Thursday, May 5, 2016

Judgment in the rain

Sitting on the park-bench, the sky goes rotten gray;
the light shines upon the pedestrians, who happy merry may
go for the life what seems to me unstained.
Sitting on the park-bench mesmerized and maimed.

Just an ugly carcass no bold expressions or fame
waiting for the lightning, judging for the rain.
The hour seems a bit late – missed the last train…
just like messing up with… don't wanna remember her name.

Not much to offer, no seconds to ask lame;
when the minutes and hours of joy shamed,
to pronounce the end of a fair game.
Like withered leafs of last year a forgotten ale…

Sitting on the park-bench, the drops like blood on hay;
the mind goes waste to crumble; flying with birds of Jay.
Nevermore to be loved, to not feel the pain,
so that the rain might be on mercy and not in vain...

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