"Isa tuli koju" Metro Luminal ^^ <3 UWU :P (Y) Estonian Doomer Music
Ok, now I'm ready, to tackle this topic about nice guys being abused by whores and broken women. Lets Bible it. Its bible time to all the Budds who got late for the show half an hour, because there was nothing to bounce. John 8:1-11 Why do you guys always bring the whore to the stoning event, and not yourselves? This is not how lord Jesus Christ does things. 1. First you have 2 separate witnesses, who are interogated alone, to make sure, their witness is True. 2. Then those 2 people, have to stand their witness in front of their court, that they stand by it with their own name! Should it be false, God will eat your name!! 3. The one, who is without sin, shall cast the first stone -- meaning, if you are there not because of yourself or a grudge against this woman, but because of the law, you can cast that stone. If you did it out of spite, to have something against lord Jesus Christ, then obviously your heart shall condemn you.
Nice guys should stop being cucks and pussies! You only get, what you are willing to fight for. Don't expect the woman to chore for you, then all you do at home is watch TV or play video-games and drink beer. The same guy, who was really nice at courting the woman, should also be present in the everyday life and not think, that now you can take a breather. No, you gonna stay vigilant for the rest of your life, because that's what you vowed to do -- in sickness and in health. Its funny, how people tend to forget, because oh no, the woman got hysterical!! Grow up, grow a spine grow a pair. what is there to say -- and if any of you dares to asshole it on my watch, I will be under your bed animating all your shadows and despair like Kiku Nightflower (Too bad, this card is female, but its my mood, its also the nickname of my favorite Estonian Skiier Kristina Shmigun, Kiku stands for little tooth; also what she had to suffer, then her doping results got mixed up with a russian and Andrus Veerpalu didn't even offer her moral support, while coming forward being dirty himself, it broke my little heart, seeing our Giants fight like that)
The Women get hysterical because they want the Man, they saw, while on a date. Not the man behind the mask. So your duty is to grab your waifu, hug real tight and tell her nice things; go out; fuck her real hard. Stuff like that, not shrug it off, like its not your business. Read my lips -- Your waifu's bullshit is your chosen food, and you're gonna eat it!! Also women Your husbandos bullshit is your chosen food -- eat it, god dammit!! Your husbandos look should go astray into your waifus bosom, not the Mommy milf of the neighbours and vice versa. Then there would be less fights.
Also the corporeal punishment and hitting women in the face or slapping their cheek. This is the very reason, why nice guys are pussies and cucks, because it's not allowed to settle fights anymore. Children are not raised properly, and if somebody is dead wrong, you cannot hit him/her in the face. You should take and make the hit, and after that make up and get better. Do you honestly think, if you evade the elephant in the room, it gets better? Hell no! The elephant in the room, will mature and it will shit. Eventually you have no room to evade the elephant and the stench of its shit. Mind your feet to not step on it also... X^D Both sides lack discipline; self-respect and courtesy. Its all about "Me" - "Me" - "Me" so childish and immature. An adult in love dost not remember the wrong received, because marriage is not a zero sum game. If you can't listen to me, listen to TealSwan who as a woman has a more gentle touch, to tackle those topics. Offences are always received not given -- you don't need to bow down to pick it up, as though it is POWER -- you intentionally do this, to doxx your significant other, not for nice things. And both sides know this. Stop defending yourself from probable harm -- marriage contract?! I swear, if I see another bloke talking about defending your funds from an unfair settlement, I will not only eat him up but 5 generations of Him His 2 generations to the past and 2 generations to the futre leaving Him for desert. I really Hate That!! :o TwT ### You should rather suffer the wrong, than constantly complain of not getting the Rapunzel, because you assholes are not light enough, to pull yourself up by her hair. You're too heavy of self-worth and pathos, of course it is hard to forgive and forget, then the woman does something wrong. And you women don't make it easy either, trying to have a convo with a Husbando, who has been litterally sucked dry in the office. The best convo with a man, is after sex, then he is between your thighs, then He'll listen. Or if you feign, that somebody bothered you, and made you distrought, because you wanted to remain loyal -- and not receive this honey -- to your own husbando! Most men, don't know what they got, and can't fathom loosing it, so you need to spell it out. If you want your husbando to like you, let him have you from time to time. Just like you are getting hysterical for not getting to see Prince Charming, you saw at the dare, so too will become your husbando disgruntled, but because men are not supposed to cry, he will never admit it, but rather play video games or drink or hang out with friends etc. -- So if you see thus, you should be hotter than Diablo 3 etc. Kill your competition like Monika would. Learn the love language of your husband and push those buttons. Don't take your ship for granted, because first love will wear out and after the honeymoon you wont survive grayscale, if you constantly winged it on fumes. You have to train love, as though its a workout or dance lesson. You are in this together not apart. For In Christendom, you don't have man and woman -- you have Man, what is the combination of man and woman -- Two minds and souls become ONE!! <3 ^^ >////////< I can't believe, I have to even spell this out being an incel.
I learned al this, observing in silence, how my beloved mother suffered, having her heart broken at the age of 19. It doesn't matter which side is right or wrong, and who dealt first or seconds. It matters, who is wise enough to turn the other cheek and deescalate. My family didn't learn and I got the privilege of growing up by single mom, in her fathers house, while all the well meaning sidefriends and showcitizens gossipped their 2 cents at my mothers expence. So I had to grow up fast, to prove to every motherfucker, how my Mother is badass, and can raise children -- due to at one point people wanted to take me away, for my 147 IQ and 142 PQ and leave her only with the mentally handicapped child!! :o That's why I hate IQ tests and IMBT and all people, who want to flatter my white feathers. You always try to do it at my mothers expence!! :(( Because my asshole Dad asked for it to bail out of paying alimony. For that reason, I cannot hear you, Men, if you talk about gettinf fucked by the law. Handle it sooner, before it gets this dire, not play the Chad asshole, to then cry to your mommies daddies and friends, how its uncool that 75% of your salary went poof, because you asked for it!! Its because of assholes like you, the marital laws are so strict. :o Seriously... If you talk real with your waifu, you shall get Real; If you talk Real with your Husbando, you shall get Real!! Don't assume the worst things about the significant other, for I got news for you. Let me tell you something,why marriages faIl -- because you are the white and black mirror of your husbando/ waifu!! If you wanna have a nice marriage, then treat your catch worth 20 cattle, like its worth 50 if not 100 or 200 or 1000. People will notice, if you receive their C- and treat it as though Natsu Dragneel himself fucked Lucy Heartfilia pregnant and got married. And you women, must do it like Revy did with Rokuro Okajima, then they had the dispute in the submarine how to respect the Nazi warriors fallen in combat. Its not, that you cannot blow your stack, but after you blow your stack assuming the Chad Heroine role, how dare you even walk it back to Rapuntzel in the Ivory tower to pivot!! Either you are the Heroine or the Princess not both at the same time. The same goes to men, either Hero or scrub -- and if you're a scrub, don't bitch around, how women don't listen. You asked for it. Only chards get to talk back to their waifus. Earn the Respect as was common courtesy, nobody shall you give that fuck for free! Seriously, for this shit I had to come out of my prayer chamber, then I was having quality time with Lord Jesus Christ?? And both sides are too proud to have children, because you are too good and too successful, to loose privilege and have a big 6+ family as was common courtesy. Serves you right, then the woke shall die out like the Black Family in Harry Potter, for inability to humble yourselves. All the nice guys shall perish and Seven waifus will grab the tuxido of One Sean Connery woving to pay their own bills and drinks, as long they can carry his name and loose the shameful stanse. Isa 4:1 for there shall be no career prospects once China takes over and hates on all the unmarried women. This should deal with that Marital problem, of men and women not getting along and not procreating and not staying away from divorse. Who wants some more, from Whiteraven, Fight me! :o Philosophy To Help You Find Meaning In Chaos Man dost simply exist, but chooses, what His Existance will Be, what He shall become the next moment!! <3 Indeed ^^ (Y) UWU
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