Sunday, May 5, 2019


Never pay back for cheating - for he's treading at the loss for not digging your treasures;
why would you wanna be on down beating - defeating. Dost you wish to lick measures
abandoned agains and comitting to something you got disenchanted a while ago for pleasure.
Reassure it wont go better, just like a tape can't change the plot thus treatings for sure.
Moving on the best vengeance to treat him put on a spin and let endurance bleed whim!

"I'm in you're out!" - don't you care a lout who can't cry more rout of his throat than a
scotch wiskey and kit-kats whiskers painted with milky-way's on the Oreo rings route.
You're worth more than that nauseam-scout adding up degrees of water; even the waiter
called in the ambulance and martial law to gater the pouter - so don't crap over his ass -
demote him! Devotion only for the knight of your farest dream and no dripping painters BS!

Farewell and Godspeed, my Nightingale and Fairydream. Those who are spaced out for other
mannequins Harley Queen their Bohemian demise and scenes. I believe and have a dream,
that once upon a time you shall feel again redeemed - so please: Don't shed an eyelid for those
who not like yours lowest bid. They can't go higher than six feet under and are with the worms;
that's why they pick on wood, supersticious in stidges and ambitious. Vicious of hisses and means!

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