Lord Jesus Christ asked me nicely, to explain this paradox, what Dr. Jordan Peterson addressed in his podcast. Camoon Christians, no questions and only silence? That was your que, like Daniel talking to the Angel and asking for translations. How you gonna understand, without propper language banks and upgrades... ^^
Anyway: Why the asterisk in the title? There is a cost, in doing that thing, called ritual cost. Magic users understand, then you are mixing two things together, what normally don't go, or are under the dominion of different deities;Angels; Principalities and Powers -- then you have to follow a certain kind of red tape, to get there. OwO
The first hurdle between Communism and Christianity, is not their nonmixing morals, because for that we have to get that close. First you have the conscription stage, then the young acolyte or soldier gives his "Yes" to become cannonfodder. I understand Atheism and believing One God seems irredeemable on face value, but the One God of Communism is under a different section, so its not that easy... UWU
First you have the conscription stage, there you verify, that something is Good for you, and you wanna give your name up for that cause. Remember the dialogue In Star Wars on holodeck, then Data plays Henry V in order to study the human conditioning through the readiness of conscripts, to follow their oaths. One man has the stance, that you should always follow your Lord, regardless if his right; but the other addresses happiness, that Data, playing Henry V in disguise, said the cause to be just, that it makes following easier, because: "What would God say, if the lord sent them to death in vain!".
Addressing the responcibility part, which is not on him, but on the Leader, while the first seems to follow the individual minor responcibilities, dwarfing in the nihilistic void and fatalism. They are interrupted by Cpt. Pickard, because a defected Romulan General, (3x10 "The Defector") who wants to thwart an Invasion campaign against the Federation, beleaving it being the undoing of his own people and nation, while later finding out, it was a moral simulation, to test his loyalties!! It was enjoyable to watch, like in many fairy-tails the warlock is captured, he first claims to be his pupil; then his son and only then, if hard pressed, admitting, he is that Warlock himself. Because the defector was not any General -- He was The General, the War Hero of Romulus!! Also the obvious hint on Rome... I like this positive treason or rebellion theme, which is common in Chinese History and in The Last Samurai. ^^
It is tragic, thenever the West, through the "whitleblower" theme tries to rebel against the system, they seem to believe, that the Lords cause has to always be just, while Communism by default believes, that you must always follow, even then you see the blueprints of an invasion, what could be the undoing of the Empire. For it is not you position and business, to judge your betters, as Zuko did in the War Room of his Father, then a general advised to sacrifice fresh meat, to lure the seasoned earthbender troops in for the killing, in Avatar: The Last Airbender. :(( You cannot escape consecuences, doesn't even the Bible say through the mouth of Lord Jesus Christ Himself: Mat 16:25 "He who keeps his life, forsakes it, he who looses his life because of following Me, keeps it together!!" What part of that, spells out, you can be a whistleblower and avoid consequences?? :o
Because it is necessary, in order to understand your choices, then you opt to merge Christianity and Communism together, you're not really anymore on the Kierkegaardian Solitary Individual side, but on the side of "Trääl" the lowest war slave of Estonia, also known as "Booty". The one with no right, you could do what ever the fuck you wanted, which is depicted through Jesus words, as "the servant of the servants" confusing the Christians, that its a title, then its really a state of mind, there you are the Matrix or like water for Bruce Lee, to take the mold of the Teachings you wanna confess in your very Life. In Israel, you would be the slave, who washes the mens hands, like did Eliyahs pupil Elisha, the next prophet, who did, what his Master was too nice of a guy, to do unto Israel, when he was summoned back to Heaven, for not being able, then Jezebel trounced him, with Her vision! Because you can meet opposition and fail, even though, you could summon Fire from Heaven before and emerge Victorious!!
You gave your life and freedom up for War, or simply because the Law grabbed you by the throat and told you Your Sin, whether it was owing too much money, you cannot pay pack or simply being something worthy to be purged by the law.and now, after you accepted your fate, much like Dostojevski experienced in his life, being a Decabrist and sentenced to death for it -- God can also give you "The Royal Pardon", what Dostojevski received from the tzar, what changes your life, like a Baptism experience, because your previous life was burnt in the Holy fires, and only an ember escaped!! ;)) Due to this experience, many people scold Dostojevski, much like Nietzsche, that his latter day writings, there too insane, or the fruit of mental fatigue and things transpiring in their lives and not of same worth, than previous golden time journals. But to each their own poison... ^^ <3 UWU
That's how much mišbat you got left, in the face of the lord. Now you are the Walls and the Ceiling and the Floor, to give the Congregation Space, to witness the Mercy and Loving-Kindness of Your God, who made you into Water, what falls indicriminately to the Righteous and to the Wicked!! If you want to become the Arcane Power and the Aspect of Justice itself, as depicted in Diablo 3, while not becoming Human, which is kinda a dick move, but ok, it was necessary because of the plot. You have no rights; no opinions, only duty to the ToS of Christianity AND Communism... :o
The second hurdle is, what I call "Wormwood and Vinegar" the grumpy prophets or preachers face, then addressing the community. Because the audition guy is loved by nobody, normally if he has a say, it is of bad news not good news!! It is rooted in the Term Euangelion itself, there only the positive inpact was explained in the church. An Euangelion could have also been the Declararion: "Rejoice, On behalf of The Emperor rebuilding the Temple of Jerusalem, the taxes have been increased in this region!" or "Rejoice, Following a skirmish in quelling an uprising, the following villagers and their homes have been baptized with fire. The following peasants are to be recommended for valour and showing good moral conduct!!" Halleluyah. <3 UWU
How should you rejoice and be happy, if your Good News means, that some people have to forfeit their privilege or very life, for forgetting to circumsize themselves, after receiving the law, like happened to Moses, but not having the brother Aron, to do it for you and save yours? Or if your sons bring alien fire to the lords presence and are smitten down by divine lightning, but you have to do service to the same lord and get into an argument with Moses, of what offering had priority first?" Halleluyah? :P Want to cast down the witches and smite the heathen children on the rocks? How about the waifu, getting between her husband and neighbour fighting, and accidentally touching her neighbours groin, and loosing her arm for it? Those are the real topics, I am always pleased, then somebody asks me about. UWU Too bad, they normally get those Christian forums and places closed down, I choose to speak up.
People fail to follow Communism exactly, because they don't listen and try to follow it as Solitary Individuals, not as a Commitee. Vee told me the story, how a Lector had to fail the whole class, for not being able to do Communism and study, getting average grades, and I explained how it failed against the broomstick test, done in Chrsitian churches. The trick is really simple and revolves around trust, which you mostly wont have in Communism, due to terror and constantly looking to inside enemies to cancel. For people joining Communism, don't do it, in order to work 12h per day 200+ hours per month; but for the positive attributes!! They want the game to play itself, and them to purchase lootboxes or other rich people stuff, and let others do the grind... Its like the sad joke about growing the fruits on the field too closely, called "the square socket principle" because the nutrients will be shared in Communism, not in Capitalism!! The famine emerged, in accordance to the quote: Mat 13:12 which is the principle of the roots, that if you don't understand, how conflict of interest works, and try to be too friendly and too just, then you shall loose everything. As happened in Chaz, then the Hobos stole all the food, because they didn't believe in it and took, what they could. And the Baizuo had to pay the piper... :(( That's why Communism shall always fail -- Too much mišbat or casting Justice out of Heavens, if as a reference note; Tyriel had reassumed his former place as Angel of Justice, loosing his face of Man and also taking up the mantel of Wisdom, he would have been, like Christianity and Communism altogether in one person, but you cant have Fun stuff like that, because it is not, as Nietzche puts it: "Alzumenchilich -- one pleasure here another there." In order to understand Communism, you need to refuse all the pleasures and good offers, like the racing horse, who cannot eat, what it wants, but has to stay in shape!! Because if you tackle stuff individually, minding about Your own skin and survival, not the survival of the group, Worth and Value is not generated, but only taken out of the system, like happens with the roots, being too close together. You have to loose your face! :$
You basically have to form a Borg cell, lets say of 9 people and you are 3rd of 9!! You don't get priority, because you had a say. Oh no! You don't get to be so needy and raise your head up, or it will be mowed down. You have to think, like a woman, because Communism is a female centered paradigm, while Capitalism is a male centered paradigm. ^^ UWU Communism is about following suit, while Capitalism is about being the Pathfinder who tames the Wild Wild West... OwO In Estonia, it would have been possible, for said Lector to give everybody an A, and this is how it would have happen, because I already had this experience in English class, then our school was handpicked for the American PeaceCorps to give us oral classes. And my God was that Gal badass!! X^D Like Deborah herself was in the classroom while looking like the loli reporter from House of Cards. But she could demand respect. People gave her undivided attention and reverance, which is a big deal, because normally we are as noisy as the niggers in Harlem or the commotion of New York. ^^ So one day, this chick gives us a similar test, this Lector gave, and keep in mind, that was 10th grade not 13th which is arguably where in the University the Vee event happened, there the entire class failed! She also exspected us to fail, because I was the Communist in class, there was also a NeoNazi in class and Michael Bormann Himself!! (Namesake, while being the polar opposite of the said person) Good Times Good Times; it made me hang around, and forgive myself my own stupid name and reasons, why I got it... :(( :$ #&"@ Stupid Grandmother to make a tease with God... >//////< can't even go to church, because too afraid of angry husband not approving, but can do shit like this... Christian Vip(Er) indeed :o #@"¤&*>"£%$ :(( Why do mortals have to do this, cant they read the Bible about it?? :((
So that PeaceCorps teacher did that test, and our class immediately formed a team and started to solve it together, not apart, although the teacher didn't specify, you could even do that. Each student chose his abilities worth, what he could tackle, and this way -- because it was hell of a lot of text to parse through -- and we did it in 90 minutes! And then the teacher left, she was so impressed, she started to believe in Communism and Teamwork, because she expected us to fail!! X^D If you don't rally eachother like a football team, to be in this together, you shall fail your communism, because its not like on Titanic: "Every man for himself!" its "Every Man for Communism!" and if not, you get put in front of a wall and shot, which would be really sad, you would be sorely missed :o :((
Your priority of say, is like the Garage near my apartment complex was built. "On behalf of X festivity and Y leader on this Glorious Year Z, We deem the Need of a Nuclear Shelter for the Party Leaders here (Garage) and all those people on the comitee agreed. List of names, to fight evil Capitalism and for the sake of Communism!!" And then you got the Garage, what didn't save anybody from radiation, because its venting was on the ground with direct link and the roof being too thin. But it worked on paper. ^^
You there the "Missing Link" thenever the ToS was inadequate, which I learned from a book, written by a Netherlandian, talking about his exploits in a Buddhist monastery,.while failing his journey. But my god, what a marvelous feat it still was. Even the monks commended him for his honesty and relentless pursuit! It was like Sokka learning Swordmanship, because he got no bendingskills and wanted to still pull his weight in the team. I like this character and the story it told. It gives people, like me hope... ^^ One day, the monks needed a tea-sceremony, but there was no such ritual at place, and nobody knew, who got priority to do it; so that man stood up and invented it on the go and was later commended for it ad nauseam, until it became cringe. It is still done, according to that new rule, in that monastery -- because its like I use my triggerwarnings, to highlight important stuff. It wasn't to flatter his Individualism, but to point out, that this needs to be done, Every Single Time, something is Amiss, with eternal Vigilance!! ^^ <3 UWU Halleluyah! (Y) You don't do it for credit, but because you are a cog in the wheels of Deus Ex Machina of Communism!!
Of course, you had to mind, that you didn't look too much like an organisation or a party, or you could have violated the nazi clause or conspiracy clause, like happened to those Monks, who without asking the Party permission did a really huge meditation/prayer session and made them loose their shit, just like Soviet Russia, then a guy in a Chesna plane underflew the radars, to land on the red square... Those poor suckers there lumped together with that other group, who did the Sarin Gas attacks in the metro... Everything needed to be sanctioned and you always needed to speak on behalf of the greater, and not on behalf of yourself, as is common in Capitalism especially in America!! :P And that's why the broomstick will always be up your shoulders, and people accusing each-other, who is lifting it, while being on their toes, unable to even move... Because nobody wants to let go of his Individualism :(( X^D :$ Why do mortal men play around with such moral absolutes, if they cannot even take out the trash, without arguing with their family or spouce, who's turn it is?? So Baizuo, as the Chinese would say... :o How do you even have priority, to do jackshit, then you said to have given it up? What part should kill you first for insubordination and disrespect -- the Christian side or the Communist side? X^D :o
Truth be told, the Spirit and Dominion of Communism was created by God, much the same way, the Pharaoh of Egypt was possessed by contempt, to not relent from his moral stance being his cultures moral God or (Superman/Alltoohumanist) what Dr. Jordan Peterson so despises. I like this Man, who is not inside the church, but still can give so much from the outside, like a Gideon, living in the wilderness. Lord Jesus Christ always could use, those kind of Jakob Tricksters, to show through them or to them the Gates of Heaven... <3 UWU Or like the King Saul of Israel, got possessed, for offering what was not his duty, because the prophet was delayed, to test the Kings loyalty!! For the True Prophet and King of Israel is Yahveh, Lord of Hosts, and the Prophet at hand, was just his Avatar or Icon. :P (Y) Halleluyah!
So the point of Communism, is to test the mettle of the people of God, how loyal they are, to their calling! You could follow it as a Christian, then you have no rights and become the angry silver bullet of "Revolver" I really think that Grifter and that Chessplayer there representing the two angels talking to Abraham about the destruction of Sodom and Gomorra ^^ The orders for Christians still are, "Those of Righteousness, let them exalt their deeds with more Righteousness; those of Wickedness, mar their deeds with more Iniquity!!" It was the moral framework, to make pedophilia; abuse of power; corruption etc possible, lest no Cosmopolitan Wizard nor Pharisee gets to Heaven, but those, who humble their heart and let only Yahveh Sebaot be Great in his Heavenly Court, Behold! Isn't he Holy Holy Holy!! <3 UWU You cannot hide your deeper thoughts. It takes only such a pilosophical test, I wrote in my book, what almost killed this blog, for being too hentai, so I had to move it to the mature section, to make your morals true. Because the Righteous, just as I wrote in my book, understanding, what they pupil will have to acost, will rather sacrifice themselves, than allow such a test to take up priority, no matter, who has devised it!! Even if God would come with that Test and target a minor, as happened in my book, that Philosophy teacher, would kill that fucking God, like it was a bogyeman, and he was John Wick to honour the Budhist teaching: "If you're enlightened and see Budha, then kill Budha!!" ^^ For what if he uses that test, and opts Pedophilia? Even if its in a moral sense, there you only bend the Cathedral survivors under your will as a cult and don't abuse their bodies but only their spirits, then its still morally wrong. How to do the moral absolute, then there is no moral absolute to take from anywhere, and how to move to the promised land, then seemingly all world has come to and end? How to not abuse power and chance there? Try not to say holdup Ultimate SSS level... :o How can you allow this, as teacher? People never believe me, that this book, I am writing there, is for parents and elders only, who have to vet Youth Pastors -- not to the characters jumping around there -- especially not to Tiffany Ülemiste nor her pupil Hanna-Magdalena!! :(( Why can't people fucking read? TwT This book is meant as manual, to avoid future Pedophiles emergence in Church and better detection as test, before they even get a chance... Because you can spiritually detect a pedophile. They have all similar worldviews and think, that God should be in it for them, and not the other way around. That they can opt only the good parts in bracket with no cost at all. You can always tell, if the imaginary MTG deck of a person has too many Ulamogs; Ugins; Eldrazi etc. in it, Basically stuff, what onehitkill while not letting the opponent even have a turn to have their game, it is safe to assume, this asshole is in the profile of pedofilia and other powertrips as well, for the proverbial backdoor is always open, while not even existing in the brickwall for a normal person:o :((
The test shall follow thus: Christian vs Pagan -- Whiteraven will behold, is the Christian following his ToS from the Bible defending the benefit of the doubt and pro bono rights of the Pagan, because the Cows of Bashan and the Silver of Ai was brought to the Pagan side of the temple and there is no Peace of Mind to Pray there to the lord Allmighty. Every time the Christian does a mistake, Whiteraven shall go to the streets and the crossroads and to the dens, to push; muskle and bounce in anybody who could be found, to make them take the vacant place in the Heavens, and replaces that suckers name in the Book of Life, with that Pagans name, who previously had no such right. Because God in his audacity can do the fuck he wants with his real estate and give it to, who ever he deems right! How say thou, faithful Christians? Still no comment?! Will you Support? Wait for death then Venerate? Condemn?
Communist vs Capitalist -- Whiteraven will behold, is the Communist following EVERYTHING in the Manifesto, or does he have the White House in the Posh neighbourhood, while aksing his constituents to bother the Government, as did the leaders of BLM; is he really out for the people, then talking about the millionairs and billionairs, or is he as fat and Heavy, as the Priest Eli, who failed to scold and reprimand his sons, who violated the law in Israel, loosing the Arc of the Covenant. If Whiteraven finds the Communist lacking, then he will side with his opposition and counterspell and counterspell and counterspell until this woke snowflake melts away in Hells Gate. What say thou, Woke people? Cancel? Follow suit? Procecute corps after death?
Just because, you think, like the turkey thinks in Russian parables, that you can say the speech, because somebody else will do it (Homer Simpson vs Barman "Why can't someone else do it!!" on the garbage disposal problem) No, you have to always do it yourself, while leaving the honor to the Cause! Then the question is up, Your number is up, like in Hellboy. Because you wanna fight the Nazis and bring about the Peace of the Worlds also known as "Mir" there Soviet Russia is like the Ancient Ming Dynasty, ruling over eveything under the sun. Then you shall have peace in Communism!! ^^<3 UWU
This is, how you mix Christianity and Communism together. Later then I find time, I will also address, how you mix Nietzscheanism with Christianity and Nietzscheanism with Communism to make the full circle in my Spiritual life. Then you shall know, how is Whiteraven every single day (Y) Post Scriptum. My motor skills are deteriorating and I can't stay awake for long. I constantly fall into transe at work and have less and less control over my meditations. Soon I will hit Nirvana and my life will cease on this plane.... ^^ I hope I can finish all dues, before that happens this year... Take care and keep your faith! <3 UWU
https://youtu.be/5sPSMZoz3j8 What the cake would think? OwO
ReplyDeletehttps://youtu.be/7q2WXKy_5PU This is the Hill to make your stand!