Monday, September 23, 2019

Sforza niente

A boy went about, like King Saul
to seek answers in Endor from Tarot
Sforza saw nothing to question it;
asking for questions to wager --
one little christian, but a white raven;
askewed the serpent in fervor:
"Who am I; Wizard or Witch; Good-Ill;
Wiseman or Fool? Can I count,
that the Sermon of the Mount, could be
my way, like Jesus once said.
Like I have written poetry and lived?
Yet another Pharisee on the edge
of the street corners, who got his share?

One little christian, but a white raven
shout out and got an answer profound:
Wand of 5 upright on first place;
Wand of 2 upright followed suit.
The Pope was third thus upside down;
The Hermit broke the 4th wall on the ground,
lamenting the Popes uncut losses like diamonds.
Wand of 8 was dead last, but still kicking;
cheering, leading happy upright, although none followed!

The Present: "Competition and turmoil;
need to stand out. Growth and success --
both at hand, if you conquer the sloth;
Godspeed will devour Gossamer indeed!"

The Past: "Maturity is dominated
a character of high esteem and virtue.
Determined to ace it; wont have problems
but face it! Success but an attitude; inner calling!!
Commit into the fray and thus you prevail..."

The Future: "Vulnerable is the gullible charity;
yokes to ensnare the meek are on the road, beware!"

The Reason: "Impulsive, wild goose chase;
wild hunt at hand! Stand up with temperance
or this is your last red linen; marked sand..."

The Potential: "Speed and luck at unexpected places;
love at first sight will yandere your way!"

The Answer: "Competition on the market of Faith;
tough and resounding indeed, yet the time is ripe
for a happy ending. Avoid the dogma and cultist glee;
as rules and precepts are on a frenzied killing spree.
If you work out and dost not follow the hoe
nor gamble all in one -- you may see Heavens beauty
or bedeviled you may fall and be stung!"

The boy, little christian, but a white raven indeed;
couldn't understand nor display what it reads.
Wagered two Shekels  for 2 (bat)mites in need;
What should it give and where yonder lead!

Thursday, September 19, 2019


Diss was an Associate of Mumble;
Aster was growing numb.
Lots to talk about and grumble;
shove it up my spine with breadcrumbs --
if ravens had any, they would have raised thumbs;
as they plucked my eyes and ate my marrow gamble.
Jack in the box was knocking on Heavens door humbled...

Bewitched as a hitchhiker for the lucky streek;
the street was a dead-end, runes there afloat in the air...
Stryker or not -- that was the question imbeciled for the meek;
Odenwald did not bode well to the silver linings I wreaked.
Godspeed paving the road to Hellions incursion and ensnare --
who rode the last Indian for an Avatar's dare!
I must have ate a cold turkey and Hungary was mana-leaked.

I mean to say nothing, while anything goes Casino Royale;
Texas Hold em and Baccara there competing with wild Geese.
The Mother of old things was in terror as her daugher un-yaled;
expelled for reading Harry Potter and Lavransdatter with grayscale
printouts of the scripture, that was not in red nor edited by W. Reese.
To make it worse, she was not naturally blond and wore a Scarlet fleece;
a wolf in sharp tongued manner and inner peace to mar a Nightingale...

I hit the road with my greatest bullshit to farewell to Kerouac;
as my arms raced to my forehead to find some loose hair untied.
Collared to do the Job thing and Jonas away to the Free stack...
Nineveh had nine vows to row the boat, as the Bikermice backed:
"We'll be doing the hard core and no frogmouth shall early birdy lies;
as Splinter and Carmichael will be waiting to sing some war-cries!"
As men had white Armani and blue jeans women wore black!!

A Change in scenery would break - I swear - solemnly to bear
witness on the grand scale of things. The camels neck was thick;
no rope could ever tie it. So I hanged it onto September 22th gear
as a little bit of Monica was in the air;
I changed the channel with the remote promoting my matchstick
to be the Mayor as Yuri and Natsuki where debating over Netflix
whether to watch Irishman or Icarus... Sayori would have known, I swear!!

As the jury was hung up anyway, we settled the wreckage of events
with a compromise to write some poetry instead. Monica also arrived
and brought Carrie with her. Yuri made an eerie friendship so fervent;
I believed she could cut herself with just her sweat and tears without relent.
I remorse, that letting them out again, was not the best of choice to carry;
onward we go as I cherry-picked my marbles, scanned the cat, e-mailed to Surrey,
to find out that the Matrix was out of order and having a deja vu for 2 cents.

That really hurt my feelings and I blew my stack. On top of that I tore up
my last copy of Spiraling Embers and misplaced Kodama of the Center Tree.
Damn, how can I be so good in breaking up with things what I like - wazzup?!
Carry and the Bikermice volunteered to help me ease the pain with a Wallop.
Afterwards I remember nothing, and that is a good thing... I guess... how to redeem...
some lootboxes there craving my attention, but I pretended to not give a fuck-gleam!
Glee was out anyway and so was Aster with Diss and Mumble - the road was shut...

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Eclair Voyeur

Clearing my minds behind the open blinds;
the closed quarters define the sign-language.
I sigh for a relief on some treat of esprit;
et spiritus sangre Eclair Voyeur redeems,

Fanning on the morbid outrage of staged
coup d'état hostaged minds and virtues.
Nurturing the ongoing onslaught of emasculation.
Only a woman can be truly Man to know its kind!

How many endangered species can we curfew;
to live inside civilized borders amongst Mankind?
The right to remain sighted and sigh a gust of grind;
postboning the morning woods to mock my sense out.

Behind the open blinds lies a gonglomerate of meaning.
No responcibility, to give it value and take up charge;
Self included in the existential longing of not standing up.
As Monty Python would have agreed not to betray...

Estee Lauder in the morning; eons of sorrow for breakfast.
not all are filled with passion nor conned to compassion;
to make themselves open for the ridicule and spit of other Self.
Calvin Klein and Hugo Boss in the afternoon to season it.

Its lonely to be beautiful; vitty; savy and all the other graces;
easy to give up the pace. Chaos doesn't mind nor scrutinize --
behind the open blinds, Eclair Voyeur stands tall to surmise:
Nothing matters and anything goes -- all are for Nothing!!

My insides are not waking up but waning in disguise;
just to have another cupcake and treat myself a Sweet Jesus!
How many swears before the temple mount crumbles;
how many oaths to wrath Allmighty Lord without faith?

The righteous wanting to stone the Harlot,
as all bottles shall be filled with fine wine
and precept be put on precept -- the Verdict
benedicts itself!! Dice are thrown up; cards down.

Relapsed of Judgment

Words go Hail-Marry, harrowing ordinary;
tinkering the geared Hulks of shipped ferry.
The bulk of the road to perdition sanction vary;
lo Moral - low your self-esteem to pick cherries.

I don't want no @ tensions nor # tags as I $"&* myself;
up my own hoisted pretard and down the rabbit hole.
Rewarding the regal retards or their revenued shiest-health:
she ain't got no shelth, to rest her head on an arm nor pole...

Then shots are virgins and water is vodka; russians are black,
hey some cool gimmick gauged the eyes to a sight to behold.
I scold the shoelace of some olden days Bold young-blond hack;
who had a left cheek crack, to "but" in the middle of my sententse cold!

I still have to stance my ground standing up for the nearest corner;
edgy slurs are important and self-evident. Some kinds of proverbs -- comerce
must go yonder, to sniff the roses, and I wonder. Do the hummingbirds commence
with the audition, for the next fox in the henhouse or the sheep-clothed wolf trance?

I chipped a dale in a block of flat tires to dairy the diary of some lost archon;
who wanted to die along a Yew tree as the arrow seeped through his sap.
My talk was cheep and my good looks where free -- flabbergasted parchments
lawsuited themselves to kingdoms yet to cum on their Mont Blanc faces some crap!

Don't want to be free to, as free from contradiction is so much more demanding.
#Metoo wanted to showcase Mewto in Motown and have some new improved toons.
Some pokemons there siding with bakugan and digimon, to have a new underhanding
of misgendered faeces. As my diction had contractions to hump the transmission goons.

Vehement prayers obfuscated a shroud of doubt about all the things what a boyscout
should say and do, when Jesus is hitch-hiking on the road, and he drives by a boycot
in his Maserati to lament how wrong and sullen the youth of these days have been rot.
The lot was gathered by Nimrod crossing the thingers behind the back to say: "Why not!"

My palette has no other colors, than camo and obliette, as I rile my victims into my lair;
the dungeon of Chimeras and despair; the den of Vipers and sucking upper class maidens.
The iron spark in their eyes melt my spine into a thrall-gloom, to sway from any dare,
what a ice-cream inside a bread crust could hope inside the oven to bun Sniders.

How many judges can atone the rent of rending a spirit for a pretence or a trend;
terminating the timber for the termite and seasoning the deal with some broken ass
ornaments about some crazy shit, somebody mulled out of his ardent armaments;
a dentist could not pretend to put a dent in an hour or two nor arm himself with brass!!

The spitfire of Carnegie Halled carnage, marking the graves of hallmarked marksmen;
who had a Mark or less to loose in the bible. What ever was  not on the side of St. Paul then;
which lever could have been projected inside the gospel to choir the: "New-Zen"!
Yorkers had to embark on some doghunt to rabbid bite some digestive traits and loose chin!!

My LAN cast a huge five-dimensional shadow what broke the fourth wall;
The IP-man had to call the extortionist to racket some gremlins out of the joy-stick.
My mouse is still scared and took some ducttape to eraze the pained close call;
The motherboard was feeling lonely and the PCU was playing hat-tricks...

The pentagram had 9 mg of Nickel and a dime to sell shorties and hot shots for ironing
Works. My microscopic scope of effort dwarfed at the rainbow-skating sanctions dichotomy.
I had a lobotomy to lobby the vultures with the werewolfs as my head was spiraling
down the drain, for I didn't put the collar on. I pulled my legs up and akimboed "Eo ipso Phoney"

Relapsed in this fiendish nightmare, I stared down the ravine to steal a kiss back -- even by death.
It met my sight with awaited hisses and snarls. As the wails grew louder in the gourge -- wealth
was not an option, but a superseded stupendous opinions, opining stagnant fragrances, scathed
by the prejudices, judiciary hearings had to turn a blind eye to. And what a sight indeed out-wrathed!!

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Discussion and Disgust

Discussing disgust in the utmost combust;
this gust, that thrust -- all crumbs milled to dust.
Two hard stones wet-dreamy, had mustered just:
Vindictive the verdict and hardened the lust...

Mistress of Death had Mercy hung over;
Mocky was baffled, while Misty took cover.
Man was at arms, but racing for lower;
high grounds admonished to revere the Dover.

Dreaded naught; despaired "I do"; yoked their own Will;
ex is tenacious, pretending to tend content shills.
I would crave for a solution to amend even a Bill --
killed in the action, missing the low key glee thrill!

Crisis Dionysus, advancing some vices - I shan't
know to avarice these, if thought resolved implant
banshees. Can't seem to frolic the unknown chant;
shitting in the jar to have his own devious rant...

The empty cup and Humpty Dumpty on the same frame,
I had omitted, to claim the blame. I refrain to sway
hitch-hiking between dismay and hangman's yoked say.
The joke misspoken, had a token resistance inlaid.

In God we trust, as Good deeds are dust - evil a must;
the devil alike sussed. Sustenance, implore you: "Crush
must go on!" Stained saintly sinners, complain mushed
grinned heirs; someone was fainting others minds vast...

Neverminds; Evermores; Perhapsendales; Omniwhores --
who shall grant ingrain to molest all past Dogma shores!
Ships are but sunken, gaunts roam undaunted -- Boars
whilst wild-hunted, enchanted by blood-oaths to the gore!

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Ewgross Lolmao

Water has no taste, yet it refreshes the soul. Air has no substance nor embodiment, yet it moves mountains, letting you breathe. Dirt has no value, yet all kingdoms are borrowed on it. A wise man does all that, without being entangled in speeches, the arch-fiend of Wisdom.
Taste loathes other tastes, unable to truly love and cherish, what their indifference could give. Salty hates sweetness; sour belittles bitter, contemplating the contempt that they are the solution, while the rest is regarded as parts of a huge amassed problem, they don't want to have, but rather solve. And they want it done yesterday, before the beginning; before the tohuvabohu!!
Talking about wisdom, is like squeezing lemons into a glass of milk, you sprinkled onions on. An effort, that makes people gasp and look for the next “Ew” or “Gross” flag to make you stop this insolence. Because you dared to suggest, that there is something wrong with status quo, and we should put some effort to amend it. Expecting something good from this kind of a talk is like the imagination that Lol could fuck Imao and something good would come out of it. Normally people are really confused, then they see a Lolmao is hanging around, and assume, that their being duped for an idiot. Or at least beholding the unforgivable sin, then somebody smites your other cheek… Such candid things are always bringing folks to tears and making them look for the nearest pitchfork and torch – just keep your sermons snow-white and your coffee pitch-black! I think, Snowden was a brave guy, worthy to be held up, like a prophet of old. He sacrificed all for a dream – a glimmer, what others only dare to paint on the wall, then forget; or write in a book, then sell it in a store, while faking Lockharts signatures – but the caravan mows on, cutting down all who dare to not be onboard!! Can a wise man have a say, and own it, without paying the piper? Branding it really doesn't help, because it makes it unheard, for those, who cannot afford. Who can afford the price of a common well written Bible with apokriva and all the rest? And yet Jesus sent his apostles out, to offer His gospel for FREE. Our respect towards other people and life should be so revered, that it even dwarfs our love for our parents – ask an orthodox Jew, what it means to respect someone like the beard of your old father, and offer that to all the people, and you know what being a Christian is all about, just like the Sermon of the Mount has depicted it. Alas, if there would be a Christian, who could read or be able to listen. All are too busy on their Crusades and rallies against yet another abortion clinic or some other Harlot, who should be stoned to death. But nobody asks himself, is he without sin, to cast the first stone! Does the absence of abortion clinics, make women unable to get abortions? Does it solve the problem of unwanted pregnancy? Does it make teenagers and others, having this problem choose marriage over adultery? Hell no! But it puts a carpet on a white elephant, while the head is still out. Just hop on, like you're Aladdin – and this ride is like the mermaid fare to your doom!! In Estonia, if a pretty mermaid invites you or your children to a nice ride on a horse, it leads to drowning in water, and then you become like her. That's how things get solved, then people regard status quo too much. Problems get invisible; all can see it, and life mows on. Some gears grind or cringe bones to dust, like their the oranges of Akutagawa or some scared Obadiah greeting Elijah, to avoid telling horror stories, so people wouldn't ransack temples, to make fire with its debris, when the weather is raining cats and dogs outside… There are non, who would teach the youth, how to be a model citizen, who pays taxes; loves his country and borders. Stays within the laws and guidelines… Lao-Zi tried that and had immediately an argument with Kong fu-zi. Now they both are good Indians and very much dead, I presume. Too bad this isn't sticks and stones by Dave Chapelle – yet another Snowden, who woke up and realized that the king is walking about nude!! If there would be only four people, who's face I would like to carve into the mountains of Eternity; they would be Snowden; Chapelle; Nietzche and Akutagawa – the same I would bring to Heaven, if I could only save myself and four people with me. In a way, Christians have to be like those people, but they there too busy converting at Wallmart or other places so they couldn't be chosen… Christians convert too much, forgetting what hyperinflation and loosing your flavor can do to salt or money… Why should people regard your worth, then it doesn't shine as bright as the Sermon of the Mount?

Friday, September 6, 2019

Saviour of Spaces

Save the spaces of safe spaces;
spacious defiance and diligent amasses.
Amazed of vice's which veni vidi misplaces;
cowards outrage needs courage 101 glasses.

Classy glossed glossary divergent of leading;
missed of demeanour, but platantly obvious...
Trends are so flashy, but amusingly lending --
pretending to invent the Wheel -- boggy moss vicious!!

Cancel the critics and sqewer the vintage;
H&R cencored -- F&S blatant.
Shadows are banned no communities win stage;
Spaces need Saviours, meaning some fragrance...

Lemons ate sugar; onions shit honey;
vinegar spit custard and jawbreakers there tied.
Truth dared to venture, there no event saw a bunney;
horizons abysmal hat-tricking amnesty.

Full stop the hashtags to toe up the race-pimps;
all words got merry and bloodied the ruckus.
Headshot on plain sight and barrelhunt sour shrimps;
devoured by greed obnoxed as on fungus--

Skeletons catering, skullduggers digging.
Maul in one wards off infringment reloading.
Jokes are on death row - like duke is on kidding;
the last soft spot was on Gilligans island retorting!!

Resorted mayhave been's mayhams may-days;
insiders sanity vanity fairs. Oxymorons burrow;
to let the vywern ousted. Venom said nay's
as the devil wanted to contract some sorrows...

In between two spaces the Words got missing;
Questions became asnwers and quotes became slander.
Saviour of savages salvaged the hissing --
kissing the irony maiden too tender...

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Possess this!

Can you possess light, can you conquer the dark;
the boogieman under your bed, the creepy coat-hanger
to hook your mind up? As the Grim has a bark,
could sanity it from estranger...

Can you lift the moon over your thingers;
twiddle God between them and smoke?
Could you remove all infamous stingers;
have all kings relish their New-Yo(r)kes!!

Can you tempt tempest to chill;
Hailstorm to hail you Godspeed?
Intervene to the power of Wills;
Gossamer on the hour of need!!

Can you doubt reason entrenchment;
then words border treason; contempt?
Can you be boldest impeachment;
under peckers impeckable attempt!

Upfloat and dripping your colors;
then gray and black all but opaque.
The bush beating the rattlesnake bellows:
"I found it all broken and cracked!!"

Skinned his tooth; grinned the tail;
loosing your chin in the heart buried.
As the rabbit was changed with set snail;
the turtle lost the race weary'd

Whitenoising the pesky parkers;
blacktruthing the skulduggery smite.
Who could possess such starker;
then vanity - Name is your rite?

Don't possess a Name to call upon;
then Name wont possess you with glee!
fear wont tremble your stupor;
kingdoms pedigree debris...

Moredom - id the road jack!

Id be bored on the road, doing jack shit;
bid your fare well to swing some egos.
The stack was lit, I had plenty a hit
coffee and cocoa contemporary concience;
complying to nonsense and toxic twits-weirdos!

Moresom to sommelier the somnambulistic Belials;
what said to much trials in tremoring splendor.
I was on a fevered pitch to remorse the lot - dials --
no one got my number and was playing me vacancy.
I must have been like the witch of Endor - same frequancy!!

The cream was salty and sour, flouring me some aghast
dethroned thralls, who couldn't commune with sympathy,
to the sandworm, their shovel split apart, while digging fast
their grave and asshole, to save the fastest gun in the hornets nest...
I couldn't recall, was her name Lorraine or Cathy -- perhaps it was East.

The nail had a hammer time, to get into the coffin;
I was not given much fucks to fox the fixer.
I was too Loki to low key el toro loco or Dalton Timothy
not one of the brothers in arms, but the sheriff found no Bond.
I guess Nietzsches Superman would deserve a netflix er ree?

Sidewinding the grinded walnuts to fall on your pillow;
swearing the Aether had nothing to do with it, nor radiance
glowing inside my eyes, as I was roasting faster - still owe
the death 50 cents for crossing the border with the wrong pants...
I was murdered by my own contempt and burried at Cabot Cove loathed!!

The boast was clear as the sunny day, I dismay to have a parlais
for my words there not french not sorry; I wasn't even sure,
whether or not I was met in Surrey or like the sitting bull conclave,
to burry my heart in more books and ink as an octopy could slur...
My sentenses already danced like a tipsy dwarf on midsommernights rave - cur.

Monday, September 2, 2019


Tuck me away, like a read book to the shelf;
I understand, its over, its done.
Bone my marrow, the reeds lost them- heads, self;
paled with the tapestry, all smiles still gone.

Are you a wizard, or demon - perhaps both;
I always loved to be under your spell.
Devoured by madness, regrets stir my sloth --
cloths wearing make-up. Fined to be farewelled!!

Wasn't there at all you can shut up and leaf;
beating the bushes was bearing my anthem.
It pains me to dismay to have too much grief.
leaving it open, the wound festers shant them!!

It fizzles, it sizzles -- fiddles my morrows;
I borrow a nickle to wager ten pounds!!
Tuck me the lemons, do lemonade with it. Sorrows
never swayed tears under the ground...

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Hashtags for argument

Here's a list of Hashtags you can use, in case some SJW or politician fucks with your brains.

#ThereIsNoTrigger or #TINT whenever an SJW plays the "All the floor is lava, lets try to evade it" ultra-hard difficulty to gaslight your arguments, because your values simply make him/her dance inside hot iron slippers, like the real ending of Cinderella, there the Wicked Witch was sentenced to death like that, not ran into the dark forest and was never heard again, or some other politically correct bullshit. Keep your arguments firm and your red pills always available.
#ShadowBox Some people like shadowboxing to fight with an imaginary enemy to get better, others like to imagine boundaries glass-walls or "lions on the market" as depicted in the bible to excuse themselves why not to take action. Because they are living inside a shadow box. Whenever you encounter yet another "expert victim" you can use this.
#Contempt-spell Whenever an SJW is trying to put you in a containment field of nonperson and "You can't act or else you're intolerant!" It's a variant of #TINT merged together with #Shadowbox because you simply wouldn't shut up on your case, then the triggers rained down from heaven nor did you buy their entrenching attempts. Just keep replying like a broken record the same sentence, til they get it: "Tolerance is the friendly participation of at least two or more parties, in which all participants have the right to perform their unique way as rightful; and at the same time reserve the right to critique and defend the others way and critique!" Make it obvious why the SJW is not in compliance to that. How their critique takes your right for your unique way and your right for a fair critique away. Spell out any and all spelling errors or oxymorons created, what restrict your rights. Don't think that its too silly and obvious and a person in the right mind must get it. Because there are Fools who simply don't get it, how much you reason with them, but you cannot shut up because of it. If you have to stand your ground, this is the way.
#Navelgate When ever an SJW is in love with his own voice and creates problems what are not really problems or tries to find imaginary conspiracy theories like he/she was the One - all the whistle blowers incarnate, while not sacrificing or risking anything. Because that person has no case nor insight how to present a case. He/she is simply navel-gazing to gratify himself/herself for finding it out and being brave enough to say it! It also goes if your arguments get watered down with the infamous: "Now I received a thousand and one death threats, because of your say!" without posting any proof that you're even related to those people who allegedly threatened him/her, or if there could be an argument of the same volume of threats, for SJW tend to have a 1000:1 ratio. Every argument is equal of 1000 death threats, like one scroll of the prayer mill is equal to 1000 prayers. No offense against the Buddhists, just for elaboration.
#SelfIt That you can use, then somebody merges a selfy post with a creepy clown stile It post. This happens then you come out with an idea, and some SJW comes forward whether alone or as a faction you sullied, that this can't happen unless they are gratified and can word the actual thing you want to do. Don't allow this but ask them to show it on a piece of paper, how their proposal to ammend your proposal makes it work in the real world. If they can't even imagine it, why would you give them the floor? Keep all talk at a 6 year old level, so there could be no controversy or slippery slope.

Please also post your Hashtags others should know...