Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Relentless Grandeur Unstoppable -- SIA Exalted

If you merely save those, who due to their class and tact or upbringing, deserve to be saved, what difference are you making. You're like a merchant who purchases the best material, to build castles. But if you would honour yourself with bad material and unworthy pupils -- well, that is really a Teacher indeed, who can change lives, which don't deserve it and can never repay you in kind, but have to live their lives in gratitude and awe, to stay witness of your example. Being a demon is no excuse; being a criminal is no excuse -- nothing is an excuse. If you want to become better, you can become better, just press on your journey one step at a time and make it understandable to you. Never give up, but move on!! You are the measure of your Holyness and the Temple of Your God, never forget and relent your Grandeur!!