Collage Borat to collaborate with the Thyrexian obliterators of Rap, but all I see, are worthy Soldiers of Christ! Don't give up your Good Work, because God has taken notice, and will be on da way, Right Take flight!! "2Pac; Hopsin; Eminem" Like psyched up Teenplayers of Bayblades!! I shall Fan up your flames of loving-kindness and compassion. Take up fervor and servotoken your tesserekt mecha-armor concussion slurmo! I may be slow, "not-sure though" and miss a beat, don't fret and defeat yours Health, but leap -- breathe your Faith like a dragon on killingspree Unreal glee. Stave away from shame!! Make your songs and Bars go higher and beyond Proud like Ultra instinct Shaggy Snoopdog possessed by Grim Reaper raise your Superman chin -- The scars and grins of the Devil within will make no "blin" of yours nor your Sin. But your Win is in forgiveness you're give in for yourself, then Wingman you see to forgive out and shout the stout surmount all about boyscout to bring fam out from the burning house of Life -- The trout who jumped over the bears head, and thought himself dead, but got it, and could fertilize some eggs Dreadnaught!! -- You could be doing it for Heavens, not some corpo shit -- whatabout?
Like Borat not give a Fuck, how people see your no-face at all; nor damn, to farm the smoked ham and fois gras, then Bob Marley on Grass is more to the root than some commoncore whores and their political toystores.Testosterone your ass up and pick up your mike, to drop some bars for workout time and let them Hammers thunder MC are going asunder... Take heed and be brave, haters gonna blunder and lick their wounds on Tinder, falling inself insane blamegame, but you stay the Same -- don't play their game:
I could tell you stories, how worries sold in Israel the peasant for a slipper and took his lorries... all it took, was tilted wages and the scales there on stage, enraged the sages against the sarcofages. snarky foments and peasants pissed off revolts. A Great Nation in two, nothing to groose then the Arc of the Covenant went like Miyagi Shrine on the loose, but there was no Karate Kid to pick it up, but Doeg of Edom, then Usha was ripped and misconstrued. Alas, ye Mighty Spruce, who wants to be Bruce like Willis or Lee; Bennett; Boxlightner; Greenwood! Dont moose or choose to wild goose, you can be the Choisest wine to Spouse the streets to Heaven like Mighty Mouse!! Slip you noose around yours betters and families, to carry on and raise to Heaven the obtuse, who can't choose, before the curtain falls, so pick them up and Boost! Be like Nicolas Cage, gone in 60 sec. lets Flame -- the game is a foot and Tiberian Suns have to defeat the nod hands of sut slut shutting your eyes up, to just not wut, but you can C-Mayor and make your songs go Sergio Forever on the window dressings and elevator smalltalks Cahoot -- lets loot the booty of Kirigakure and see the guts of Pain to stay True to the walk a 9 miles in Samaritan Shoes!! Onward Faithful Christian, Godspeed Charge Lets Goo!! <3 ^^ UWU Disconnected ^^
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