Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Kaduneljapäev (Wither-Thursday)

 Today old Estonians celebrate Wither-Thursday. It is the day, you don't cut your hair but mow your lawn, because what ever you do, you better hate it, for it will be cut out of your life! Also a good time to start with AA meetings or give up on your drug abuse or some other addiction. If you're a fan of Manscaping, hey, today is your day to trim those bushes, you wanna get rid of. ^^ Although I respect people, who have a normal human smell, due to hair on their genitals and chest. I never trimmed such hair in my life, because of oldschool rules. UWU Today is also good to clean your garage or do other chores you pushed aside for so long. If spring cleaning wasn't good enough for ya, then today is the day, to get those loose ends done John Wick style! Speaking of which, you can also finish those ships, what you had no heart to solve sooner... OwO I will put the Estonian correspondence of the day in the comment section, for you to read and translate -- or simply use to learn my wonderful language. <3 Before I forget, today is good for anti-rodent day, or if your loved ones have any kind of parasites... just so you know ^^