Thursday, February 10, 2022

Darker than Black (How I see the anime and wiev it from a Christian perspective)

 I really like Daka zan Burakku -- Kuro no Keiyakusha, because I have the same relationship with God :(( Sorry, must get my coffee on... Ahh Dukeguy takes a piss... much better ^^ UWU I didn't get ,much far with this anime, because others interfered and drew my Doggy attention. So I chased around those bandwagons. I got to the 14 old "contractor" who sadistically killed her father, who tried to save her soul so to speak, while previously being dorment. I feel like this dorment kind of "contractor" always feeling ashamed of my status as a Christian and the energies I got from my family, what makes me a Witch. So you can take it as yet another lunatic rant, for its worth. Its my way to tell the story, and at the same time compliment the anime, how it helped my depressions and anxiety. I have a specific person inind to whom I am writing this, but he shall not be named. OwO Take it as a motivational. (Y)

So why should I believe, that these "contractors" are possible? It is an anime after all, for crying out loud. My ability, allthough it might seem arbitrary, and also feel, like I am cherry picking events, but I have noticed, that I am like a firestarter or inbouncer, who bugger people to turn to their shop, sometimes wearing really ecchi clothing to tease people in. -- I really like those kind of girls because its not easy to loose your face like that. In traditional setting, you wont have a happy time explaining such a trade, but that's how a preacher should look inside!! -- Then ever I have an idea, and focus on it strong enough, forgetting everything around me, doing only that idea. The idea seems to spread like wildfire. For instance I could influence from 1 grade the entire class to draw aliens, when I did that. 

My drawings there very crude and there was a boy with a real drawing gift, who could fuck it better... but sometimes I needed to just imagine the rain, and it started to rain in the real world. I just had to forget, I'm a little boy and about science and all things contradicting it. I just had to see rain in my head, and it started to rain. Or sunshine and it started to blaze. People like this exist, who have this level of open mind, there they can take a teaching, and immediately loose themselves into it, like in Kuroko no Basuke going into the zone. Coming back to darker than black. In that anime, there was a "contractor" wearing a mask, hunting other "contractors" 

My other ability is "cease and decist" then I can deny people things from the Heaven and literally Evil Eye them into Nat 1. Mostly I am trying to have my Nat 20 effect on people, but its not so easy, because, just like in the anime; if you use your powers, you have to do your trick. I don't know, if my trick is ghosting people; or taking a piss on them or calling them out on their bullshit, then my own life is in a glass house :$ Perhaps its the fact, that people I love and respect die on me, either Physically or spiritually (then they sins get them cancelled in the public) Its like I cannot afford a single Senpai for long. That's why I snapped, then yet another bloke attacked the Quartering. And then there is the issue with The Russians under Ukraine and the Truckers demanding their rights against Trudeau the Tyrant in Canada. So much to "cease and decist"... :(( 

It is calming to loose myself in anime and see my life sort itself out. Its like the defragmentor in Windows. All the Fragments putting themelves in order, while watching the stories unfold. Not much to "cease and decist" there. If I could but Isekai into one of those, it would be like Heaven. No more paffetic humans fighting over nothing... :o

Should I bring Usha back to the stone age, like the Democrats wanton, to show them how the Democrats of the Roman Empire perished and lost everything, because only the Republicans got to mingle with the pagans. The Democrats, while offering them The Roman Citizenship, thus diluting the City' of Romes Funds and bankrupting it whole, there too Greek to suffer the barbarian culture next to them. They just wanted their political support as plebs, not really them in social life.  Perhaps I should give em a piece of their mind, because they think, Silicon Valley's gonna save them or stuff, because they have so many Corpos suporting the Democrats... How was it with The Temple of Yahveh; Temple of Yahveh Temple of Yahveh. Did it save the fornicators, who couldn't respect the law, while seeking shelter underneath, because they could afford the offering service!! UWU You always shall be judged more severely, the closer you are with God. If you see your neighbours sins more clearly than your own, perhaps you have never met lord Jesus Christ, and are still slumbering deeply, but because you say, "I can see!" your sin will remain with you!! OwO The judgement always starts with You -- and then it delivers from there, if there is something still alive to press on, that is ^^ 

I have enough Christians on my list to Inbounce back to Heaven, for going awol. Normally a Christian cannot mix The Bible; The Teachings of Nietzsche and the Teachings of Communism together, but if Gods Willing, and the person is exiled as an effect in MTG and is totally put aside in his social and spiritual life, it can be done. In Japan it is called, "Loosing your face" The samurai used tattoos to be faceless for the peasants; and the ninjas used ninjutsu. Because you're outside of the Prophane space, to enter the Arcane space, thus forfeiting all privilege in this world, for perhaps optaining something from beyond. :$

I don't know, why a person  would want to be exiled this way, but it is possible, being named "The Den of Eliyah" in the bible. Why is that spiritual experience important, in the face of this anime? Because just like the "contractors" are running rampart in Tokyo and causing havoc in the process, Lord Jesus Christ is wieving the Christians the same, as running rampart in the world, and causing havoc with their sermons, and teachings and life. So he decided to create this assassin figure, wearing an arlequins mask I believe. I'm not familiar with all the masks, perhaps it has a name in Japanese lore. My mission is to be the devils advokate -- cease and decist Christians or Celebrities; Establishment, who think themselves too enlightened and woke seeing the Truth of Everything,to show them how blind they really are. And I will counterspell and counterspell and counterspell, Topdecking the Son of Kalev deck onto them like 14 year old loli edgelord looking like Tanya von Degurechaff while being that 33 yr old sociopath he was in his real life!! ^^ Until they break or throw the table... UWU How do you like me now?

It always affected me, like Detective Conan felt, then his favourite soccer player murdered a reporter for canceling him and making him use drugs. I really like the Japanese pissing on the West of "There was nothing I could do, I am the victim in the story!" excuse. Detective Conan really gave a piece of his mind to that soccer player, while being a child! Let that sink in. The same connotation of Child and adult in the same body, there you are as honest and sincere as a child, but as disciplined as a seasoned soldier. If I could find time to revisit Darker than Black. 

All the Christians own the Keys of Solomon or Heavens Gate/Hells Gate. It doesn't mean, that directly speaking, whenever a Christian dost like you, he can fuck with you or if he likes you, he can benefit you. NO! It means, in accordance to Mat 18:6,10; Mar 9:37 if you ever molest or tease and cause Spiritual pedofilia, there you make a child in Christ believe, that there are no Senpais in this world, because everything is fake. Because that thought will disconnect his or her spiritual link with lord Jesus Christ. Then lord Jesus Christ will respond, like Anakin Skywalker loosing Asoka Tano in Clone wars for a time, and not being very happy with the droids, who got in the way. Just like a yandere waifu, those useless things will disappear, so lord Jesus Christ would have his ship back!! ^^ UWU 

So thenever this Samuel, whom God is dripping at every word, sees something wrong and worthy to be called out on a 6 year old level, there the ToS of the Bible only exists, then you better start digging your grave into Hell itself. Because John Wick came to avenge his dead puppy you killed, because you wanted to steal his car. It doesn't matter, that you just nudged the puppy away, because he was bothering you -- lord Jesus Christ will be in your face, like its mother!! If the Case is this zoned out, then the Christian can Nat 1 or Nat 20 and it will happen, like Gandalf himself did spells; and you shall not pass, or will prevail in your journey!! 

How many times, have I had this experience in my spiritual life, there I am talking to a demon, to learn stuff, while other teenagers there doing drugs, what was the reason, Joe Bidens Free crackpipes pissed me off so much, -- Every time, I swear, it was like lord Jesus Christ had mauled that poor demon later on, like in Shaft with that pusher, promising to fuck him up real good, if he don't make himself blind and not wanting his business for that boy, who wanted to join the gang and do drugs, because the mother of that  child asked really nicely from Shaft. And then that demon didn't hang out with me anymore :(( No one wants to play with me, in the spiritworld :o Sometimes it sucks to have a ship with Lord Jesus Christ, sometimes it still works, as though lord Jesus Christ had a good day and asked the demon nicely to be my nanny or fairygodmother or something. Somehow it works out for me, just like the doorframe of my apartment, I talked about under "How my grandfather got fucked by the Soviet Union." ...^^ UWU

You could also compare it with making a hoarcrux as depicted in Harry Potter, I got 8 of them inside my body, to difract my personality in 8 broad topics. I could do the ninth to be like Kurama and Naruto, but the mental fatigue and lag... perhaps I should cut my losses and settle with what I got. It also allows to have the Christian beliefs merged together with Nietzsches Philosophy and Communism. :P 

I also wrote this other Darker than Black as a battle chant to get into the zone, if you are into loosing yourself to your beliefs. Make no mistakes. There are no takebackzies in Whiteraventown. You will do everything, you believe is right and wrong. The whole list of Good and Evil, you shall leave nothing out of it!! So If you have a problem with it, perhaps this prayer is not for you, and you're excused. ^^

Too bad that most Christians are worried about how to get their White House; picket fence and stuff, not their prayer life, if it is all given up to be ruled over by lord Jesus Christ. If your spiritual and prayer life is not as though, you're locked in with Monika of DDLC then I hate to break it to you, you aint gonna reach Heaven like that. Because you married Christ and are his faithful Bride, and now you commit adultery and do the Pro 20:30 

Don't think for a second, that the Cross and its saving Grace is for You, Christians who teach from the pulpit. Its for the sinner, who repents. You wanted to serve as the Guardian Angel, who serves like the lowest slave, to let the Children of God in, but never enters the temple himself!! That is the lot of the Servant of the Servant. You ARE the fucking pencil, John Wick uses to kill the Fucking bogeyman. You ARE the shield and sword, he will bestow upon the worsed white orc he could but find, and you get no lip about you not raining on his field, because he's your political opponent, like the democrats do; not that the Republicans are much better, slightly better off, but they also need to repent or perish with the Empire!! You ARE the White Horse underneath "Conquest" the First Apocalyptic Horseman. 

If you are good, by being the angry silver bullet of the movie "Revolver" then you could do the business of Mr. Gold. And what is your motivation, to do your thing, what keeps you up at 3:14 in the Night? UWU You are the White House and Picket Fence, what God gives to the Witches and Demons and Orphans and Widows you loathe so much, thinking yourselves betters, faithful Christians! Wail in terror, then God replaces you, like he did unto Israel, scattering it under Europe and the known worlds... to pick it up later, as Isayah foretold. Halleluyah, Glory be in Heavens and to the Children of the Gospel, let there be Peace, for Jesus is coming to Town!!" Luke 2:10 <3 UWU


  1. Will we destroy ourselves? These Things Will Surprise You About the INFP -- addressing falsehoods & misconceptions

  2. Meaning is Responcibility, ask Jacob the Trickster gazing at the gates of Heaven, and immediately vowing 20% to god, then the previous rule was 10% out of terror for his mortal life. ^^ <3 UWU
