Thursday, February 24, 2022

Release the Dragons

 It's time to eat Wor(L)ds go blur, Furcoat coaling the Steampunk missiles for the L is the New B around your necktie. A fullblown attack. Cat got out of the Stag prying for Carmen Sandiego, wearing toetags and frag-limits, subliminally stalling the grades in the Kinder Gardens of El Alamein. The Image dripping on the sage, smoldering for Tianlong: "Wake up and take eyes -- I shall paint em Yellow Submarines!" Be like John Lennon and get it on. Feast on the dwarven treasuries of Mother Russia; cease and decist the Monasteries, what Lord Jesus Christ dost not want anymore. All the Churches, lurking at every streetcorner like a coroner stealing corpses from the graves, to improve his handicap. May all the Monasteries and Churches be your Sacred Domain!! Thenever there is a High Spirit roaming about the roads, make the Two-Headed Eagle Disdain and Discern Him. D&D Cosplaying Shindlers Lists and Bohemians Rhapsodies. May she fear calamity in broad daylight, then the fields are empty and void; Nothing shall scare her, and take her fortitude, Nobody shall be doing roadblocks and inspections to protect the Peace and offer Safety Measures!! May she fear terrors in the night and under her bed at nightfall, when she is dugging a way out, but can't find one. May her own hand strangle her and cast down her pride. Every thrown and wrincle in his face, let her gain weight and pathos, in the mirrors cracks, voice the Aster in the Clown in the shadows of the Wardrobe and the Cubboard. Haunt her graves and Holidays; devour her granny and butterflies in the stomach. May her first love go second hand with a Tšetšen Maiden or Uigur Witch! 

"Fusanlong, can I hear your Swansong in courtesy on Mother Russias Tomb! -- Make all the roads unsafe to travel and all "Yes" to "No" and "Maybe" "Can I paint your eyes Red? Procrustes needs a new Homestead!" Make all the News be too early belated stillborns and throw them out in the gutters. There shall be no footnote in the annals of History. Mother Who! I guess you forgat to drink your health potions. Make the lands tremble and fall, tremble and fall, as the Barbarians and Amazons have a Wild Shanty. Put in measure on measure -- Rasputin rummaging in drunken stupor and frivolous pleasure. Spend his time and run his horses down the foxy road to make glue for the Gagarins and Nomokonovs sloppy dicks faint and balls go blue. Let none survive to save the day; but Heroine in their veins!

"Dilong, Dilong! Why art thou Dilong? "Renounce the Waters of Mother Russia, and take white eyes as my feathers and  gaunt smile..." May their waters taste metal and bring death. Be it heavy in the fields and keep the strength of the soil and grain. Devour all salt of the Earth!! All shall see themelves and love themselves, navel-gasing down the spiral until Echo can write down their wealth in stealth! Deja vu, those Spanish shoes and Pharaohs Camos, lest they bend their knees and necks to repent and be forgiven -- Let there be Inquisitions Stevens... Yahveh Sebaot smite their hearts with arrogance and stubborn folly. May all rivers turn white of blood and milk, from the wounds of your prophets and ancestors! 

"Shenlong, Friend of Songoku, the Dancing Monkey King, awaken thy Purple eyes and behold! Go back to the East and make a Roost in China!!" Exalt Yourself and be Strong -- take Wisdom upon Knowledge and Wits. All Disciples and Pupils and scholars and students and genii, shall flock together, to bow down 9 times, to learn a trade under your feet. Take Songoku with you and abandon the West. Only China shall be Civil amongst the Barbarian Tribes! Still they argue like Ruben; still they wager like Sebulon. Enough! Women shall rule over them and children pass laws unto them -- they shall perish in their own games of tag and tugs-of-peace, to lay all their cases to Rest the Spirit of Democracy in the Chumbucket of History. The more they swear on Peace -- MIR of John Wick -- the less Lord Jesus Christ wants to hearken. Their tithes are are full of treachery and deceit! None acknowledge the Sermon of the Mount; nobody aids the Samaritan nor the orphan nor the widow. 

Thus Yahveh Sebaot and His Christ in the Holy Spirit hath decreed. Be mighty once more, Shenlong, as was Rome before. For your Kingdom shall reign a thousand years, until I put Mother Russia and all the West under the boot of Lord Jesus Christ, for not honoring their stature and democracy for the brother in Kind! Will you accept your Shield and Sword, ye mighty Dragons and Exalt thyselves? Release your shackles and come out from the writings on the Wall, be like God Allmighty! I got Eyes for You!!


  1. Russia Invades Ukraine: Bidens Role, WWIII Worries, and More

  2. who wants to be king?

  3. Where the sun is dark.
