Monday, February 21, 2022

Hyperlinking explained in contrast of reading under the thumb

 Then I started as a young Christian Baptist to read the Bible, I was not yet baptised, because due to my family; history and everything else, Christendom was not the thing what made you GoaT. In school I was constantly ridiculed because of thaI didn't care, because I was shy, and approved this kind of bondage and alienation, what the Bible promised me, thus I chose from it the most strict Prophetic traditions of Nasir and Nabi in opposition of rabi, the enemy I wanted to defeat in me. For I had many traits, I didn't like, what made me proud and boastful, for being able to read and understand more, than my mentally handicapped brother or anybody in my sunday school!! I also studied all kinds of magic for my amusement and read under the thumb. I enjoyed  the rush it gave me, then so many mediums submitted to my will. Eventually reading under the thumb became stale and inane. It wasn't enough, so I cranked up the volume and started to incorporate meditative techniques from zen and bhagavadghita; Budhism and Hinduism and various poetic traditions. Just to be able to  understand the poetry much of the religious texts there written. I started to verbalize my own exploits in the spirit world and draw confidence upon emboldened arrogance. I started to see shortcuts from A-F then previously it was only possible to go the regular route ABC Its very hard for a cat, who walks alone, to stave off his curiosity, which gets the better of me,... most of the time... The Spiritworld is full of Wisdom .... and potential Friends.... Orochimaru's and Kabutos way are quite intriguing to me, if I may say so... To unerstand all Jutsu, making it a tool for my bidding in the service of Lord Jesus Christ.

The First lesson of hyperlinking is, become like water and forget your face! If you want to be the Matrix, and move along like the Tesseract, you should also act like one, not of this world or strictly in 3 dimensions. The more you hyperlink, the more you shall loose your true colour and taste. In a way, its exactly, like the ship between Gaara and Shuaku, who devoured the boys self bit by bit, thenever he was asleep. Such a person is indiscriminate like a katana sword, submitting to its wielder... You're basically an oracle or shrine, if you will and don't have your rights anymore. For now,  You are a Living Weapon, as Kormac told about himself. If you release yourself to the Spiritworld and become the Valve itself, you loose yourself, but you gain Zen and are in a matter of speaking One with God!! You are still not God,, but you have the attribute of The Temple of Solomon, there the name of Yahveh Sebaot was placed. If you would compare yourself with a house, with the Security Badge of the Company, what guards it, then you are that!! The house and the badge to mark, who shall get the honours, if something was done right. You shall get the shame and blame, then something is amiss. Its always the fault of the little Whiteraven, who ventured outside of the protection of the ToS of the Bible and the Prophets; also the Sermon of the Mount, for taking his soul in his own hands, as the saying goes in Israel!! Thus I hyoerlink everything, to be able to answer and question everything!! 

The second lesson of hyperlinking -- You have no Friends!! Everybody wants to rule the World, so trust nobody, whence ever they come. Everybody wants to abuse your time and intellect to get the better of their mortal enemies or petty disputes. But I am not called to give people their husbands and wives back nor fight for their birthrights. I have plenty of ado with worhipping my lord Jesus Christ!

The Third lesson of hyperlinking -- You shall die! People will turn their backs to you, then they can't bind you to their understanding of Good and Evil or Fairness. Just as Stephen the first Deacon died of Martyrdom, if he disouted with the Jews, who is more Free in God, and got cancelled!! This is your lot as well... If you try to run from room to room, like a false-prophet, hiding away from the men looking for you, then it wont do you any good. Why would you give your name up at good times, and run away from the Payment of your words! Just as the Family of Aviathar (Ebiyatar -- "the Father is Great") could not save themselves from the curse, Eli and his sons wrought, being the last in his house, and giving David who was running from King Saul, the sword of Goliath. A valiant deed, but because of the curse, he ender like Son of Kalev in Estonian  lore!! 

The fourth lesson of hyperlinking -- You gonna pay for this and take responcibiity!! Don't think for a second, that you shall go to a church or under the cross, and do the laypersons prayer about being so sinfull. Oh no you dont! You are Gods blackops operative, you don't exist. The lefthandman of God! You cannot even confess your sins to somebody, because then you would have to kill him. You shall spend all your worth like Kierkegaard... for God Himself will account and weigh your Sheckels if they are indeed 20 geras each, and woe to you, if there is an imperfection somewhere. You shall account for it and make it work. Whenever there is a gap in the road, you shall be the bridge over; thenever a puddle of water, you shall throw yourself upon it, lest some Gods Child gets his/her shoes wet and dirty. You shall be the one, who washes the hands and does the lowest work, expecting no pay, for your office itself  IS your pay!! Now, Who wants to hyperlink with me? Hey there'd you all run to X^D Good Riddance, never liked those :o TwT Let's see whom shall I tease next. :P ^^ UWU


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