What is your measure of Freedom. Is it your Speech or your Slurs or your Dogma or something else? Do you lift, to show off, how much you can lift, or can you lift up, simply because, it is whithin your nature to lift up the Spirits of others and mend their wounds, without expecting anything in return. Then you tear down, are you enjoying it, for having the power, to destroy others built sand and snowcastles? Or are you tearing down things, what could bring mayhem. Being on the cases of your lovedones, lest they go south.
Are you doing things to get credit due, or are you crediting others values, giving them something to give a fuck about. Freedom is like water, and is reflected upon, how much you can indicriminately rain down and nurture. Just like in the Iron mask D'Artagnan say: "Its not the ones you kill, but the ones you let live!!" Thenever you remain silent, because its not your day; because someone else needs to do it; because you want to afford your career or something else, it may happen, that chance to make a difference will never present itself again!
I will never understand people who complain -- while doing nothing. Why do you even care, if you're not gonna deal with it?! We have a society of complainers and snitchers, who are always discruntled, like the Cows of Bashan in Israel, the haughty women, who can only crave for booze and cheap thrills; Mr. Right, while never working hard for it. Nobody expects the arrow to travel far, if you don't stretch the bow much -- but people expect that from society, because Democracy and Freedom is gonna deliver it to you!! The values you choose not to fight for, because it wasn't your house burning or your woman raped or your country defaced, those values are not yours to begin with. Usha and EU made sanctions, Big Deal. They should have given Ukraine his Nukes back and singled them into all President Putins assets and his friends assets. Why Nuke Mother Russia, then you can Nuke their money? Just cancel the licences of ALL Russian banks indefinitely; make ALL Diplomats passes void. Cast Mother Russia out of All the Organisations. There can be no debate while at WAR. There can be no negotiations with the Man, who disrespects the legitimate government of Ukraine and asks for demilitarisation. The Demilitarisation shall happen, then Kreml has demilitarised and the head of President Putin is on a pike with a paper crown on top of it. For you are not King of the World!! You dos't not represent Christianity nor Freedom nor Civilisation. You represent yourself and your wallet!! You shall only set the stage for China to save the day and rule over ash, President Putin. :o Sherzadbek Muratbayev - Qisinba | Шерзадбек Муратбаев - Кисинба
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