Nothing was happening, happy diluted;
nothing could do to me, alluring to dismay...
nothing else mattered or was briefly disputed;
as my broken wings tattered nothing on display.
Nothing was on my mind, I had nothing to say;
silence was golden and silver words rhimed.
Slivering snakes and nothing cared to foreplay;
directly obnoxious as nothing confined...
Chastising sanity, nothing agrieved me;
myself hated I -- spy on the green lit sky --
nothing had notions and quaintly was thee
voice in my head, lay merry and sly...
Freedom willed parlaiz - vous ettez too french;
pardoned for nothing, shit loitered people...
Happened to nothing -- ablaze was the trench;
enmity hollowed in harrowing ripples!
My nipples where unquenched, the ass said nothing;
no milk went sour, nor salt over the cold shoulder...
nothing was broken and none shared its clothing --
all ventured wanton to aspire with boulders!
Kidneys fried liver, the dick cared for nothing;
stomache ate blood, digesting the poison.
Turkey was stuffed, acts of faith slothing...
Still, it was nothing, none shotgun-called treason!
Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Questions have answers, have questions, have answers;
some inside voices deem worthy opt cancels.
Questions have answers some inquiries cancers;
Answers have questions, bullshit may have dancers...
Detest the test frenzy, when bored tongues binge merry;
many words mayham dost not give picked cherries.
Sour grapes happen, when words unweighted flurry;
ash in your mouth and dirt your hair burried...
Inside actors and voices inmated -- what it's worth
given by what your deeds created. Things go south
prior before you head yonder, true heading in north;
harder than one ponders... better watch your mouth!
Happy endings seldom ask questions -- does that mean,
answers should kept just for kings? Where do you keep
your heart, asks all your questions, granting your keen
answers known or sublime as you seek!
Pains reward sometimes more sweet of a token;
better than choice sweets and sunniest Summer.
Falls fruits beget, if awaited in hearken;
silent tears reap bounties as somner...
some inside voices deem worthy opt cancels.
Questions have answers some inquiries cancers;
Answers have questions, bullshit may have dancers...
Detest the test frenzy, when bored tongues binge merry;
many words mayham dost not give picked cherries.
Sour grapes happen, when words unweighted flurry;
ash in your mouth and dirt your hair burried...
Inside actors and voices inmated -- what it's worth
given by what your deeds created. Things go south
prior before you head yonder, true heading in north;
harder than one ponders... better watch your mouth!
Happy endings seldom ask questions -- does that mean,
answers should kept just for kings? Where do you keep
your heart, asks all your questions, granting your keen
answers known or sublime as you seek!
Pains reward sometimes more sweet of a token;
better than choice sweets and sunniest Summer.
Falls fruits beget, if awaited in hearken;
silent tears reap bounties as somner...
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Random thoughts2
What is a Tesserekt. A Cube with 5 Shift positions on each side. So if a tesserekt be treated as a key you could rotate freely in a 3 dimensional space you could make virtually unbreakable passwords with even 4 of them. Of course this freedom should be limited for human use, because aside from the chinease and japanease, not many people got the discipline to rotate a cube precisely enough for any computer to recognize as key value. It would add 4 diagonal movements to the 5 prior discussed ones, making a total of 9 different ways how you can push a key - not to mention the double and triple push... If rotating would also be a key it would raise the number to 17, given that you don't give to any midterm rotations spans any key value or overdraw. Taking a tesserekt out of the equation or putting it into a new place can also change values. The futuure lock systems will be virtual and tesserekt shaped, swirling and twirling rapidly for the human eye to comprehend, creating with each turn invariable amounts of cordinates, which could be a random number. How would mathematically a code of 5W7N3NS1SE look like or if the numbers would be 2..3...4 digits and could be to any directions of the compass, It would surely depend there the various numbers would be located on a tesserect and how you would have to rotate it to have the right angle faced with the right direction. It would look like solving the Rubiks cube, but far more complex due to the added dimension.
Random thoughts
New Keyboard:
Imagine if every key on a keyboard would respond like a game console. Having 5 different options to push a key, would allow to have more functions open without using Ctrl or alt. That would revolutionize macro users from using three keyboards into just one. Those 5 options being Left; Right; Up; Down and Center. Now imagine the Ctrl and alt keys having the same amount of options. The possibilities could be endless. Now imagine, if all those keys, would also work like USB - sticks able to store and upload information. even if it's only 1GB that also creates alot of options. You could have three autonomous Browsers working simultanously with uniquely different environments. You could store different keyboard settings on a single dial and depending the 5 ways you can press it and 5 ways you can press Ctrl or Alt or them together you would have 5x5x5x5=625 different ways. And that's just one key. Having led-screens on top of those keys would allow to see what key it gonna be depending on the way of clicking on it, making forgeting and stamping of keys a thing of the past. There could also be 4-dimensional keyboards for touch screens to dial teserekt shaped buttons and move them on all dimensional axis. What if you could multiply and divide or add and subtract button key values making the system create unique values for highly complex computations and solutions. It would be like the keyboard programmed itself! An oval shaped screen what depending on its position would show a different data stream you could have invarious amounts of data-streams or desktops arranged between all 360 degrees and angledeapths, all with their unique settings. After that a PC wont be what you knew it where before... Or if you could rotate a keyboard and that changes something in the settings of the keys. What if you could fold the keyboard together and apart like a piece of paper, making some keys be more close or apart than usual. If you can do that with an interactive desktop why not with an keyboard or screen itself? This is the Future!
Imagine if every key on a keyboard would respond like a game console. Having 5 different options to push a key, would allow to have more functions open without using Ctrl or alt. That would revolutionize macro users from using three keyboards into just one. Those 5 options being Left; Right; Up; Down and Center. Now imagine the Ctrl and alt keys having the same amount of options. The possibilities could be endless. Now imagine, if all those keys, would also work like USB - sticks able to store and upload information. even if it's only 1GB that also creates alot of options. You could have three autonomous Browsers working simultanously with uniquely different environments. You could store different keyboard settings on a single dial and depending the 5 ways you can press it and 5 ways you can press Ctrl or Alt or them together you would have 5x5x5x5=625 different ways. And that's just one key. Having led-screens on top of those keys would allow to see what key it gonna be depending on the way of clicking on it, making forgeting and stamping of keys a thing of the past. There could also be 4-dimensional keyboards for touch screens to dial teserekt shaped buttons and move them on all dimensional axis. What if you could multiply and divide or add and subtract button key values making the system create unique values for highly complex computations and solutions. It would be like the keyboard programmed itself! An oval shaped screen what depending on its position would show a different data stream you could have invarious amounts of data-streams or desktops arranged between all 360 degrees and angledeapths, all with their unique settings. After that a PC wont be what you knew it where before... Or if you could rotate a keyboard and that changes something in the settings of the keys. What if you could fold the keyboard together and apart like a piece of paper, making some keys be more close or apart than usual. If you can do that with an interactive desktop why not with an keyboard or screen itself? This is the Future!
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Do it yourself!
Don't ask for a Guardian nor lord Allmighty;
don't quest for a Saviour to do your bidding.
No mightful heirloom nor service uprightly -
season change and continents sift slightly...
Don't be the jester to be out for the kidding;
killing the show is put yourself in the hiding!
Know yourself and not a theme to be feisty...
Don't ask for Zen for God may drop your call;
key cards and phones have something in common...
Neglected and lost, sometimes overpayd, dull;
cheat sheets are everythere but your answers named bull!
Just like with curtains and a failed summons;
a wolf is not same if loss of teeth drummonds...
There are plenty of statues and White Unmarked Halls!
Ask for yourself and do it for you;
nobody else, no flag; party; flavour!
Respect what is You in whatever is true;
Godspeed to those who only pursue
what is ardent and what is to savour
your own taste and colors in favor.
That is the only creed you have a clue!
don't quest for a Saviour to do your bidding.
No mightful heirloom nor service uprightly -
season change and continents sift slightly...
Don't be the jester to be out for the kidding;
killing the show is put yourself in the hiding!
Know yourself and not a theme to be feisty...
Don't ask for Zen for God may drop your call;
key cards and phones have something in common...
Neglected and lost, sometimes overpayd, dull;
cheat sheets are everythere but your answers named bull!
Just like with curtains and a failed summons;
a wolf is not same if loss of teeth drummonds...
There are plenty of statues and White Unmarked Halls!
Ask for yourself and do it for you;
nobody else, no flag; party; flavour!
Respect what is You in whatever is true;
Godspeed to those who only pursue
what is ardent and what is to savour
your own taste and colors in favor.
That is the only creed you have a clue!
Why God hates perfect churches.
Every now and then I encounter people who whine and snarl about the church - because it "doesn't have this or that". If you would further examine those complaints their mostly about, how the church is not like the youth center; or community center; or its not like their favorite pub or cinema; or it's not like home! Well I'm sorry! The Church is the House of God, there you meet God to pray in silence and not in public. The only reason why public sermons take place, is so you could take time for God in your busy scedual. Otherwise most of us would neglect it. As yourself: "Why do I need God?". "What does believing in God give me, what I cannot get in other means?" "Does it make me a better person in relation to others, or does it make me the thought-police?" There are times, there you must rebuke someone publicly like St.Paul did to St. Peter; and there are more times you need to talk in private or remain silent. You don't know everything. You can't suffer everything. And you don't carry the cross of Jesus Christ! You weren't dead for three days and there not resurected, nor did you go to Heaven after that to judge the whole world. There are plenty of times then we think we have all the data, and have only one side of the story. Always ask yourself then people ask your opinion to judge between them. 1) What Happened? 2) Who are in fight? 3) How are they related to you, the fight and your church? 4) What all parties get, if you choose their side? 5) Does it at all concern you? Most of the times we decide, because someone is our friend, and naturally we wanna take their side in everything. That's what a friend does? Wrong! A friend remains honest so your friends don't delude themselves into getting away with everything and expecting to have a partner in crime. While it is sometimes nessecary to go all out for your friends, it is mostly good to have a level head. Speaking honest words will make your friendship worth more, because it is based on reality and not oportunity. There is a problem with those friends, who go out for "everything". They seem to vanish into thin air, then the bear is coming. They only go all out, then they can clearly see, that you're already won. And that is the reason to listen, the reason to stand down and wait; to think, that wrong would not be done. For the little things you do wrong in a church last for Centuries but the great things you do but once are only revered til' next Sunday! It takes only one child molestation to make people to assume that all the priests are like that. Only one event of unfaithful accounting to skewer the name of other such, because they share a common God-name. Only one bully, one inklet of tar!! Because I say it again - A church is the House of God not your personal success story. It does not exist, so you could be praised by the people, what a lovely lad you are, it is there so you could connect to God. A good Christian is like a wifi connection. You never think then it's working like it's supposed to, but only then it's not. And that is there the dog is burried. God doesn't give us bad churches and priests, because he hates us, but because we would keep thinking and paying attention for those things important. Otherwise we'd succumb into a happy dream and never think again, disregarding our sheep to the wolves, because the church does all best! Sometimes bad things happen, because you havent committed to fixing them. Don't complain about "this or that" if you havent contributed with anything. Nobody likes a bad review about a movie you never even watched. That is worth nothing - and so is a bad review about your church, if you commit nothing. Then I also hear "the tithe is bad!!" Are those same people also saying that paying for your croceries is bad; or buying a ticket in the bus; or in the plane or in the cinema is bad? Why not? Why not are the churches of our time allowed to get direct credit on how they are doing, like everybody else? Why is it not holy enough to put your money there your mouth is? If you say: "Because my church doesn't do charity?" Did you enroll to be one of the first volunteers in that charity you see amiss? "Because my church doesn't work with street kids!" Are you a street preacher or social worker elsewhere? If not, why are you concerned about stuff you don't care anyway! It is always easy to care with words, just like the friends of Job did, and not by deeds! Deeds need to take a stand, which can be assaulted. You must be this, and can't be that anymore. You can be wrong in your deeds, and people hate to be wrong. Because people hate to apologize. Thus God hates perfect churches, so people, especially Christians would learn to apologize more often for stuff they did wrong and not expect merit about stuff they did right. "What did you give to your toaster, for not burning your toast, what you had for breakfast?" That's what people should ask themselves then they want to get too much credit. We don't commend our refrigerator for running. There is no Sabath day for your computer nor cell-phone, but there is one in each week for you! We don't thank the Lord that the light-bulb is working after we flicked a switch. But we're still offended, then an attendee of church fails to greet us or respect us duely like we deserve, when we did our best at Sunday's... How many of us would still be Christians, then you're the only one alive? That is here the question. Because if you're a Christian, because you're from such a family and such an environment and it's culturally aproved, then how is it in any way different from someone who's a Maori (canibal) or Sulu. What does make your faithfulness into your God make better than somebody elses God? An agnostic can also own people on Youtube or on the street and prag about it, how his arguments wasted somebody. How does that make you better than Fortnite streamers? Do they have a bad connection to their source material? If you only love your friends and hate your enemies you do average and nothing interesting. That doesn't prove anything, if you lend to a rich guy to buy a commodity and then expect to pay you back. It does mean something if you lend to a poor guy and be full aware, that you probably don't get it back - and since for your trust other people started looking that guy a new way, and his life improved! It is possible to be blessed by God and disrespect and disregard it. That is how God created this world and went to the cross. Most of the time we don't even notice the blessings we already have, because our gaze is in the sky so much that the rain comes in from our nostrils and gives us pneumonia! People don't regard it as a blessing anymore, to be married for 20+ years; or if their husband is silent and don't scoff about everything. People are not happy about their old car still functioning and not guzzling gas like some popular version would. People are not happy with their old cell phones, even if the new ones don't last that long and cost a hefty penny for each gadget you need to personally disable, so it wouldn't beg money from you. People don't seem to notice anymore what is working and why, and what it costs you. As long they can see the neon lights and pray in loud comments what in the end doesn't really matter and doesn't leave you exposed, but silent, all is fine... What is your say in it. Is it the same old, that nothing gets done, or do you have the answer? The choice is yours -- tell yourself and not me, I can't go to Heaven for you, but you can, so Godspeed yourself and not others!
Thursday, July 11, 2019
Selling your Soul
Selling your soul means that you are commiting yourself to actions what doesn't define you and are fake in order to gain artefitial means, what don't really end to the "real goal" you are intending. For instance SJW's are selling their souls in order to gain "social justice" by doxxing their opponents; echo-chambering events and trolling around. What they really gain, is reinforcing their critics and proving themselves wrong. Every time you force yourself into a "cheat the system" cycle you elude yourself from maturing into societies real goals. Why is that, because the same people who claim to cheat the system and are too cosmopolitan to "play by the rules" start immediately demanding others to play by the rules, then their ass is in the line with rock salt. The famous example is the Soviet movie classic "The adventures of Shurik". One symptom of someone who has sold his soul, is regarding his past beliefs as too childish, while loafing and looking down at people who still believe that way, especially then they are adults, stating that regarding such is a notion of children and not of able minds. People who have sold their souls, are absorbed by one idea or thought only, what upon its more careful study will present itself as petty and shallow, thus it is held in serious reverence, and just like a Faberge egg is protected by all means and at all costs. I mean, everybody else is wrong and you are right and enlightened and that's the reason you should keep kids away of the loot - they just end up smearing or breaking it anyway... While there is always a possibility for a more spiritual approach, the main line stays the same. You cheat your way through life to avoid hardship and real experience through toil and labor. Why should the Devil waste his time in offering contracts to people, if he can just entangle them in petty arguments, there both sides are a little bit right and wrong at the same time? If you sign a deal, you might end up regretting it, but how on earth are you gonna regret being right! Nobody is ever gonna abandon his rights - that's why Jesus had to tell to Love your enemies like yourself! Not because you scratch my back, I scratch yours, but because of the realisation, what a fight really needs, and that is a disagreement and two guys unwilling to part from their rights. It was corresponded the best then Peter asked, thinking himself very just: "How many times should I forgive my brother? Surely seven times is enough?" and Jesus remarked back: "I shall not speak to you seven times, but even seventy times seven times!!" It means we should not give up on speaking just because the opposition is "too stupid" to understand. Because just as you may perceive someone too evil for saving, somebody else might think the same about you. Many revolutions have succumbed in blood, simply because of pointing thingers, who is "the enemy of the State" Even the apostles at one time rebuked a person for proclaiming Jesus Christ because he wasn't following with them! Don't sell yourself for evil by claiming that this or that is evil, just because this or that didn't pay your coffers or disagreed with you. Jesus is ashamed of those so called "Christians" who post rally videos on Youtube, there they prag how they owned this or that person from this or that other -ism or denomination in order to prooth their balls for Christ and how balls deep they went into the Bible. If theid rather lived their faith by doing it and not lighting fires; or doing special prayer on street corners or something else flashy, for a fire fighter never does selfies while fighting the fire, because that is the most important part - why do Christians regard themselves more importance than to Jesus Christ or other people?? If you say you hate a Satanist, because he is a Satanist, or a girl who does abortion because of that fact, then what are you really saying. If you wish pregnant children should drink bleach because of their sin, are you really helping them better their sinfulness into a modest and faithful personality, or are you kicking them into the abyss, so they could fall faster and make you look betters, for you didn't live as bad, you just gossiped and doxxed people or just there involved in selling fake stuff and taking advantage of other peoples low qualities and urges. Even scoffing at a Capitalist for being exactly that is selling your soul - because you have the misconception that you do better in Heaven then God does the accounting about you! Would you honestly think that you're better than your neighbour, who's house was on fire and burned down, because yours didn't or was struck by lightning for lack of a rod and yours didn't for you had one. Shouldn't a good person move to make it so, that all houses had lightning rods and didn't catch fire? So why should honest people rejoice then their enemies are doing bad? Every cartoon could teach you that! Just look at "Fosters house for imaginary friends"! Do good for real and not for marketing or your brand, but if you are in such office do it right and try not to think that you are God and rule over everything. Even you can fail sometimes, however successful you are! Or is your Avatar living before you and you're just his pusher? The time is now, to find out what you really up to and mean and not what the voices in your head or behind your back are saying! Know Yourself and you don't sell your soul!!
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