This essay is the second part to the prior, "How you can mix Communism and Chrstianity together." ^^
Aw... UWU How cute! You thought, it will be a fair play, there I politely explain, how it can be done, so you could use it safely, while still keeping your moral absolutes? No! :o
The First Problem, then somebody wants genuinely to mix together something, what cannot be mixed together, he first has to create the problem, which states them already mixed together and working together, to overcome that calamity. For Nietzsches Philosophy is situated to Will to Power, while Communism to "The Dictatorship of the Proletariat" how do you make those too enemies love each-other? In Estonia, a peculiar event took place, then the KGB, wanting to cease the assets of "Pühavaimu Kirik" (The Church of the Holy Spirit. will find the words, what the Congregation talks about himself. Don't worry, we're not related nor connected. I just liked the story, then I heard it as the theology student. UWU
In order to cease the assets, they couldn't just do that, because that church was widely respected in the populus and would have caused an upheaval, so the atheists agents had a plan. They took the churches of 4!! I repeat 4 different denominations away and gave them the same church, so they could take this away as well, on the terms, of not having "Christian Love of thy neighbours" And the Christian denominations knew that too. So then I remember correctly, those confessions there Luterans; Baptists; Adventists and Metodists. I apologize, if I remember incorrectly, because it wasn't my church. I just liked the moral victory, in the story. ^^ People, who know, these confessions, immediately understand, what the fuck is going wrong, how you cannot mix those together. Just as lord Jesus Christ said about the wine and skins. Lutherans are Old skins Leading to New Wine; while Baptists are New Skins leading to Old Wine; Adventists are New skins leading to New wine and Metodists; Old skins leadind to Old wine. I guess we can put the whole moral compass on the table, then L (Lawful Good); A (Lawful Evil) B(Chaotic Evil); M(Chaotic Good) How do you make such a team get along and not loose their church and not infight, then L is represented by the Apostel James, the first brother of "Boanerges" (Sons of thunder) so a fiery preacher who will not respect your established honor and can nail his statements on your door, if he must!
A is represented by the Apostel Matthew or Levi (The Gift of God) because they are all about spiritual gifts... M is represented by the Apostel of John the second brother of Boanerges, being very method oriented and intolerant, to the point of arrogance. B my own confession represented by the Apostel Simon Zelotes, who have a strong sense of nationalism and tradition, while somehow living a thug life and managing to get into the cracks of life, while sometimes becoming the establishment. -- That being the reason, I graded it Chaotic Evil,, because I have the most beef with the American Baptist Churches, and their success theology, which is an affront to God!! :(( >///////< but it can yield in amazing results, then the zealoth forgets about himself, look at St. Paul who was also a Zealoth!! ^^ If you love success too much, you will have to dilute the wine eventually and loose it in the process! or say no to that kind of profit and bake smaller bagels. Most people cant touch this. X^D And then a miracle happened. I mean those confessions need 2 Baptist Superorganisations -- The Northern Baptist Union and the Southern Baptist Union to work together, but in here they worked together Raw, because the KGB made them do it!! Too funny! UWU
So anyway, the same problem is with mixing Nietche and Communism together, there you need a common enemy, what both parties want dead. And not just dead, but Cruella de Wil chasing after the dalmatians/ John Wick avenging his puppy DEAD!! What would that possibly be, what the two could have in common? They both want to replace God!! Because them both have identified Fear as their biggest foe; weakness and enemy -- creating the concepts of God, who protects and gives moral guidelines and visions for the Future how to live and where to venture. But what if there is no God, or God is dead. Naturally, as a Christian I do believe Lord Jesus Christ to be very much alive and well, thank you very much for the concern, but if you compartmentalize your mind enough, you can make one part of you for the fun and mental gymnastics humour himself enough, to dare this gregarious attempt. ^^ X^D And then you're finally there, inside the Void and Nihilism, there is no turning back, just like escaping Sodom and Gomorrah. If you don't want to end like Lot, who had to get husbands to his daughters from the mountains, which first yielded in fucking his daughters in drunken state, because they couldn't wait, until it comes to pass, fearing the biological clock ticking off. It is so much harder to do moral good in the wilderness. Read the hermits diaries and the last passages of Mother Theresa. It is hard to believe, if you're your own moral absolute, what Mother Theresa indeed was, because a lot of her work she had to believe in existance, for not being widely supported. I mean she had to await 2 full years, until her supervisor finally budged and received the vision from Lord Jesus Christ. Talk about a rock and a long line!! Try to repeat that, before you judge this Heroine, for starting to doubt her faith in her old days and probably suffering from dementia, because her brain and body gave up on her. Even Saints and Holymen/ Women suffer from mental fatigue and can be weak. Even Jesus suffered greatly in Gethsemane. So don't judge Her for that moment! She is really Stronk, the next person, who even dares, to say something about Her character, that she was lost... shall get an Alp to spend some time with you, stomping his feet on your chest and oozing poisoned filth and puss to your dreams, so you could never breathe easily in your slumber ever again!! :o Try to build up such work first, before judging... So you want to be your own Personal Jesus; "Someone to hear your prayers, someone who cares!" Depeshe Mode (Live on Letterman) Whether you tackle it from the leaders side (Nietzche) or from the Community side (Communism) you get to the same point at the end of the circle... OwO The question really stands, Do you have the balls and madness to even go there? For the same person, who ventured there, will never return, just like the Don Quichote of part one is not the Don Quichote of part two marking the literary genius of don Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra! ^^ being born 29 September 1547 Being a Fire Goat and a Libra So a Goat with scales. What kind of Apocalyptic Rider had scales? The Third one!! UWU Because then food becomes scarce it doesn't just become scarce, but information gets diluted and inflated and censored and Truth becomes scarce, making Justice itself become scarce and absurdly but not leastly Diablo 3 seem like a prophetic game, just because of the grade how low the wokeness has demeaned the society and education... :(( That is the reason, we should avoid choosing one Moral highground as the fundamental truth, because it inadvertantly will destroy everything else and respect Democracy, though I think I shall sound , like Cassandra on this one... :$ :P Wisdom becomes scarce, because people will do the hacking thing with centrifuges, there they spin around 50 times clock wise and 50 times counterclock wise and full stop. Everybody has tried to do that as a child, and then fell down enjoying the dizziness. I sure did. I enjoyed the heart pounding in the throat effect!! I'm a masochist after all. Torture has always been a mayor part in my life, whether I inflict it on others or myself... ^^ Only they do the hacking thing with Nihilism and Existentialism and other Philosophies, they don't really care nor understand, until they unleash Monsters to the World, just like Jinx in Arcane or Jokers Girlfriend Harley Quinn (Batman) who just love to see the world burn. Not out of malice and spite, but because they can... ^^
This is how you mix Nietzsche and Communism together, sweet dreams, for your todays night, I might be lurking under you bed though... ;)) X^D UWU
So Anyway, Who's up for some spooky stories? UWU Don't worry, I don't bite ... much ^^ X^D Stand Alone Quotes For All Lone Wolves & Sigma Males | Wolf Edition Quotes UWU
ReplyDelete Ed Warren tells the real story of “ ANNABELLE” MUST WATCH!
ReplyDelete It had to be Zeitgeist, of all people. X^D Just like, the other time, he mopped the floor with me and disproved my Philosophy and Theology, and I couldn't help, but smile. I immediately wrote "Jesus Lives!" Poem in Estonian in the end of comment. So now this Superman had the Audacity, to post "The most powerful Artform" according to Nietzsche, God bless His Soul!! You now have a lamp in Heaven for 2! I repeat 2 positive counts, You boosted my faith, keep this up and you'll be not far from Ascension!! I never been more Happy in my life <3 X^D ^^ *gets sober again* Why dost Christians Fuuuck it like that? :o What are they trying to tell me ado? That Jesus is Dead -- Or Pussy? Fuck that shit, Jesus Lives, Motherfuckers!! Halleluyah!
ReplyDeleteJeesus elab!
Ma tean minu Jeesus elab
mu südames Tal koht
ja igas laulus helab
Tal vastu rõõmuloht.
Kas olen kodus; võõrsil
või Sõbramajas, tean -
ei vaata iial kõõrdi
kui oma risti pean...
Kui vaatan itta; läände
või uurin raamatus,
Su pale varjuks jäänd veel
mu üll' kui Armastus!
Või nagu rüü ehk kindlus
mu ümber rahuga,
Su püha hoolas Hingus
mu hinge jahutab...
Ka kui mul janu; nälg on
Sa armas Isa mul -
mind katad; toidad palgel
üks naeratus Su suul.
Ei nurise kui mängin
ma elus kangelast,
vaid õhtul viid mind sängi
kui väsind läinud maalt...
Ja varsti ärkan uuest'
Su süles rõõmustan
ja valges inglikuues
Sind Taevas ülistan!