Thursday, July 22, 2021

What created the dark ages.

 This essay is my meditation on the topic and is not meant to be in any way scientific. The dark ages there an answer to the cultural diversity of greek literature and politics. Also to the mutliculturalism of religion and various mystic spiritual-awakening cults. Mostly they there regarded as gnostic, the predecessor of wokeness nowadays. What is the problem with wanting to not be dull and understand things more in depth and on the bigger scale? You might loose the tree, in order to see the forest! In order to see the cosmopolitan ideal, you might loose the solitary individual, to suit your needs. The reasons, we don't have Demagogues nor Pharisees nor Sodokite to that extent anymore, as they enjoyed their privilege of power. Mostly the reason was, that nobody checked the credentials of the self-proclaimed gnostic mystics. Everybody could be one without regard. At the same time, the teachings of Pelagius there highly popular. That you should not teach your own ideas, but your teachers ideas -- the problem arouse quickly, that some people self-appointed themselves as somebodies pupil, without grasping even the discipline of argument nor scholarship, and then due to having money, started distributing books about them already being educated scholars, who took their own pupils, who copy pasted their copy pasted and misunderstood teachings. Just as in the telephone game, errors started to emerge -- thus the correct quoting was introduced to prevent selfappointment of knowledge. This restricted access to scholarship and education. The same way you can restrict access to religion and politics, if you allow certain nutjobs or woke zealoths, run rampart, who dont really care about the topic, because they are not invested; misunderstood it, or simply the useful fools and claqeurs of the competition. The first thing, what will happen, is censorship and rationing of thought, to fit in the mold of approved curriculum, what will be prudish and not include the passionate orators nor the fierse antagonists, but the bare minimum, like the Phantom Menace was culturally and technologically more advanced, than A New Hope or The Force Awakens -- also the latter movies there undermined with wokeness, parading in the real world. For that reason, its also a show, how faked emotions can destroy a franchise. then you fake emotional attachment for political or religious gain, its like faking orgasms in a relationship. Eventually the person investing real emotions, will get out itself or be cancelled because of gaslighting, that he is not as much invested as the woke person, who gets the uber orgasms and hot takes, what the regular is unable to even fathom much less to hold on!! Faking your vision of wokeness, creates a world of darkness, there any kind of vision over the ages and event horizon, shall be wieved as Whitch-Craft. This was the reason Al-Chemy exists, because the muslims salvaged the last, what remained of greek sciences, then the West was done with it. It could happen again, but I wonder, who will save the culture and all what has been gathered so far on knowledge this time! Then some people pinge-compassion and -empathy on the others, like womitting rainbows and unicorns, the rest of the world, can only wear dark-glasses and assume, nihilism. For that reason, any kind of insertion of emotions and politics, should be regarded as a hostile act of social terrorism and dealt with 20 years in Federal Prison without the right to communicate. Never trust the narssicist, who dollyfies his subject, denying any kind of interaction, what deviates from his way. And the result is a world full of rectangles and straight forward shapes, what can only be interpreted one way, not the other, making language and the world, very Old Testament like, there you have to abhore along the 10 commandments, while following a religion there Jesus Christ tried to get us out of those shackles!! That is the irony and paradox of the dark ages. The broader vision of culture will be lost; along with imagination and freedom of thought; speech or any kind of pride, you get to self-impose. Guilds and Houses will take over once more, and the class system will return!! Just because some people there allowed to play daily Prophet and talk about feelings and stuff, they didn't understand nor care in the first place. Today, something can be still done, to ammend this, or you can do nothing and see History repeat itself. The choice is yours... 

1 comment:

  1. Why an Obsession with Safety creates Sick Minds and a Sick Society
