Saturday, July 18, 2020

Rowling is our Queen


Rowling is our Queen, Rowling is our Queen;

warding hypocrites off Hogwarts as ever seen –

those, who gossip Umbridge is fav. Teen;

or want Lockhart to be their star Supreme.


Rowling is our Queen, Rowling is our Queen:

political correctness, like Hufflepuff Smith would deem

never her's to forsake loyalty like Harry in real life did.

It was supposed to be a children's story for the memes.


Rowling is our Queen, Rowling is our Queen;

She made Ravenclaw smart the lore Pristine.

No horcruxes in Gryffindor; Slytherin emerged redeemed –

even Snape could silverline a happy end in need.

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