Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Castles are falling (16th Taro card)

 Iggory Diggory -- Flash Lightning -- Trigon be gone don't fuck your Ravens White! Pressing on, as the castles are fawning, in the daring dawning of my mind -- "Its mine!" My only pressious -- sunshine under pressure and driving a bycicle to Mercuries fall... sine qua non. Freddy was back and gone was the wind on Elm Str. I signed out signatures to Atom on the top of a Ton of bricks, for the shadowbox and hardknox canuckles elven Red Sox, of what would the Kitsune Hime say to the 20th Gentry Bollox, what broke the 4th wall. Castrated Castro Orcastrated in Bond Str, And Pollux poluting Frameworking the bandwiwth rivers of Egypt by thicker ointments as blood and blue rivety ribbons. Striking the Genii, to Sweney & Todd the D&D or not, for the Norvegian Streamline of the bovine Deringer and auld lang syne slipknot. Langley no time C was the agent Orange, in the deranged delusions of a Superman. So Hotrod searching for G++ in your cushy deskjob blowing all the Whistlers, what Blade forgat to Slice up your Wife. May the Spice overflow and clog your valve as clocks there cleaning their cocks and painting doodles on the string theories R about a Man to hug and kiss, what sent shivers down Blood 2 having a metoo movement. It was a too early-belated moment of a game at a landslide, who forgat to reload to reload to reload, but still better than Duke Nukem Forever. Or was that Lila Victoria Afrodita. The Teletubbies said Hello. I was too embarrassed, so I played Coolio and Gangsters Paradize, to get my Community guidelines to storm the Bastille. I only found some counterfitters and petty thieves but no Che Guevara nor revolutionario scenario what gives! Even some Beetlejuice and Brittish Poprockers from 2010 I can't believe Is this Unreal, my killing spree, as I King on the Hill with the Redeemer and Castling with a Queen. Timetraversing the travesties and entrapments for the Trap and swing... This stale intimate mate had to contemplate my templates of orificed orcs on surface level, surfing on another Doomsday Movie, hyping on the trainwreck of InBread and Citrus. The Vinegar muscled itself in and brought Wormwood with Vengeance!! As the daughter of Trigon, was not fucked by dad, phew, but still by Deadpool -- Nooo! Manashrieking my Havocked dismays on display, onanating the emanating Virtue and zen-shame, like make-uping all the thumbs go down the Arena for the Brains, as the zombies try to follow me to Heaven, but their shackles say: "Replay!" I try to spy a spunk with a snarky reply from the Bible, but hay, nice try, oh My, how could it be my coldplayers went out sold and left me to comply with the Free veggies as in towntown the prices there High and OD -- I didn't mind the Cows of Bashan, trying to maul me in one, because I had to fine myself a droned strike on the other cheeky devil in the confined constrictions of a strict slick Cathedral, cothing up Syrupy wattsapp catsha phrases, I couldn't quite put my head on, as I took of my T-bones and marrows, for the broken down butterflies and Ravens cosplaying and praying on the Fiery Greek Arrows. Letys baptize thee fire -- Agon Sutra Hayaku Ikee Ikea went sundry Ultra popcicles Poping my sore throat with some Arons on the Stunning and Brave New Incence trays. And Lightning brought down the Full House!! Let us Thunder, like the ill-tempered heathens we once upon an Onyx timed poking the Omon and Ra for the Recepy and rhemediating the meditationist pose for the last sigh of relieved writings on the wall, written in a silent riddle and concord menace to Fear the first strike and flash before the doorknob. Benjamin had to give, first all its mothers and daughters, and then King Saul to the prophets and then to the War... Still triggering your buttons raze and amazed spoiling of childish tantruming the tattered tale.