catholic goes to the pulpit -- tells to the Protestant village -- You're going to Hell, if you dost Repent -- Steps down; Then Protestant gets his turn -- gets onto the pulpit and tells the Catholic village -- Youre going to Hell, if you dost Repent -- later they have dinner together like friends, like nothing ever happened" This is good because, before Democracy One side tossed the other out of the window or burned for singing the wrong songs to God. And now you have a problem with safe roasting, because you want it to be on? I will assume, why people hate the SJW. Could it be, that they doxx people, while hiding behind Mommy YouTube's back to show their Fuck You's then people come to give them a piece of their own mind and taste of their own medicine? It is always a good thing, then people can vent their such energy, before they go postal. Its not that we can tugofwar -- its tugofpeace now!! Or have a Family Feud kind of reality show between both sides, because the Woke would faint and spam absjurr (The nono square sign, to not be tagged and not really take part in the game; frustrating the bully, who has to run for nothing and pick another valid target.) Why is it, that every single time, you people face criticism, instead of addressing that criticism you start talking about your mental illness or something else like that. Is that there to insinuate that the topic was about your such ailment, and the Quartering missed to pay homage to your Eldridge God or something?! We will get to the Nazi flag meats Jewish cross later, to explain more furally how regular people feel, then you summon Holocaust. How about understanding, why the Guartering had a roast, before you start gaslighting, because that's how it feels, then you don't address the point at all. Did you ask The Quartering, why he thinks, the SJW ruin MTG before you judged him from your high horse, while complaining about no research on the Quarterings behalf. I take it, I will see a lot of research in this video, with a lot of links and quotes? OwO 

0:32 Please open your dictionary at *Sarcasm and Irony* I just can't... you really had to go there and wanna wonga, huh? There's your R2D2 and C3PO to pay for your flaunting event? Because you wanna save The Carbonite Man!! Look how stunning and brave you are, as you save the Carbonite Man... 

0:42 Again, people have different opinions -- for instance, some people think, demanding for a mask is essential politeness, while others think, its invading their private and moral space. I also have to wear a mask and took my three shots, for working as a Security guard in a Lunatic Ward. Nobody asked my opinion, because I was dutybound to do thus, although, otherwise, if I had a different job, I would be an antiwaxxer, because my grandparents are already dead and if I could afford my own appartment, it would be the case. But because I have to live by Mom, for the Mortgage and real-estate prices are ravenous in Tartu. Its like we're made of money for them. So I chose to forget about my values, STFU and serve. Or else my Mom could loose her job and her boyfriend, who works at school. Not all of us can afford their values, how about you. What did you gain or loose due to mask mandates? :o 

1:27 Considering you accused the Quartering of being lazy a moment ago, its really rich to complain, that you have to fact check the alleged claims, or that the school denied it. Are you one of those, who thinks, that News Media never lies and trust the Establshment, while at the other hand supporting the BLM who burns the said establishment... I  mean their competitions. Because big corpos got insurance and can afford it, but Mom and Pops stores stay closed, if they get BurnLootMurdered. You people had no problem fact checking EVERYTHING what Donald Trump said on Twitter, so don't tell me anything of you being fair and balanced, as long he is out of the conversation for being an "actual nazi"!! Why should the right even bother conversing with you? I cant... I'm not even on the right, but a Christian Nietzschean Communist, and there ever I choose to be on the compass, judging from the workers state in the social environment. Right now, it is safe to support the Right wing and Donald Trump. Because this is a proworker move. UWU There are no such supports offered by Brandon and the Left, especially after the FREE crack pipes. How many libraries and books Harlem and Bronx could have got for this money? Its like they don't want any Malcolm-X nor Martin Luther King Jr. nor Sowell, or else to emerge there and make life easier and not so disgruntled, they might vote nondemocrat. 

1:45 Context? There are you? Homer Simpson looking for taste then having a salty cracker.. Is it wrong to monetize and look for support, then its britally obvious that YouTube takes sides and favours the corpos, who previously tried to cancel him, but I guess memory is fishy. YouTube don't remember anymore, like Saruman, who created the Uruk Hai and got watered by the Treants. I'm still awaiting your inclusivity. Also how do you know, it was half. Receipts please!!

2:09 Because people are not allowed to be wrong and make mistakes with their arguments?! Do you never make mistakes, then you're having an argument? Wow, I didn't know. There goes the saying, that the intellect level of a Man is correlated of how many mistakes in himself he can find, before he starts judging others, or in plain "Remove the log from your eye, to see the splinter in thine neighours" How about them potatoes? Lets see the claim, what upset the Quartering: "I don't see myself casting a white dude as the lead." Oh so stunning and brave, dunking on the White people, who can't fight back, because they got privilege and establishment. Let's stick it to them and punch up, because its so much fun... Lets change this sentence and you tell me, what would have happened to Jordan Peele, if he had said: "I don't see myself casting Peter Tinclage as a lead!" not even that he is a dwarf, but the possibility, you might have a problem with it. or "I don't see myself casting Amber Heard as lead." Try not to say holdup SSS level challenge indeed. Compared to that The Quarterings comparison was tame and didn't fail at all. He just didn't have a dunk on Peele, because he has to make content and monetize it. Later he perhaps wanted to invite Peele for superchats, as is the common courtesy. Why care, if you can emotionally blast Karyo no Hoko (Firedragons Roar) to impress the 14 to 19 year olds, because if somebody does that, he must be morally right, otherwise something must go wrong and the plot armor should fizzle it... oh wait. We don't live in an Isekai. X^D Compared to Angry Joe, The Quartering is very settled, and you havent even seen me blow my stack Yosemite Sam style in real life... ^^ If you cannot suffer The Quartering, I wonder what you think of me, if I have a yandere date with you, for disrespecting my Senpai? "Don't worry, we're still friends!" Orochimaru smiling to Kabuto after grunting that he is not stronger than Kakashi) Also why should the child edit out, that he exclaimed: "The Emperor hath no clothes?" Oh right, because those clothes there so stunning and brave, if you can't see it, you're either bigotted or a racist! I see UWU Frankly, I can't see those clothes either <3 

2:47 Walking-Talking Hipocrat? Where? Vanga The Blind Seers dad answering to the Ortodox Priests Witch Hunting "There's my sin? In my Pocket? I can't find it, please point that out!, my must be blind!" 

Again, please give receipts, why you think that way, because you didn't even have your case before dropping the mike and resting it... :S 

2:54 "Jeremy doesn't give a shit about morals, so why should I!" Slippery slope, have you psychic Powers to see inside The Quartering? Even if you there right about Quartering, not giving shit, it is not an excuse for you to give no fucks. Especially coming from your holier than thou Moral High-ground. Are you sure you sliced Anakin Skywalker in two or did Obi wan sllice Darth Maul instead? If somebody breaks the law or does something you dost approve, does that really legitimate you doing the same? Tit for Tat Mr. 6 year old. Grow up already!! :o 

3:00 Jeremy likes Cartoons!! First of all, its very brave to admit that, because it wasn't too long ago, then this could have cancelled you, and made you become a shut in, just like playing D&D because nobody knew that there wa money and fame there. Until people, like The Quartering themselves made it popular. And you, a hyena, is ripping on the spoils, while faking emotional investment, you don't possess for the memes, being a Pharisee, who makes his prayer cords really long for all to see and his worthy prayers on crossroads highly visible. I see only that quote in the bible, then you talk, so go ahead and entertain me. You're just an entertainer not a preacher!! UWU Get a life. 

Seconds, Cartoons are not Anime nor Hentai, because there is a clearcut distinction and you not pointing that out, while having a rant about the Quartering being lazy and not doing his due diligence... looked into the mirror much? X^D (btw. how do you know, he like more than others, who gave you the metrics? Could you share em please? OwO) 

3:24 Girly SheRa 4:15 Boy SheRa Oh whats that, because there is a difference between breast size, its because of that. Gaslighting much. Also, who died and let you watch a womans bosom without her permission, I only look at her face and eyes!! Woof Its the yaw line and body posture and eyes, what makes her look like a boy. Take the male paladin from Diablo 3 it is almost the same face!! OMG The sheer arrogance to claim, you don't get the criticism. You probably also scream "Where are her organs!" every time an artist makes a sexy art while taking pictures of skimpily clad female cosplayers. About that later on, then the Holocaust victim comes. 

 5:00 Admitting not liking your sisters favourite show first but warming up to it, is not ignorance nor hypocracy but brotherly love. Because you give her a social hug. It is very fair and chad. I also didn't like Harry Potter at first because I identified with Tom Marvolo Riddle and Harry Potter was too close to home, but because it was the book, what made my little mentally handicapped brother read, and not just comix, while I mostly ripped him a new asshole, for getting bible quotes wrong or bothering whenether I tried to meditate, and got scholded by Mom for this. Even I warmed up to Harry Potter and forgave J. K. Rowling her wokeness, what was already perceivable through the characters of Skeeter; Ron Weasly;Professor Umbridge; Hagrid the halfgiant; Dumbeldore; Grindelwald; Gilderoy Lockheart; Trelawney; Luna Lovegood. Especially Draco Malfoy and his Dad; Hermione and Ginny... It was brutally obvious, how hipocritical it is to love Hufflepuffian values in a world, which swears on the other three. Unironically. I would be in Slytherin, so take it for whats worth. I think Tolkien and Silmarillion or Lord of the Rings are better, due to Elwish being very close to Estonian, my native tongue. But since my family is very literate, this was my little brothers chance to do something, what made him Goat, then previously he was in my shadow, and I was happy of letting him shine, for him being a Sun sign and me being a Moon sign, but who cares about those things X^D

5:20 The jokes on you. Heteros do love Lesbians, while not becoming gay! Everybody knows that. It is also a banter, just like calling somebody nigger, because you know where his from and you have shared the streets, to acknowledge, that he had it as tough as somebody from Harlem or Bronx. Why do you have so much problems for the Quartering carrying the proverbial maiden over the pond, that you askew about his true feelings, and did  he or not fuck her in his heart? Why are you still touching those lesbians in your mind?! Should I assume a kink here, not that Id judge ofcourse ^^ You can see mine in this blog and the other called Kaarnakivi. 

5:49 Somebody can't say no to SheRas tits, I guess O_o Rolling Rowling Trolling, keep those eyes there scrolling...yeehaa UWU 

6:05 What else is there to talk about, than wokeness, then videos about politics and the fun stufff get demonitized? I mean somebody even deleted MxR  plays because they made a "mistake" because of "sexual content" what was really "haRRRassment" while not even telling the victim personally, what they are quilty off. So what should the Quartering talk about, in such context, there you don't even know the next day, how the ToS changes or is used on you? 

6:46 How would you like, then all the Christian Confessions got their own alt in a Videogame? Yeah, thatäs what I thought. But the Quartering should love right away and get psyched then a game is dropped with no rights to have a lip, how he liked it. Nobody is forcing you to give the Quartering an open air mike on your channel. You can just fuck this shit and tune out, but you want to be outraged, so people could see, how stunning and brave you are calling The Quartering with 1.19M viewers against your 86.7K followers. Very David meets Goliath indeed ^^ There's the danger btw. Why don't you come to my Den and pick on me? I double dare you. Just look up "Tenkei ryouken kamikage joushitenjo -- the silent footsteps of the shadow of the Lord and Kaarnakivi and lets see how you fare against a Christian Hentai book and spicy satirical Christian poetry corresponding the Philosophies of Kierkegaard and Nietzsche!! UWU I don't excpect you to bite, because I can't find your worthy name anywhere on the list of people, who I should respect and not touch... 

7:03 The one trick pony is at the titties once again X^D Change the broken record you droning cyborg. :o We get it, you don't like The Quartering not liking the new SheRa and openly stating it, because only the official take is allowed!! Don't make it any more obvious UWU 

7:16 So people cant criticize paywalls then they themselves use paywalls. Should Christians, who talk about Mammon being the root of Evil not use Money then? Interesting take there? How are you monetizing your own channel again? OwO 

7:54 Because the Quartering is not allowed to like anything in the žanr because he dared to criticize it? Are you mental? Again, this is banter, and there is nothing wrong for a married straight white male to love lesbians, as long he doesn't do it in real life, because then it would be adultery. He is merely supporting it. What should the Quartering do -- openly hate the lesbians, because you can't find a way to reason his critiques off, and are too lazy, so you rant about it?? Grow up already and leave your tantrums at home. Noone cares! <3 UWU Also he is using the woke language to have an irony and sarcasm moment for satire sake. "Even the cat is allowed to gaze at the emperor." as the saying goes. 

Is SheRa, because The Quartering dared to critique it, more out of this World, that he cannot like lesbians through banter, to get a pass in your judging eyes than an emperor? I didn't know OwO

7:51 I didn't know of a Prudish Puritan Rule, what prevents The Quartering to watch porn... Is he in a denomination or in the army. Especially Salvation army, that you're salivating over him, like a shinigami, ready to write his name down? :o 

8:03 Receipts. Show the evidence, that is not conjecture, that the Quartering indeed jerks off. Right now, you can only say: "I assume, the Quartering jerks off to anime, because he likes it so much." This is again an Ad Hominem attack, because you're disparaging his anime taste as something deviant. You havent even seen mine, hotshot. (She Hulk lifting Johnny Storm up grabbing the face) and you're already fainting, bitch please X^D ^^ UWU 

8:22 The Shadowking answering to The Legion about "Deserving the Love." No you're not!! Puts the straight jacket on. You can always block The Quartering on Twitter and make the hurting stop ;)) Or ask YouTube to put you on the KiddyTube, so you could not see his content. But you're the Hyena. Just like with MachineGunKelly vs Emionem you gain clout then you rip on the bigger contentcreator, while he gets nothing answering you. :P (Y) 

8:34 Can you say Ad Hominem attack? Why are you at the Quarterings looks again. Are your feelings so hurt, that SheRa got called a Man? Why is it a thing for you, to obsess about? Will anything change in The Quarterings argument, if he looked like Keanu Reeves? Yeah! That's what I thought. You are the biggot, who got problems, not the Quartering, because ugly white bearded guys cant have takes on your SheRa but hath to shut up and buy!! This attitude is the very reason, corpos cruise around and dilute the rootbeer so to speak, and offer nothing new. Why should they, if you are on their case, whiteknighting and gatekeeping their honour... UWU How many ribbons did the Red Queen throw at you again, for going to mend Humpty Dumpty and all kings men? Because there is nothing more imporant, than that question at hand!! X^D Really now UWU 

8:45 Oh no! The Quartering dost not like Plastic Surgery!! How dare he and knock on muh Feminism and Female Empowerment patronising and mouthcoating on their outrage on their behalf, so they wont have to! Now she cant get laid nor married, because the Quartering had a take on her, and the shadow of Goliath scared the ranks of Israel, indeed. Oh if there would be a 8th son to come for the rescue and slay this giant with his mighty slingshot, while not being able to even wear the kings armor and weapons!! ;)) 

8:55 I don't think that makeup and plastic is attractive, due to being oldschool, so you lost me there, and liking the true smell of a woman. Yeah, I'm weird like that. I also don't shave anywhere and don't use cologne. Want to smell me later, allligator? ;)) X^D Truth be told, I could like that Trans troll face with snotnose and glasses, if they changed their attitude and eyes, and that condescending gaze, because it looks very the old beauty marker of Estonia, as long she can lift a full cauldron of hot water; cook and plow on the field what women in Estonia had to, to be eligible for marriage!! ^^ The man went to war or market business and left the keys and wealth of the family in his waifus loving hands. Because he could have died on the journey, so women had to be like men. If you have this issue, you can always come to Estonia and court an Estonian woman!! ,)) I would worship the dirt under her feet, if she but worked 200+ hours per month at 12h per day in 2 day shifts. I do that with 196 because couldn't cramble more, but I'm trying to improve, ebing born in 1982 and becoming 40 this year, I still got spunk left. ^^ Hardworking is sexy and attractice not beauty, which you cannot put in a stew as the saying goes in Estonia. UWU 

9:09 Ad Hominem Attack btw I'm the Incel here, The Quartering is Married!! X^D

9:11 I'm deeply offended by that claim, take that back. I didn't ask this lady to wear 6 pounds of makeup. I wanna see her Raw!! How Dare you? :o Its also very mui cojones to assume, people wanna see makeup and only look at a woman, because of breeding reasons. Why do you even have this argument, you corrupt conductor, if there is no other approach, but to be the Misagynist Pig from 2 and a Half Men? 

9:22 Is not the coolest dude outwhere? Compared to what?! I wanna see your Cool-Dude-MaticPro9000 to check on that claim. The Metrics of your both channels beg to differ, also to my experience, only the Cool Kids get passive aggressived by the Wokes, for not enabling the downtrodden, because you can't otherwise compete with it. Don't make it any more obvious. Bakugan The Prince fighting the Weazel Ventis Green player while being the Aurelis Yellow player. I hope I got it right, its been a while. and then disappearing him in the portable black hole. You can only attack from above, the moment somebody grounds you with facts, or presses benefit of the doubt, you're crying foul and Mommy YouTubes help against evil Bearded Dudes HaRRRassing thou... ;)) 

9:32 That is again very brave to open up to your fans and showing your true feelings. When was the last time, you did that for your audience, instead of Holier than thowing some bigger content creator for the browny points? Not everything in a marriage is candy and nuts; unicorns and rainbows. I wanna see you do better in your marriage. I'm waiting. UWU

9:49 How is the basement drain the floor, because it can flow away, so it still goes to the sewage... I don't get the controversy in that. I will give The Quartering props, for finding a proactive way, how to deal with his anxiety and frustration over not getting to go to buy pizza with his waifu. Much more productive, than that waifu buchering her husbando for playing fortnite too long and not remembering to come for dinner she made and having a livestream instead, and getting him banned from Fortnite. Because we should deal with marital problems like that, not in a human fashion. Are you even married, to judge and how many years?! 

10:52 I wanna see you taking it lightly, if you're worried about keeping your channels and feeling responcible as the Senpai to other creators. I don't see you doing, what The Quartering is doing. When did you last time called YouTubes bullshit out and risked your channel? Also judging your own take is more Angry Joe than most of The Quarterings stuff, it sounds like pot meets kettle. You had a better argument, having less dogs in the fight. 

11:09 Are you saying, it is funny, that people get their accounts hacked and stolen by fake support offers? Because it is their fault? Or because they dared askew the Quartering for help and not from you?? What the hell is wrong with you!! And then I should have empathy towards your stance, then you condescend on others calamity and not even notice it. Because, the Quartering hurt your waifus oRRRgans!! Have an Aston Martin on this, James Bond as you shake your Vodka-Martini ^^ That made your mommy and granny really proud. Just good on you, mate! <3 UWU (Y) Thank God The Quartering is humble not like Peter Tinclage tossing away the ladder, he used to climb up!! We need more people like that on YouTube, not less. Hell I can't even upload because of my 99 issues, and you just made 100 Congratulations for making the Badge of Honour!! Where should I mail it too? ^^ 

I would even go as far, as call The Quartering The St. Paul of YouTube, calling out the St.Peters, whenever they cancel the Too Greeks on behalf of the more Righteous Christians because of "muh offering meat" controversy!! UWU At least The Quartering dares to call them out. How about you? 

11:51 "Moscow does not believe in Tears" 1980 Go and watch this Soviet classic and then lets talk ;)) 

Showing weakness and vulnerability is ultra instinct Shaggy levels of Sigma Male Chad!! Why is it though, every time Jordan Peterson cries; or David Rittenhouse cries or Kavanaugh Cries, you woke people rejoice and are happy about it? Maybe I got it wrong, then you can correct me and elaborate, why are you so bubbly, talking about The Quartering being drunk! If Noah is drunk in his dent then cother him up, not tell others to do it for you!! There is no honour in shaming the Senpai down. :(( In fact, it kinda gringes on you, that you would find it unworthy, but fail to see yourself in the mirror, doing that, and complaining The Quartering not liking your taste in cartoons and your taste in women. Really tellilng indeed. :(( And you can like what ever the fuck you want, its a free world, but why oh why can't you give the same courtesy to The Quartering?? OwO :o UWU

12:44 Motherfucker X^D Did you really just hit the Drunken and StonedMan down after the George Floyed Insident. Are you really gonna hold your jackboot on The Quarterings neck, while he is whimpering, "i can't breathe!!" The optics man and your balls. God, Is that Uranus or is that Neptune? OwO Or is it just ok, because its the white bearded guy on the right? UWU 

13:22 Victim Jealousy again, because only the woke can call on victimhood. Jewish much, or is victimhood the new Holocaust? (Y) It definiely gives much clout and revenue, depending who gets to hunt those witches... ;)) :((

13:38 The Quartering and Tolarian Academy controvercy is rooted into The Quartering calling a cosplayer, who was the friend of The Tolarian Academy, out for being to skimpily clothed and getting unwanted sexual attention for this and thus The Tolarain Academy trying to cancel The Quartering by claiming, that this criticism was a personal attack and caused mental problems, being the reason of that cospayer quitting. Then the Quartering tried to explain himself the Tolarian doubled down and accused the Quartering of being a Nazi by bringing his Jewish inheritance in, which is a big nono, for how do you argue, if you got Jews with Holocaust on one side!! You would know it, if you paid attention to both The Quarterings and The Tolarian Academies feeds and the corresponding videos breaking their feud down. Truth be told, both sides had a little bit right and maybe the Quartering should not have taken the moral highground, but this kind of responce was also uncalled for and didn't aid in solving the issue. The Quartering was very close to banning, because of the probable Bully the Jews Friend. And that are the dark glasses, why you cannot see past the boobas of SheRa!! UWU Btw I don't remember the Tolarian being called the Nazi, but I do recall the Quartering suffering from that.Because summoning your Jewish roots is Political Violence, because people always want to be on the side of the Jew not on the side of the Nazi!! Had he pulled that in Estonia, he would be as dead, as people flashing the Grindelwald sign in Durmstrang, as told by Victor Krum. The reason is quite obvious, because Estonians, being the bitch and nigger of Europe, thought on ALL sides, thus dying on all sides. So the Holocaust was also Civil War to Estonia, To add insult to injury, many Communist Comissars there Jewish and confiscated without being even able to read Estonian, all the intelligentia libraries in their houses, then they there deported to Gulag, so its a severe dickmove to call anyting WW2 related about being Jewish while forgetting the gypsies and other small minorities who don't get worthy mentioned under Holocaust!! That's why the Quartering freaked out on it... :(( :o :$ Because criticising his waifu friend cosplayer is not equal to sending somebody and killing in a Nazi consentration camp!! :o

14:45 What else is there to do, then somebody went nuclear on you, while still talking to you? :o 

If it was so severe, as he had said, why not taking it to court, to protect the honour of his jewish inheritance. Could it be, due to being under oath there, he would have to transparency check his case and then it could look different, than on YouTube? Besides, every Woke creature under the sun first gaslights about death-threat which are indeed serious matters, if true -- but due to woke people constantly crying wolf, why should I believe... We all know, what happened to Amber Heard vs Johnny Depp. That's the reason, I can't buy your "I was accused to be a Nazi although my Jewish inheritance!!" It's too sus and conviniently there, to block any form of critiscism, just as King Ahab didn't have to care about Naboth not selling his Vineyard, then he was accused for words "Against King and God!" for saying "God forbid, that I sell my inheritance to you!!" Are you also prospecting for Naboths Vineyard, for being adjacent to your veggiegardens?? 

15:12 Mirror mirror on the Wall, Who forgat to looky Yore!! Remember, how you rejoiced, then the Quartering was drunkated? And now you die on exactly this hill?? Conclusion Meneh Meneh Tekel Parsin The writing is on the wall, you hath drank vine from the holy chalices and called upon dead names and found to be light!! 

16:11 Peace Offer X^D To a guy you just recently called out as having bullied The Tolerian Academys Jewish Roots, thus being as bad as the Nazi saluting Dog?? Are you sure, you're allowed to offer peace to a Nazi? Do you even think, before you put things on paper and edit together in a video? OMG That is the very reason, why you don't evoke... so you could have room to walk it back, then things don't go your way... UWU I don't know if to pitty you hybris or hate your gutts. Maybe this song will cheer you up and make you forget about Evil Quartering hurting Yours and SheRas feelings... 

Lets talk about Lex Luthor

Lamborghinis and the Louis Lane's Show; 

Lets talk about All the Duties and Cloudfires, 

What Homm3 Lets Stomp on the Ground!! 

Lets bend over to Black Dragons... 

Lets talk about Losers Lot Let's talk about Las Vegas Hotspot; 

Lumberjacks hustling with their trucks to get to families on Canada, Not!! 

Lets talk Lawsuits boyscout, Lets talk about your L...


  1. You can always expect the Critical Drinker to Deliver ^^ another perfect comment meme to correspond how criticizing and arguments whould work on YouTube. Ah well, I guess, some people didn't go to the same school... UWU

  2. Are you listening, WillyMacShow, or are you still a victim? UWU
