Wednesday, July 31, 2019


Questions have answers, have questions, have answers;
some inside voices deem worthy opt cancels.
Questions have answers some inquiries cancers;
Answers have questions, bullshit may have dancers...

Detest the test frenzy, when bored tongues binge merry;
many words mayham dost not give picked cherries.
Sour grapes happen, when words unweighted flurry;
ash in your mouth and dirt your hair burried...

Inside actors and voices inmated -- what it's worth
given by what your deeds created. Things go south
prior before you head yonder, true heading in north;
harder than one ponders... better watch your mouth!

Happy endings seldom ask questions -- does that mean,
answers should kept just for kings? Where do you keep
your heart, asks all your questions, granting your keen
answers known or sublime as you seek!

Pains reward sometimes more sweet of a token;
better than choice sweets and sunniest Summer.
Falls fruits beget, if awaited in hearken;
silent tears reap bounties as somner...

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