What shall walking with God or Lord Jesus Christ accost you? The Sermon, Lord Jesus Christ dropped after feeding the multitudes with his Bread miracle. You could say, its another one of those dick moves, I love so much about my Lord Jesus Christ! X^D Much like at his home, then he talked about the foreigners being saved, while the native Orphans Widows and Lepers didn't get help! There is no conformism nor pardon, then you serve such a God!! Just read those words mentioned in the Sermon!! In a way, it highlights Nietzsches saying "God is Dead!" because we must be the Vivisection and Aqua Fons of your Spiritual Lives, what Makes out God visible and Viril for the rest of the Universe. UWU
The People ask, what should they do v.28 -- Believe who God hath sent v. 29. Believe in the Messiah calim of Lord Jesus Christ, what the Rabi's didn't wanna do, because of fear of loosing their leadership to either Rome or to Jesus. People knew their moral corruption, so there was much to be affraid of... ^^
v.30 The people ask lord Jesus Christ yet another sign, although, especially the Gospel of Johm was riddled with miracles, and people still didnät believe, because they just wanted panem et circences. Bread and circus. Because that dost not yield in taking responcibility, just as in now, then nobody wants to save Uckraine nor the Truckers in Canada! Let someone else do it!! The People even talk about the Manna from Heaven, which is an audcacious claim, because it spells out. "Be our king and give us Free food!" and v.32 lord Jesus Christ counters it, by stating that the Iraelites eating Manna, still had to die, thus that was not really the Bread from Heaven, which was hard to swallow for a patriotic Nationalist Jew. But it gets better... ^^ Jesus compares himself as the Bread of Heaven, which is a big nono for Jews, who cant eat blood nor anything not košer. Definitely not another MAN!! And people can't buy his such Sermon, because they are not ready to let go of stsatus quo!! Why go out and do something, then you can let the moral zealoths do their thing and enjoy the show? Its not by accident. that there is a passage in the Proversbs called: Pro 26: 12,13 "Do you see an Alp? (selfrightous twat)There is more hope for a Fool, than for him! The slacker says: "A Lion is in the road; a fierce Lion roams the townsquare!!"." If you're looking for excuses, the time is never right, to do something. You should always await for better conditions. Why risk life and limb over something you believe in. Let somebody else do it ;)) :(( :$
v.40 Lord Jesus Christ talks about everlasting life from Yahveh Sebaot, and although, they just received a miracle, they just can't eat this word!! :o Because only their bellies there filled, not their hearts and souls. They couldn't care less about His teachings, or if He was True or False. That is the same problem about Christians -- we have been diminished to mere entertainers who do their trick and people clap and sing and give their tithe and then they go home and live their lives happily eve rafter, without chaning anything in it. v42 they directly dispute His claim, by calling him The Son of Joseph and Mary; in fact Mary is not even named but just "Mother". because he was technically born outside of marriage, because they there engaged but not married yet. So there is a lot of vitriol here between Jesus and the Rabi! Jesus alls down the Prophets teachings about God giving His teachings personally while nobody has ever seen God. Even Eliyah saw God from Behind so to speak. But Lrod Jesus Christ claims to have come from God and Spoken to and from God. Repeating Himself being the Bread of Heaven and the promise of everlasting Life, should you eat Him! What does that mean? To eat lord Jesus Christ? The Christians have settled it with the breaking of the bread in churches and drinking of the wine; but that's not all. Lord Jesus Christ is using very graphic language, to show, how close related you must be with the teachings -- like Food and the Predator highlighting the riddle of Samson Jdg 14:14 "Out of the eater something to eat; out of the strong something sweet!" in that the Nabi was also speaking in prophetic tongues and seeing the coming of the Messiah, but people didn't know, because they there too busy antagonising the Madlad, who terrorised the lands in the name of Yahveh Sebaot.
Because a Predator cannot opt whether or not he devours its food. He must have it from time to time, to keep his strength and way of life. The same is True when you walk with God. You have no option. Either it works because you do it, or it dost not work, because you are not doing it (Yoda) v53 He even directly talks about His flesh and blood, infuriating the Jews even more!! X^D Because those poor suckers never took His words and Teachings seriously. They there too busy, looking presentable in front of the law and following the customs. Or as they put it. Building the fence around the law, lest somebody becomes adjacent and gets hurt!! Doesn't that sound like the "Woke" people today? They also need safe spaces to take care of themselves for not being fit for Life... :(( :o
From v 60 things become cathartic, because even the disciples start to complain about this Sermon, reaching its Crescendo at v 65 then Lord Jesus Christ reminiscent of the Luke 2:10 Then the Angel addresses To the People of Yahveh's Joy -- The Gospel. Now Lord Jesus Christ reaffirms this by stating, that none shall follow Him, unless given by Yahveh Sebaot!! And that is a seriously tall tale. Because Yahveh Sebaot was so unrechable and untouchable. Even the Highpriest could see His Name in the Temple only once per year, to atone al the sins of the people on him. And now you needed to get vouched by this God!! Conclusion v 66 People stopped following Lord Jesus Christ!! ^^ What Say Thou -- Is your ship this personal as Food and the Predator, or are you still looking for excuses, because there is a Lion on the Market roaring at you! Hear my roar, ye Chrisitans and awaken your slumbering Spirits to follow the Sermon of the Mount, or stay stoned in your tombs! Halleluyah! < 3 ^^ UWU Godspeed!
Let us celebrate the 666th post on this blog! Cheers <3 ^^ UWU https://youtu.be/hIKEqNdPdMc Fight back!
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