Saturday, June 8, 2019

How to be God?

To be the dirt and accept the shit;
your peasants feet, leutennants grifts;
to be the tennant all shall hate;
without a right inside his own -
that is God if you could be...

To be the Sun and soothing Moon;
while others pillage loathe your ways;
to let it rain then merchants plunder;
to let it grow then scaffolds aspire -
that is God if you could be...

To be the poison and chosen dish;
yet forsaken for no reason;
to be in enmity and turmoil.
Boiled in lies, entrenched in fervor -
that is God if you could be...

Just tell the truth and witness right;
no man can thus escape your sighs.
The base is narrow, body blight -
all that is God, usurps all might!

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