Monday, February 14, 2022

Before you learn to win, loose! Influencers Manual The Art of Psychological Warfare. Listen to this first, or you wont understand much of this meditation... 

The first thing, what an influencer needs to know, is not to get in the way of yet another influencer, who read the same manuals, as you did, fighting for the same resources, as you do -- or the example of Communism, then the crops there put too close together and ate each-other out. Always appear to be the little bit silly person, who appears abusable, but not too much, that your competition don't pick you first, but hit somebody else. If you're the White Raven -- really notorious and easy to spot in a dark environment, then it is safe to assume, that people, in order to make their chances higher, will rat you out, to make sure, you wont get in the way. Look as boring as possible, that people don't even wanna take notice and forget you immediately!! 

The second is, that influencing is like martial arts. What that means, is that people normally know, how a fight is gonna end, and move accordingly, to be on the winning side. If your victory is to the detriment of the group, then people will move against you, not so much, because they hate you and like your opponent and agree with him, but because you are trying to sink the same ship, they are in!! 

Also, normally bullies are really shitty pit-fighters. What that means, is that due to the fact, that they obvious strentgh and aggression is without a doubt, most of the people give up against them, without letting them hone their end-game skills, as it is put in chess. You should always be able to visualize all aspects of your conflict, not just be content, that you won. Know and analize, why you won, and how to obtain it faster and without effort, in a way, there people actively want you to get the win. Naturally the Underdog (David) has a better chance to get the supported win, than the Big Stack Bully (Goliath) Never win your opponents too much, but leave room for retreat and to gnaw on it later. 

The perfect predator don't eat the Savanna empty in one night, but as much he needs every tune, You should also familiarize yourself with your own agrenda, why you want to win and whats your bigger picture, instead of criss-crossing inbetween different moral victories, which don't add up. If you have played Trading card games, learn to build your deck and use each card as your potential ability or opponents marker... it helps you visualize better, the IMBT test scores and what to make of it. learn to use psychic reading on yourself, because it is the only way, you can see your expereince mounting. Numerological and Astrological charts can help you a long way, because you know yourself best, and shadowboxing your own stats, can help you understand, how other people perceive you. Or other potential influencers. 

Remember, the best conflict is the one ,you can solve in your mind, without even having it!! 

Coming back to Trading card games, people have different tastes, how they wanna tackle the game. Either their are masterminds and plan everything ahead; or they rush in head thirst or like to trust their gut feeling or teamwork. Some just like to gobble-gobble but never do anything conclusive... avoid these. Knowing how fast you are, and how fast paced is your competition and your target, means the difference between success and failure. A slow argument can't win a hothead over, but he can wear him down and win his respects later, to aid in your goal. 

Also know, do you want to win for the grift for the short game, there you're in and out and forget about the guy later -- or are you about the long game, there you probably give something to your target back, to make him an influencer, in order to aid you in the future. 

Warning! Never make that mistake, that you got all the answers, because different people have a different responce to a "Know it all!" and usually it is a negative one... Admit defeats and show weakness out, although, it is usually stated, that you should not do that. People will not target you, then you're not an imminent threat, nor raise their shields to counter your arguments. Also it is good to keep expectation as low as possible. If your too great of a Hero, people will not help you out, -- Burnout!!

Obtain some kind of habit or club activity, what aids your goal, because people tend to not socialize well with a person, they cannot put anywhere, and who, like in the book, is very existentialism and pathos heavy.  Do Not Suck All the Air Out of The Room As I did, While Studying Theology, Dismaying The Less Experienced Students and Angering  The Peers, Making Them Call Me Out Non-Stop!! Appear casual and don't try to impress people too much. If you are having a regular conversation, you don't act, like then you're selling something. That is the reason, why most door-to-door salesmen and preachers get the door slammed in their face, because they forgat to talk regular, and only know their exalted speech!! Unlearn your exalted speech, you learned from your tutors, because that is bullshit, and wont help you far, because at that time, they roamed the streets a lot of water has run under the bridge, and it is safe to assume, that culture along with peoples perceptions have evolved, so the experts opinion might not amount jackshit anything... 

Forget about your Saviour complex and make reasonable goals. Many Confessions vow to convert the entire State or nation and end up missioning maybe only 3 streets blocks. Let that sink in. Too much hybris leaves you sullen in debris... and people take mental notes about your unfinsihed businesses for the future... It is better to build up slowly and steadily, than to have an ubheaval and then be gone from the scene!! Don't build your team from all stars if you are a team-player, because those have their own ambitions, which may conflict with your goals, and they might simply hiyack your mission. Don't also choose too hobo creatures, because they will just cruise around, and do nothing, unless you give them the marching orders, meaning, that you will probably burn out and they will give up, because you are the only drive petaling the mission. Allow others to help you!! It sounds absurd, but many Christian churches failed, because certain Christians there too stronk and couldn't accept help from the others nor take the L... Know exactly how much is your yield in office and leave that number known only to yourself. Have reserves in case you have to overcome an adversary! 

Mental note: "STOP APOLOGIZING!! People make mistakes, strong people learn to double it down or pivot; weaklings try to explain why they failed and excuse/apologize themselves, never getting over it what the cake thought about him eating it. How does apologizing help your goal? Only do that, then there is absolutely no other way around it... and you can mean it. Halfassed apologies should be avoided at all costs. Don't think for a second, you can fool the people indefinitely. You might be fooling yourself or be the Gods Holy Fool, (Homer Simpson) with a crayon up his brain... 

When using self help books and manuals, please understand, their primary goal, was earning its Writer a buck and after that, teaching you something inbetween and in the middle. So start the distrusting from Me and any other Writer, who writes such content. How do you know, I have your best intrests in mind and don't wanna grift myself a Church of followers, to buy my next such book?

"Don't leave no path to victory untaken" is a misconception better known as tryhard. Never be that tryhard, because people will say No to you, just because its so enjoyable to deny the eager bible salesman, who seems to make a nice killing this day, so he wouldn't feel so confident. We're been there, where we in Schadenfreude rejoiced, then the Ivy League Prodigy got their B- and had a mental breakdown, while normally only getting A+ or even S ratings. Its only natural. Always leave some paths untaken, especially those, you really know, don't work and leave those poisoned notes hanging around, to take your competition down. You don't have to push so hard, if you're the only Sheriff in town!! Forget about fairlplay, because even the Bible says, don't be so fair, why dost you die before your time!! Ecc 7:16,17 Fairplay is for casual things, what don't matter much and for smalltalk, not furthering your goals. You don't get the prom date by being nice to people. Sometimes the asshole and sociopath gets the Iron Maiden, who never bat an eye... 

Cuteness is an ambivalent thing, it can help you and it can detriment you, depending on context. If you're a drill seargent, you don't wanna be perceived as cute, while if you're have to lay off a lot of workers, it could ease the pain. Never abuse a trick, that you be called the one trick pony. Because then people will find the perfect counter for you as well. 

Know the mental fatigue and fortitude of your opponent, and does he cave in under pressure or rise up in stress. The last thing, you wanna do, is muscle a masochist; or corner somebody, who is waiting for Armageddon or something similar, playing into his rape- or endgame fantasy. Why would you ever go there, you need yourself a Safe word?! 

The Best version of Yourself is another lie, you should forget, because people have excellent bullshit radars. And if the tale is too good to be true, then people normally wont believe you simply because. Learn to make gulllible mistakes, what appear plausible and aid your tale. Its like playing Poker, then you fake a tell, to tilt your opponent. Its an advanced technique, and I'm not much of a Poker player, because in the heat of the moment I loose my head, but I can talk about it analytically and teach it. 

Social awkwardness might even be an advantage, especially if youre talking to the mommy or daddy type to take advantage of their such instincts. If you're the Naruto Uzumaki, then its no use trying to Pretend to be Kabuto Yakuchi or Sasuke Uchiha. Know your strentghs and weaknesses very well and learn to master their vectors and how far you can breach behind the 4th wall. 

Each rule has an exception, and its exception another law!! Experts no nothing.

The reason, why there is so much mental illness and anxiety is spelled together with a simple Meme. Imagine a lifting competition, where some people know how much they can lift and do only that and others don't, trying to lift moore, and sometime they overexcert their joints. Because the competition is so fierce, some people take themselves out by competing too much and not giving themselves time to recuperate between training sessions. Learn to master an art form or free time passover to sniff the roses. There is no use for you, if you have a mental breakdown, while reading your 20th book over scedule, like many overachievers do. Just as with skiing. Only the Experienced Skiiers die in the mountains, because they always venture far beyond the safety nets and measures. Learn to respect the Gods of fate and not test your luck too much... Respectful and humble people make less mortal enemies and spiteful opposition -- especially from woke people -- than obnoxiously successful and arrogant Heroes and Heroines. Learn to let information in from one end and out of the other end of your ear-canal, as the Estonian saying goes, because most information is just white noise to give you shit and offences. Why should you take any of that?? Successful people have no true friends and if people flatter you too much, it normally means, they want your goldtooth/watch or make you vomit, to eat it, like dogs do, licking your face. Learn to distance yourself from both success and defeat and analize it quietly alone in your retreat. 

It is true, that tech can harm your people skills, but its not always the rule. I watched 8 hours per day German TV as a child (no nanny available) and could absorb a lot of information through it learning the language and other social skills. Its how you use, it not what you're using. But its true, that an unskilled pupil can injure himself and others using a katana blade... That much is true. Some people are natural Matrix Hyperlinkers, who can absorb and analize large datapackages. If you wanna be a preacher then somewhat it is a must, because you have to parse through The Old and New Testament Apocriva then Some Commentaries and Compendiums not to mention the Classical literary works in your surroundings influenced by that etc. The more conflicting ideas you can juggle around, the more coloours you have in your palette to work with. 

Success is the worsed venom and poison of an influencer, because then you're winning, you're like the Great White Shark, why would you possibly fix what is not broken!! Learn to create simulated defeats and learn from it, before it becomes reality. Study the defeats of your peers and pay your respects. This is a form of Genjutsu, I gleamed, from watching Naruto Shippuden. If your natural habitat is a bar, there the music is too loud, but it wont bother you, why would you possibly listen to the expert advising you otherwise? Advices are like tastes and flavours of Ice Cream or Clothes, what go in and out of fashion, spinning round 20 year intervals. Do Charity work only if you feel like it, the burn out is a real thing and underappreciation sucks hard... many people have given up everything, after failing miserably, because they tried to go against their second nature, and believed, in order to be the good guy, they need to do the right thing. Some people are just Natural Entrepreneurs, who can only make money and grind it. Why would you then spend your time on Charity and get out of your element?? Who are You tyring to favor here, You or the Blind Teacher Leading you astray!! Don't collect too many teachings, because why do  you need the bloat. Learn to say No!! Just because something is a book and it has helped somebody, dost not mean, you need to eat that haystack as well. Learn to detect your tastes and move around accordingly, avoiding food columns not your dietary range. Carnivores dost eat cabbages and vegans dont eat Beef. People like only genuine Selfless People, like Mahatma Gandhi just as they love Genuine Dicks, as Steve Jobs was. Don't try to be the Moral Absolute out of your reach and expertease, just because you heard it is a worthy Virtue. Wine Gourmets make poor Hermits and Priests make horrible Pimps. 

Just as with the Good Deeds Sheets, what I learned to fill at Sundayschool, the Worst Hipocrat thing ever devised by Christians, throw your Resume away, because it teaches you to lie to Yourself, pointing out only those qualities others want to see in you or are looking, not the ones you are strong in or need to cultivate. It also don't say anything about your shortcomings. Lord Jesus Christ had no resume, then he came to town and then he sought out his 12 disciples. Its like on the market, The moment, you are looking for Yonagold Apples every motherfucker is selling your want, even if they are selling Red Chief!! And you can already guess, how those two don't look alike, but you don't wanna have this nasty experience, then somebody muscles you to buy it anyway... 

Break your heart, and loose your first love, to find it again on another way and road!! Some people are Orators, while others write excellent in the blog. Did you know, that St. Paul had an intense fervor in his letters, while being rather mediocre in speech, so much so, that people took notice. Everybody don't need to do the influencing the same way, everybody else has done it centuries. Don't be shy of inventing your own unique way!! If you can only make funny Tragedies, then do funny tragedies, not torment yourself, in being as pathos and dark mooded as possible, to drive your funnybones out. 

While they say, that smile is half the vicotry, I come from Estonia, and if you have seen Wacky Races, on that scene they had to get gas from the Russians. Well yeah, it can be as funny getting the smile there. Some social environments are like deserts, to people, who depend upon the smile! Do your homework and don't come unprepared in situations like these. Some people like compliments, others criticism; banter and open hostilites, to feel safe. Learn the language and social norms of your group and don't go there with your own Monasteries ToS!! 

Sometimes no attention is better tahn too much attention to everybody. People tend to not like people, who can socialilze with too many people, making them look like Prostitutes of Social Activism. For instance, I would notice a person reading a book in the corner and not socializing at all first before I take my time with that Gregarious Peoples person filling the entire room and draining my introvert batteries... unless you want a curse from me, DONT DO THAT WITHOUT MY PERMISSION. I don't like people getting in my face, then I try to keep my social interactions at 22 or less. Don't interrupt my conversations or I will maul you!! Nobody said, you can talk over me... skanning over the horizon is something that predators do, and because I am looking for a yandere queen, I might find it really Intriguing and pleasing, if you know, how to just accidentally drop your sights on me and then move on. Again, you don't need to be Charismatic, because most Introverts are not, while still being able to command attention and respect, then necessary to speak out. Charisma is an Estravert trait and you  obviously can cultivate it, if you are one. Sometimes it is better to be the Snake in the grass than the Lion in the crosshairs while other times, you don't know, what to be and still gonna loose. There are no good answers for every situations. Most of the time, you have to make shit up and pull yoursef out of the bog from your own hair, like Munchausen. Make your fears and calamities your best friends, because they will tell you tales about Yourself, no Friends can swear upon. understanding Fear is half your discipline and conduct.  

Clothes only matter, if you like to be seen and want people to notice your self-expression. You could also be Curt Cobain and totally Crunge, in which case, you don't give a damn, what people think of your non-conformism and no fucks given. As long you're feeling confortable in your shoes... Success is an atitude and will transorm even the dullest garment into a fashion item. You can bark orders, if you are used to doing that -- people wil immediately know, if you are out of your confort zone, also it is very easy to get into a territorial fight with another Dobberman, so why would you risk a staredown, if you might not even be able to staredown? Be yourself and make that count. 

Humour is a nice tool, if you know how, but there are so many ways and styles how to be funny. Learn your language, and don't try to reinvent the wheel by mimicking somebody else, who did it better. People tend to like unique humour best, not the greatest hits of the current Top Comedian, who everybody has already heard... Sometimes it can be funny not being funny and just having smalltalk and venting stuff you don't understand, because it comes natural, and people like honesty and integrity, what dost come at others expence, because some people think deprecating humour is cool, then you can rip on the Blonds and the Fats and the etc. Ricky Gervais and Dave Chapelle don't tll jokes, they paint story canvases and keep you occupied enjoying the walk around and the different angles. Don't be onedimensional. Nobody likes that!! 

Agreeeableness is yet another false-trophy, for it don't garantee what the fuck the audinece understood of your speech or your approach. Especially with Chrstians, the peer-pressure is so great, that people feel ashamed, then they dost understand something. So they'd rather fake it. It is better to get the discent and diagreement, to wear the target down, because no resources are gaines nor consumed, then somebody nods his empty head. Then somebody is disagreeing, he is actively participating in the dialogue and imprinting it in his subconcious and doing half your work for you!! That's how Narcissists get their way. Don't be always right, but let the other correct you, for people don't like to converse with the OverTrumper, who has to have the last say. You just have to win the main pointers while leading your target around the fields of His moral victories and glory. Don't give more information, than people need to know about you. Too much information and willingness to speak can be a turnoff, because may let you come off as a tattertale. The Professional atheletes always leave room for rest not train every day, as the rookies assume, killing their muscles and all the progress made. Don't be afraid to take time for yourself then you feel like it. Your body is sometimes the best teacher. Listen to it more than to the Experts!!  Be humble not condescending, then listening to another grifter or salesman, because you might learn something you don't know. Avoid droning and cloning the bodylanguage. People normally don't like the pantomime game. Logic traps can help you so far, and don't help you at all, with PTSD patience or in Nations and surrondings, the people had overcome Totalitarian Režimes. You can never outdo the Stalinist Pogroms and Propagandists, so don't even try. 

Only do such things, if you expect your targets overconfidence due to high intellect or something else, like the success of their current movie or play. You don't need to know all the topics and labels, as long you know yourself. Too much labels and quotes can mean a boring person and nothing to say. Learn to say things in short bursts, for it appreciates the time and thoughtpatterns of others. Never speak, then somebody else speaks!! Sometimes silence is more meaningful than answering at the wrong time the wrong question. Some topics even have no right answer!! Offences are Taken not Received!! People take notice, which favours you dish out and which you receive. If you have no self-control don't try to favour anything but remain neutral and honest. A Failed or wrong favour can do more damage than offering none. Learn to understand who's favours are more worth than others, and who's invitations you must take and whom to ignore or delay. While defence is a good skill, attacking abilities earns you more respect as a defencive form, if you can show your proactive moves. Keep your opponents always guessing, are you in offence or in defence or in Support or in Neutral stance. If people cannot tell, people wont move against you nor do anything to meddle in your affairs. Thereis the Propper time for the cheers and the propper time for grief, the propper time for receiving the white house and lottery wins and the propper time to burn down the house and state that you take no money!! If you let yourself be led through your life at propper time, then ready, it can be more lucrative, than rushing in and getting burned to be exiled!! Sometimes confessions hang you, other times it hangs the interogator, because of being poisoned. If you bring the confession to the wrong place, it can have a different result, as he'd excpect. Don't prevent your opponents in doing mistakes, unless it makes them owe you one. Always try to come to your wedding paying with your father-in-laws money, you stole. "Pisuhänd" The reason, why big grifters are in the carriage and small ones in the gallows, is because the small ones are useless and can't give you none, but big grifters can be useful and made to work for you. For this reasons, the bigger criminals get offered deals, while the smaller ones give broken in the Interogation room. Torturing and Corporal punishment can be borht good or bad, as long people still believe in the legitimacy of the Seniors . Don't try to prag about knowledge of abusers and gaslighters craft, if you don't speak from your own experience, because you might speak to an audience of former victims, and they might perceive you as laughing at them or at least teasing their calamities. Don't give out knowledge, you should not possess, because you don't want people perceiving you as the guy who reveils confessions or gossip. That has killed many Pastors and Priests. Respect the Community and don't try to force your way to the wanted job. Sometimes the long way, is the shortest way to your goal!! because it can be given by the elders to the guy with the least effort and motivation/ ambition. Remember all the lies you said, and if you really needed to say them. Less lies are sometimes better, and living in Truthfulness even better. Letting others win your wanted prize and supporting him is sometimes better character, than winning everything for yourself! Make people take part in your moral victories and take credit due. nobody judges the shared win, then its still a win. Learn to walk away, then there is no game left to play!! Some people ruin themselves simply because, they get adicted to winning and the cheering of the crouds, even then they know, its folly and momentum to the wrong side of life. See the differences in blessings in disguise and Blessings what are Early morning curses!! More power to you, if you can choose this from that.


  1. Protesters will throw rotten eggs at Jeff Bezos's Pleasure yacht X^D Dave Chappelle BLASTED For Blocking Affordable Housing But Here Is The ACTUAL Truth!

  2. Matteo Tura -- Merchant of Dreams
