I come to the conclusion, that the root of Pedophilia, is in the infantilisation of the relationship between elder and pupil. As long, you can make the child into a puppet, who can only receive information from You, as the only source of Truth; while loosing your Fidelity and Reverence to God, because being the Steward of the Lord. Just like the sons of Eli didn't respect God and their lot from Him, bringing about the loosing of the Arc of the Covenant in war. The same is with Christians today or Woke people or any Leader, who thinks, that they can do the fuck they want. God will come, and just like with the Pharaoh, first He will smite him,and shame him if that don't work, He will put a spirit inside him, he will think, that he can abuse his power and infantilize the children, to take advantage of them. If that don't make him repent, then he takes him with madness and glee, pissing him on the wall, as He did unto Jezebel, and dogs shall lick his blood and eat his bones and marrow!! That shall be your booty, if you don't listen and obey, what the Bible and the Sermon of the Mount says! You shall not have prophets, but get back to the feet of the Lord and to your work, ye Christians!! <3 UWU
https://youtu.be/RbRKO114c4g You're no saint UWU