Clearing my minds behind the open blinds;
the closed quarters define the sign-language.
I sigh for a relief on some treat of esprit;
et spiritus sangre Eclair Voyeur redeems,
Fanning on the morbid outrage of staged
coup d'état hostaged minds and virtues.
Nurturing the ongoing onslaught of emasculation.
Only a woman can be truly Man to know its kind!
How many endangered species can we curfew;
to live inside civilized borders amongst Mankind?
The right to remain sighted and sigh a gust of grind;
postboning the morning woods to mock my sense out.
Behind the open blinds lies a gonglomerate of meaning.
No responcibility, to give it value and take up charge;
Self included in the existential longing of not standing up.
As Monty Python would have agreed not to betray...
Estee Lauder in the morning; eons of sorrow for breakfast.
not all are filled with passion nor conned to compassion;
to make themselves open for the ridicule and spit of other Self.
Calvin Klein and Hugo Boss in the afternoon to season it.
Its lonely to be beautiful; vitty; savy and all the other graces;
easy to give up the pace. Chaos doesn't mind nor scrutinize --
behind the open blinds, Eclair Voyeur stands tall to surmise:
Nothing matters and anything goes -- all are for Nothing!!
My insides are not waking up but waning in disguise;
just to have another cupcake and treat myself a Sweet Jesus!
How many swears before the temple mount crumbles;
how many oaths to wrath Allmighty Lord without faith?
The righteous wanting to stone the Harlot,
as all bottles shall be filled with fine wine
and precept be put on precept -- the Verdict
benedicts itself!! Dice are thrown up; cards down.
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