Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Nothing happens

Nothing was happening, happy diluted;
nothing could do to me, alluring to dismay...
nothing else mattered or was briefly disputed;
as my broken wings tattered nothing on display.

Nothing was on my mind, I had nothing to say;
silence was golden and silver words rhimed.
Slivering snakes and nothing cared to foreplay;
directly obnoxious as nothing confined...

Chastising sanity, nothing agrieved me;
myself hated I -- spy on the green lit sky --
nothing had notions and quaintly was thee
voice in my head, lay merry and sly...

Freedom willed parlaiz - vous ettez too french;
pardoned for nothing, shit loitered people...
Happened to nothing -- ablaze was the trench;
enmity hollowed in harrowing ripples!

My nipples where unquenched, the ass said nothing;
no milk went sour, nor salt over the cold shoulder...
nothing was broken and none shared its clothing --
all ventured wanton to aspire with boulders!

Kidneys fried liver, the dick cared for nothing;
stomache ate blood, digesting the poison.
Turkey was stuffed, acts of faith slothing...
Still, it was nothing, none shotgun-called treason!

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