Thursday, June 13, 2019

How to invent Communist without the use of terror.

1. Form a family like environment what relies on trust and gathering. It doesn't really matter if its matriarchy based or patriarchy based, as long the leadership is firm and undisputed. Any kind of disharmony and neglect means, this environment doesn't fulfil the aspects of a family. Religion is not necessary but positive to ensure that different members stick to each-other and the common needs.
2. Avoid the influence of central government as peacefully and much as possible. Central governments make establishments, thus tetermining who is up and who is down, who gets to open shop and who has to close it down. Violence is the marker of impotent fools, for it makes you open for criticism and ridicule. Nobody believes the goodness of a bully.
3. Support all the freedoms available to citizens, especially involving firearms and the right to form militias. Dystopia always starts with collecting potential weaponry off citizens, especially who don't belong to the same social group, who is currently in leadership, what might be used against it and arguing what a nuisance it is, then the government has to ask "permission" for every action they perform. Supporting the freedoms of your opponents ensures, that your own freedoms can't be targeted by the central government in the name of the bigger picture and greater truth.
4. Be passive agressive, even if it's against the law! At the same time don't condemn gun owners and vigilantes. You don't know when you might need the help of a vigilante, when the government goes insane and stops listening to its citizens. The governments potential fear of what might happen if, keep them from going over the line.
5. If you're a vigilante, you're outside the law. Don't expect the people to vouch for you. Even if you do the right thing the laws there written for abiding citizens, not for criminals. Don't be naive and reveil names, nor brag about your worth on social media. The central government is always watching and has a file on any potential threat. So don't make yourself visible by talking too much what you could do...
6. Don't vote for parties but for candidates who are real people. Be aware on what any of them stand and what you want from the future. If the right candidate is on the right while you're standing on the left, you vote for that right until he fits your bill and vice verca. Don't trust the Corporation, just like the German Manorists in the Baltics  changed suit according who's armies there marching on their fields to keep their money, so will Corporations change their agenda and public relations, as soon as they see fit, for their true loyalty lies with money and not with countries. That's why they hire the chiepest possible leibor in the cost friendliest regioon to be sure that their profit margin goes unscathed.
7. Don't accumulate wealth into housing; cars and such, because they make you dependable on who is in charge. Try to keep as much in social relations and virtual currency. Favors go a long way and can't be taxed. Don't sign wills, what can be targeted and shamed as antisocial and not fair enough. Nobody in the past would have dared to accuse a farm owner on leaving it to his oldest son, so he could take his place - today, if your farm is "expencive" and "successful" enough, that might occur. Or if the farm is instead a bakery or a bookstore or something else in your family for generations. It is easy to assault genealogy in the name of social justice, for anger and greed needs no vindication, it just needs a sense of blood on the ground.
8. While any person can be a member of your "family" not any person because he doesn't share social markers with you, if that is made an ideology (multiculturalism) can be a friend of yours. What does that mean. While both soccer and football are ok to play, people need to know which rules exactly currently apply and who agreed on what. Outsiders don't get to shotgun on the game rules while the play is on. New rules can be introduced then the game is off not on the playing field. For example if a new social group invents their own social bonding sceme (Marriage) it can be arranged in the same type of arhitecture (church) Just like heteros can't be married in a gay-bar, so cannot LGBT do that inside a Christian church. It's not a matter of human rights it's a matter of wanting ot use rules of football inside a game of soccer. If that there possible, we would talk about a "third game" neither about soccer nor football. And a "third game" is never Communist but it could be Fascist and strengthen the Central government.
9. Create your own stock of real currency (food; fuel; cloths) because they'll be hit by unfair traxing the most. Don't rely on fashion, because its the worce kind of religion you could be into. A tithe cost you only 10% of your salary, being fashion savy can cost you more. And you never know when the next "top notch" thing happens and how far the shaming goes, if you don't have it. If you're not into drugs, why would you be into fashion? Abandon any good what is imbued with aggressive sales tactics and political values you don't agree with. Why would you create demand for something what publicly wishes your values gone?
10. Don't rally people to fight/confront your opponents publicly, because words and shouts are like a mirror and crowds are like fans to a bonfire. the bigger the fire, the more they fan; the louder the voice the stronger the agreement. Mind your own business as much as you can and don't trust news. Always ask yourself: "Who benefits the most from this side of the story, if I would intervene or enough people like me!" "What could be the other side of this story?" "What is at stake and there are the trenches?" "Is this my business and can I avoid confrontation without compromising my values and family?" What ever you confront and rally against, you also open up for being marthyred. People may see you as the bully when you're winning too well and have a soft spot for the underdog. Always leave your oponent a way out, that way, if he insists on fighting he wont be the underdog, for he had a choice of walking away from the situation.
11. Don't answer to any taunts what ever is called. Insults are only used, because their meant to inflict specific injuries towards your Ego. Answer only to them if more than you is targeted and you are protecting a principle and not your Ego. Threats against life and your family is more than your ego.
12. If you're captured and tortured, then choose death over life. People die once but the effects of treason last forever. People don't care why you caved in, whether because your family or your fingers being broken or something else. The outcome is what really matters. Rejoyce if you can die for your values, for it makes your enemies wrong.
13. Don't let yourself be voted into power, for power corrupts. If you still cant avoid being elected hate yourself. Don't expect any good of yourself and dont rely on anything. All your friends are your enemies, because they may ask favors off you, because your friendship or family ties. If you're elected, all your friends are dead, all your family is dead, even you are dead and your God or something else you value, so you could be the mediator between Good and Evil and do Justice between Rich and Poor; Wise and Fool; Crafty and Clumsy; Champion and Challenged. A ruler is like a sphere, which has no side. A house has a side; a floor has a side but the sun and the moon have no sides. There cannot be always day, nor always night - everything flows and moves, changing from its base until gone. One person can't be always just, nor the other person always vile. There is no freedom for a ruler, but all the freedoms for a servant. If you can't make your weight like a cup to engulf the needs of the people, then the people will scatter under your worth, like water droplets under a hammer.
14. Don't draw value or worth from any ability or skill you may possess. Just like the musician possesses his tools and the music he crafts, so shall the music and his tools possess him. What you possess shall corner you and make you too rigid in obtaining true Communism and trust with the others, because they always seem to be in your way! The nail what sticks out, shall be hammered in and the reed who's taller than others stricken down. Still don't rejoice if it happens nor offer your help in being the lawn mower. One day you have to cut your own for sticking out...
15. While those who draw the sword, shall die by the sword - authority is still good, for it preoccupies the violent. Without the government the little people are prey for vultures, as long the government is like Shepperds and not like Kings. Leisure creates corruption and incites the needs for war and more luxury in order to substitute for lack of work to do. A person who has a job to do, doesn't worry nor rant about his life being miserable and without meaning, its the emptiness of our time, what drives us to despair, when we realize that we're not connected to other people but to a Id code and client service with no needs to take responcibility.
16. Responcibility is the friend of a Communist! As long you know yours, you wont be turned over into a mere cog in the system. Know your stuff and how to make it the strength of your entire group and not just for yourself. If your strength is just your strength and it really is strength, it can be bought by agents or made into dirt - you can be broken and ridiculed or forgotten. The strength and unity of a family will overlast them all. Bad things happen, if people don't care what befalls their work and its outcome.
To be continued...

Saturday, June 8, 2019


Be two; be free; Metoo redeem;
Creed to; creep me; reep through; Be me.
Cry to; try feel; smite though; coolaid;
calm down; farcry; outlast; distain.
Fancy; marry me; cyanide; nice treat;
tough choice; probe thee; gaslight; feel glee...
Glued ban; fanboy; drone coy; destroy!
Ser Vice; time gleems; demise; DMZ;
hostile; host trials; deep throat; but a smile.
Put on, under fire; friend-zoned frienzy-tired!!
Tires broken; blown up faces; cool gestures; gutless traces...

How to be God?

To be the dirt and accept the shit;
your peasants feet, leutennants grifts;
to be the tennant all shall hate;
without a right inside his own -
that is God if you could be...

To be the Sun and soothing Moon;
while others pillage loathe your ways;
to let it rain then merchants plunder;
to let it grow then scaffolds aspire -
that is God if you could be...

To be the poison and chosen dish;
yet forsaken for no reason;
to be in enmity and turmoil.
Boiled in lies, entrenched in fervor -
that is God if you could be...

Just tell the truth and witness right;
no man can thus escape your sighs.
The base is narrow, body blight -
all that is God, usurps all might!