So many woke critters have been talking about the cancellation of Slytherin. Its only fitting, a person, who would identify with Tom Marvolon Riddle, would take up the challenge, and defend the honour of her Queen. For now and all time, I declare: "Rowling is our Queen of Slytherin!" X^D In order to understand, why you cannot take away a House, built on Tradition and Blood, for surely this is too Racist and Nazi, Would it not be more inclusionist, then you accepted everybody, without moral scrutiny and any roots. No. The equivalent of that is the Newspapers without editorial check, allowing opinions and fact-checks to rule as though they are undisputed facts. So basically, what the Demagogues of Greece there doing and what got them to fail and give their name up for the memes as moral and political failure, just like the Pharisees of Israel. It would be the same, if supermarkets there not required to dispose of their unsold perishables and would reanimate them ad nauseam. Eventually those zombi-salads will eat somebodys brains or guts alive and make them sorry for ever stepping to that store...
The School of Hogwarts consists of Four Houses, which represents different social roles in the society. As stated before, on the top is Slytherin -- because here are the Lords and Ladies and all the Politicians. Basically Establishment. They provide the challenge to overcome. How do you correct anything in the society, if there is no target to correct? Next comes Griffindor, who is the middleclass. Those brave entrepreneurs who dare to dream and venture farther than the Decadence of the masses and leadership. Then is the Workingmoraled Hufflepuff, which is acclaimed to be loved by all. Evidently, I doubt that. For you cannot love Hufflepuff, the House stated on hard labour and working yourself up, then wellfare and strikes on demand just for the sake of Umbridging it, are a thing!! So there does that leave Ravenclaw, then all classes are taken? They are the scholars and teachers of course! Of the Judges and Jurors. But what is there to Judge, then everybody is doing the right thing!! We don't need to defend the right opinion, which can defend itself, we need to defend the wrong opinion, because that gets you into hot water. Sometimes the perceived wrong thing, is the right thing in disguise, who nobody could see. And that is the problem of removing Slytherin. Who gets to be the Devils advokate and compete for the Cup with Griffendor, then there is no Antagonist. There's the challenge to compete against Ravenlcaw and Hufflepuff? Then Ravenclaw and Griffendor fight over dominion and first place, it will always be ugly and discruntle Hufflepuff, because how can you see clearly, who is right and who is wrong. It is so much harder to distinguish between Judging and Bravado, than Avant Garde and Decadence. Sometimes you need to be progressive, other times you need to sniff the roses, in order to not dull yourself. Sometimes Griffindor is up, then again Slytherins up... Hufflepuff is not Ravenclaw, to be able to work as intermediary!! Then Slytherin and Griffendor fight, there is a place for Ravenclaw as intermediary, settling the score, while Hufflepuff brings the fair sport. You always need the bad guy in the story. If everybody is playing Heroes, then the story falls apart. You also need a way, to understand, why your moral guidlines are Yours, not somebody elses. Why would you ever reason and tackle your guidelines, then everybody is always right, without having to even say it? How do you do that, if you cannot challenge them, because everybody needs to be on the winning team, like Peter Petygrew!!
Besides, how does Hufflepuffs values seem worthy, if there is nothing to venture for. As long Slytherin and Griffindor compete with each-other, Hufflepuff will want to get out of the Shadow of Griffindor, while not wanting to turn to the posh folly of Slytherin and the naive intellectualism of Ravenclaw. If there is no Slytherin, then it dost mean, nobody wont be establishment. It means either Griffindor or Ravenclaw, have to cream their crop and name that the New Slytherin, who will perform exactly like the Death-Eaters. For the common good they would censor, who gets to learn Magic, because, you don't want the wrong values in your hallowed halls. You don't wanna see a stealthy Slytherinian somewhere lurking in his Chamber of Secrets!! And with that, you have created your very own Voldemort and Magic is Power Philosophy. For that reason, it is the moral duty and obligation of every free wizard or witch, to stand up and fight on behalf of Slytherin. Today Slytherin, tomorrow the whole damn World!!
It is intriguing, how J. K. Rowling could predict so many things in todays politics. The Trans sexuals being the Death Eaters of today, thinking, because they can warp their sex, they should be allowed more privilege on others behalf. Isn't it happening, that our understanding of true heroism and true villains or bullies has been obstructed, because political correctness and other such topics are not even allowing us to get adjacent to the words and meanings? We need to understand our world and Existance in propper terms, there where is no Dark Lords and What Which Shall Not Be Spoken! Who gets to choose, the worthy and the unworthy topics and meanings? How is it in any way different from the Death Eaters ways? Like killing the Dragon, to replace it with a Basilisk! It is irroneous, how you cannot use the word Nigger, without being dogpiled, as though, you took something away from a class, but it is ok, then the POTUS gives to the same class crackpipes!! It is not ok to build a wall, to stop illegal immigration; but it is ok to confine people with mask mandates indefinitely crippling the economy...
Those kind of things get you thinking, whos side is the leadership on. Do you have moral high-ground, then your only reason to replace Slytherin, is to be Iznogood, the cartoon character, who wants to Sultan instead of the Sultan and gets always thwarted. Pinky and the Brain go along the same lane. Why should people take that seriously, then your only argument is -- because Voldemort. Ted Bundy was a canibal, do we ban eating meat then. If somebody uses a knife in a crime, do we ban all knives? That is the childish logic, what springs out, then you judge Slytherin only because, it housed Voldemort. Its like the joke, about the student in the Soviet Union, who was asked by the comitee, which had to envision how well the class is doing in building Communism. The Question was: "Statistically speaking, the last wagon of every train, has the most casualities during the crash. How to proceed, to ammend?" The Boy thought and responded in a stoic voice: "Why not leave the last in the Station!" There will always be a next Slytherin to tackle. Just like you will never reach Arkadia Major, you will never overcome the existance of Slytheirn by just jumping over your own shadow!! Somebody has to spell out the Joker, so that Batman would become possible. With no Joker, there is no Batman... Our morals are always more complex, than choosing between Good and Evil. They are, whether you choose to hang out with that quiet kid, who knows more curses and odd stuff than anybody else, or the Quiddich prodigee, who can catch the Snitch with his mouth. Do you opt for Hermione Granger or Ginny Weasly if not Luna Lovegood is your trade. If you judge, that only one option is good, and the other option can wherethore be bad -- you deem yourself to failure. Because that was, what made Tom Marvolon Riddle turn into Voldemort -- because he genuinely believed, that it is morally Good, to deny muggleborns Magic, because, what had happened in his own life. Evil is not born from nothing, it is cultivated, just as Good. Its not there as a right answer, its there as a journey to be thought every single day. harry Potter could have turned evil too, living among the Dursleys, does that mean, Griffindor should be banned, to avoid just the possibility?! Don't forget, Peter Petigrew, was Griffindor, who made the deaths of the Potter family possible. The Death Eaters there'nt born into the same house!! And like with any journey, you can walk back or get lost in the dark forest or change your pace or your directions. You might be a totally different Man, than the pupil, who started it. But with woke people, you can be Good Right now, or Evil Right now, and nothing else matters. No development, no plot, yust Here and Now! And then their upset, why they are not heeded or why they fail. You cannot cut the bread in an oven, while baking it and expect it to form correctly into even slices, which taste good. Everything must be at its propper place, and then you can start flaunting about, Communism or something else in the middle or in between. But a person, who cant touch work, should not speak up, how others should do it!! Only speak through your own effort and mettle, how ever little or big. Don't assume anything, expect the unexpected... We need Slytherin, to name and state things, what Ravenclaw is too smart and politically correct to say, but Griffindor to Brazen and Bold to venture, because they look for new venues not oldschool and arcane thoughts nor for the Hufflepuff to achieve, because it has no hard work in it, but could involve thinking outside the box while staying in it nevertheless.
The ancient riddle, of the Swordmaster, who first learned to use the Sword, then learned to have the Sword in his heart, and then gave up the sword entirely from his hand and from his heart to have ended his journey in the same place, he had started it! How can you have that, if you shout, No more Swords! Swords are Evil! Lets make Plows and gardening tools. John Wick can kill with a pencil. Just because you make something you deem evil go away, you don't make the evil in Mans heart and spirit go away. It will find a new form and vessel and come back with a vengeance. For you made it go away!! Just as Paris deserves a Masse, Hogwarts deserves Slytherin! <3 UWU What say thou, student of Hogwarts? They put the Fun in Funeral ^^
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