Saturday, July 18, 2020

Smothered Virgin


Smothered virgin, Virgil Harris,

bought 3 tickets straight to Hell.

First she went to shop in Paris;

when to Glasgow and to worries,

at noon after evening bells,

cat-fishing at Statoil-Schell's:

In the heat of the night, so merry.


Silent, as the sliver goes,

goaded virtues into Mayhem.

May has been to June the Joe's;

July to August, as she row's.

The ferry capsized “Royal Maiden”;

iron slippers witch had braiden,

encored to the bottom gores.


Conductor asked then Virgil Harris:

Why so Free you charge those lots?”

Smothered maiden answered: “Sorry,

One for Me-Myself-I – verily

I say thus too – lo Scringnots

you wont be eyeing vodka shots. –

In the News the tory varies


Mulled in Hatred, aged in Malice;

smothered virgin baked a pie.

Half was cooked, inside the chalice

champaign, to see who broke the crevice.

Molten Ice-cream oozed out, nay

who could have botched this baker's day?

I guess the pressure wasn't Venice.


Before embarks the brazen voyage;

Myself was arguing with Me.

I and smothered Virgin's carriage,

missed the shot and parked the porridge

behind the priest's door, in the potty;

the clerks don't know, what was he getting.

Missed translations auctioned Eldridge.


Eldridge loathed what Harris retort;

in the cackles sung the shore.

Slaver's bay and supreme court;

who's more yoked and who is naught?”

Smothered virgin said thus bored;

all the courtiers had been snored –

Let's await the grim cohort!”

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