Eminem -- River Ft. Ed Sheeran
Whiteraven in da house, not the gray mouse or its spouce; some lice owed me a spine douse: Matrix went South in flames; Pinky & The Brain played House. I don't Chow "Der Preiss ist Heiss" Parenting on site, transplaining the tranquil gardens plants. and the rivers went grouse... Vegans eating their Words, making cows eat their last Window Dressings, for no mil-Rausch to give on the Supremacists beefcake giffed. Hot taking the rods of ruin Mickey ona-Buttons there raising me a chicken; I ordered a Cock on Ballsdeep; mail it to Carrie. Copycats coped fat-dusks; Teddy Bears hugging Bill Cosby and Presley for the sause... snowflake T-shirt and upskirt, displaying the stop-and-frisk, badmouthing the wraith on good faith scathe... prospecting the protectors of all sanity and slain sane saintly shanties I chant English for this cold dish-wish! As I corrupt my French Kiss!!
Trophy waifu on the rocks -- for no Mans land left no Stan to Grammy for the fams!! I can the barrelhunt, tripping on cunts, who can't touch this and drop the Hammer on the Anne Frankenstein vile "Zu Viel!" Gaulles there Geil and egalite courtmartialled Tulips contrapoints under the counter, there maid-honored on the Wall Str. Straight flushing the molehunts Flashing puns Underground the Mainstream lining the mind BLind Patience and Solitaire in one Homerun. Silent Lambs anfd Trams Called "Iha" taught a donkey Estonian... there-there En Ram Wolffing down some GoaT cores!! For too much white noise enpoised the choicest Wine and Old Skins there coy; ToRy StoRRy Martin Throned a Obituary of Sherlock Holmes and Moriarty faling down the shark Typhoon and The Homies Homered the wight crayon in da brain, brain , brain brain...
Do the Ghost Riders ever write their own Ray Rayfor Grimkeepping the reaping of records Michael Knight -- or is it alter Egos remorse for Goliath's choise in responce indisposed, Indigo In Dick Tracy Gone; possessing the imposed AAA Diction Navy Gravy -- implode; grazing and mistakes there raisins razing exbone enCian -- cyanKali redial the Ouiya for the Zozo on trial, guns blazing to dare smite their rolling thunder Lazy on the Cliffs of Criminal Negligence the negligee New-Yokered necklace asunder the hazy amasing maison D'Etre Raison akimbo some bows vowed to Row the Bloat to Jordan and Zion. Mo' low tow Cock, Fiat, tailing the caravan going for Caracas, for the banter punting Iron Maidens for the bondage expo in my heart and souls creep glimpsing back to Helms Deep-throats, who wanted to Saruman or not Sauron -- that is here the Norwegian Thousand and One Nights and Distirct of Columbias Red Alerts and Blightsas their carcas assed whisecracks; Brass no Understand the Superman whelming the Young Justice for the Turks and Roguing Glam...I digress the regressed empathies and supressed shoutouts I never confessed on pissing my face in feces on the wall; the writhing on the stall-In Stark contrast the 4K in Spring, cleaning the clock and closet to ambush En-Trapping the newt emperor and his Bling
Smacking the track with a kitchen sink Sindbad on a hashtag my Bad Grammar was Mad and went postal sad -- LAN had it with me and was down in the bucket of Scum, watching SpongeBob and Bikini Bottoms going thermo nuclear and squirrels having all kinds of nuts. And a runningman gag refridgerator; terminatinng the contract for a Schwartwald Nigger who forgat to be the first in line for his cigar and Librarian card. For no tact nor political correctors/impacted this fact -- nor did anyone checked on my credit due red or black, as white lies and lulled bias diocese Erazers rubbering in the cubboard. Dios Mio and desist the lease; I cease, Richard Release the Kaiju Making my Bakugan Stand and Digimon steel the Ironmans code of conduct. No safety bins since Jinxing with Arcane at I-Win. Ching-Ching and the Japanese went on a sting...
The White Horse on a whim to whine on absjurr, Rhyne Wiskey that fatty contributors can't spam to rim, this is your time to shine or grin while the cups are full Brimstoned your chin and flints upgraded to Basooka on Russian Roulette with Kazuma chase after the dragonballs and Absinthe the Blue Fairy in 12 tails End of the whiplash Natsu Libres and the Sentry bots of Chop Sokky Chooks Mall, pretend to compend the pious pound lease and lend!! There is boose and suka no questions asked, Kendo the Can do torrent Never relent Friend. Fiendish Laughters theatered the Cocks who phonied the deaf threats on stealth and commonwealth... May you be Slim Shady Highborn RapElf your own Jackhammered KingsRoad and Godspeed the Duke Nuclear No-Confirmo Word Jigsaw Juggernautilus scrambled cojones and bloody Doom-Marines on spurt nosebleed the Yuri on Iced Creampuff daddies Spaced out the shout Nike smokes pout, sneaking around the gollum black but forgetting to deathnote Kira -- being rhe chosen Gatekeep GoalEm Trolling Bowl of I-Ching and MTG Umezawa's Jitte is your bottled Jinn. Be your own Unnatural PainKiller and Boldly Singe!! <3 ^^ UWU Joker x Green Day -- Boulevard of Broken Dreams UWU