Sunday, February 13, 2022


 So many Young Souls do Justice Due Diligent; 

argenting the Proms night for the vitriols spite. 

Deaf to the lepers and Deep to the Furcoats; 

mouthwashing their spokesmen and Heroines shots...

As same old was the Nights for a few "AmIRights!!" 

So many delinquents quench smoothied Denials Fervent.

Nailing it down the drain, to burrow in the whitelied habbits; 

blackfaced the rednecks blueballed the cues on a Cumberland. 

Mall me your basic Instincts of Virtues, packaging Aestetics... 

The Coffins there on the Knuckle Bar -- Crustie Sirup prostetics, 

cyborged for the Stunning and Brave -- berating the ravens stand! 

Lone Wolves on Sigma-Tauri, opened a Stargate gazing B-Rabbit.

Criss-cross pelmel the Hugo Boss on a coin toss, Devils loss; 

I wanna win this Revolvers angry silver bullets and Roulette: 

Fettez vouz jeux; rien ne va plus! Malhereux Fatale du soeur!! 

Nossirs Black-Knighted stage-frights Yessir for the Nasir 

side of waging war with God and which promise shall compete 

for the Camels road through the needles eye and Thyne Engross.

1 comment:

  1. Trumpgate oh My!! Does that impeach like Watergate? :o X^D Yeah Right, but who would be surprised that those lying hypocrats would stoop so low... I hope they wont burn down the house, to avoid the next coming of Trump :((
