Monday, January 28, 2019

Solemn Vow

When the night grows cold, the stories once told
of brazen faith so bold and values now sold.
It's dragging me old

The naked eye - was covered in lullabies
and blatant white lies; hog-washed and
streamlined to fit the biases and vies...

Still I will hold on to you - no hardship
shall keep me due; within the anxious blue
unwind and blue!

No matter the cost nor consequence;
my thirst for your love shall not be quenched.
I will reach for you - breech any border and sentence!

When the day grows hot; so many are thot;
like on a barrel run and a lucky six shot.
More angels and demons than eyes got...

I will hold my course, and remember you love;
my subtle meek turtledove may the fates taste but hoarse.
I wont forget this solemn vow nor your love remorse!