Monday, February 14, 2022

No rest for the Wicked

 No rest for the Wicked, no remorse indeed; 

for the devils Wild hunts and shameless inbred... 

demanding to be the feistiest alive belate; 

spending the last Hedons, over the Crimson estate!

Just for the Memes and Gauntly schemes wraith; 

all the stale notions, nurture uphill and waste... 

Me Myself and I, wanted to buy time unscaled; 

there are all the demons gone, to curse the bad taste?!

I shall enjoy the slaughter and bathe myself in enemies blood; 

trampling on the balls, who dared to mar the young glee glad. 

Ironclad the juggernaut, the vision grimmed with Staggered; 

your head shall be on my wall and your corpse on pike rad!

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