Tuesday, February 8, 2022

On the Subject of Nihilism and why Nietzsche, in my opinion, created that concept.

 So it is time to talk about Nihilism. the art of doing Genjutsu on yourself, not to be in a nice and happy dream, for a better ending, but for the real Fun!! ^^ Because, if the little filosophy student; or theology scholar or from which ever lot of worlds you came upon this topic. Once you exile the boundaries and 4th walls of your existance and perception, you will be the Tabula Rasa, who must shout "Tohuvabohu" to create light out of darkness. To make all the attributes of your Will and Worldview. Why would you need such a mighty tool, to nuke everything, then it is easier to stick with the same old and live happily ever after? Why listen to Nietzsche and sour your life forever, for there is no room to look back, then you escape Sodom and Gomorra. That's how dire that choice will be upon you. There will be nothing left, to look back to, but your salty stature of Contemptuous Regrets. 

You decide, what is Good and what is Evil, and there are no Quotes in some Good Book; no Worthy Men nor Women to askew for Support and Moral Guidance nor Advice. You are the Northern Star everybody else are revolving around!! What are you gonna do about it? Create the same old? Why did you then put the effort in Big Banging your Mind, then it will turn back to white dwarf size in comparison? 

With all Filosophical Concepts, the first question is never, is it good or bad? If you ask, is it good or bad, you already bought it in your heart. You should ask, is it useful in my quest, and must I venture there, or is there a more viable option, not forcing my hand so much? 

Corporal punishment is not meant to be Good, but Evil, because it is meant to replace the pleasure of the dissatisfying deed with the Pain of the Punishment, so the child, who dost understand discipline nor reason yet, can make the distinction from this to that. So it kinda annoys me, that even people, who approve it, are so ignorant about, why it is administered, still ranting: "My Corporal Punishment Good!" and get rebuked by the same kind of idiots gleefully showing the pain and tears of the children, like this is the answer. 

I also cried, then I got punished, sometimes even for stuff I didn't do. I also felt anguish and pain, but I grew up and understood. And then I understood my previous concepts there gone, like a Nihilistic God had taken them away. I was no longer a child but an adult, who understood discipline and morals, and why things are their way, and not like fairy tales endings, there you can only live happily ever after. It is better to suffer the pain and outgrow your petty childish manners, or be allowed to rot your brains out with various eyecandies. 

The worst is not even the teachings itself. You could be crashing into a worthy Sunday Scool of the SSS kind, there you get everything according to the Bible, like happened to me... *but* you see the dichotomy, that Moses forgat to circumsize himself, then God talked about it, and there is no Aron to do it for him in time, before the Angel of Death arrives. If to use that meme from the Bible. How many Christians show their pupils the words in their lives as actions and executables, not just as reminder text on a MTG card, what can change sooner, than you can meh it. 

Its not that God is Dead, because its a scientific fact, there you had Subject God, His lifespan and then you ventured to the End of the Road. NO!! It is because Christians are the sacred space or Icon or Environment, there your actions and opinions and how you implement them, tell the people. Is your God as alive like a leprechaun or like Santa Clause, or some other Fable character. Or is he this alive, that he could visit you tomorrow and knock on your door!! 

The same is true with Nihilism. Then you want to become your own Personal Jesus; your own Superman. Then all the other Jesuses and Supermen will become like leprechauns and Santa Clause to you. You perhaps take part of their festivities, but what good it is to You... 

There is no more holy anthems but you being trapped in the classroom with Monika, your dream of being Superman!! Can you be your own Reality and Love nothing but that Dream and Reality, you cast into existance? If not, then get back to your hotpots you slave and keep working. There is no room for doubt and afterthoughts for the one, who wishes to seek the worhty mantle of Nietzsches Superman. Just like with American Idol, do you have, what it takes, and are you willing to sacrifice your very son, like Abraham, on the althar of your God, fully knowing, that is BLasphemy worthy of death too, as much as recanting that order? Are you that One!! Halleluyah <3 UWU


  1. https://youtu.be/Oms4YaQ74iU You're a wizard, harry ^^

  2. https://youtu.be/HCVnydB3bj0 Oh Look Joe Biden "the Fairest President of them All" gave the black community free crack pipes, but Sowell gave some responcibility!! I wonder, Who would I pay more respects, oh I don't know!! :o
