Nightcore Montero (Female Version) I see red Psycho
Yet another Cock-Asian tries to talk about mouthwash and nice guys finishing last fisting my glasses, with fog: another fairytale and bograss... I'm like the Anglerfish, showing my nice disguise, hiding the demons inside. :(( Calling all the devils and succubi by name, notorious for a date for giving no forgets, evil-eye on a killing-spree left and right; raincheck executioner style on the Wardens lot, most of them don't show up, scared shitless, inane. I guess, Alp barrelrun one down, and lock in the toilet to bible it and Witch-hunt. X^D Cock-Casual madnessing the witnessed wireless shorts in circuiting sequence Conclaved Inquisitive chores. How to slave the mayhem nightmares inside your hearts to get in your head some malwares and obsessive Moniqued mincer Monikers become your favorite pet teasing pincer and Holy Fool. Grayscale the trail of having to always see the nice things about you wise men say, I only seethe and overthink the bad and blue. I guess I'm antinice and antisemantics suffice the suffix to Nishe your comprise the Vichy in your Gomer-mental coven of instrumental detriments and dragons dental record toothing the grin intro and parental locked out congruent knocked up a meany meaning. for the beany oilspill for Ouiyas sake and Zozo brought the Cheney for the French slurred Oak trees overkill thrill for the wildhunt fire at Me; Myself and I Will, wishing to shelter all weary quarries Psychotic, chaNOSmic dos nostri and fiendish dairies composed. Canary the gaslit swearings sailor-mooning for Uranus, while not Gay enough to be daring for akimbo. The Cock who casually cockered a Sloppy Joe, wearing out, all the moods and swings of altered persona and Estate, I didn't wanna share, but with another Maddened Cackofony a Cockatoo for the phony metro transphormative newtrue diaspora and cologne wee!! Chu # #>////////////////< <3 <3 Madalen Duke - How Villains Are Made (Official Video)