Friday, August 28, 2020

Like a Whiteraven


(Inspired by Madonnas song “Like a virgin”)

I roam around to and through;

to sift aside and beyond.

My voice is shrewd and crude;

the devils advocate and interlude –

mediating over the Streak Bond.

Hyde-sane and incrementally blond.

Like a Whiteraven, sipping honeydew.

I gleam the gloomy eyes with farsight;

the dark vision of lost thoughts

and deeds undone, not for the upright.

Crossing your borders with oversight;

like an overwhelming juggernaut or dreadnought.

Pecking the order, til you lost your thought:

Like a Whiteraven, throng from light.

I hijack asses to molehunted detriments;

bypassing the bipolar defiance en masse.

Who's party shall wager to raze ten cents

for a button of Peer Günt and Townsend?

Nobody was no-mad: so sad your dad passed

Homer in the bath, blooded by Plato's trespass.

Like a Whiteraven, Aristotling the family confinements.

I firesale the doodles on the Wall;

writing debAtEs sour – to turn the other cheeky

devil, riding a cheetah for the enthral;

into a molested molasses of Lester Greyskull,

eating a Rey of blight – I think reeking

rotten fish, doesn't compare to that Cheesling!

Like a Whiteraven, fucked by a catcall.

I Karen more, than loving-kind Christians

can gloss the Bible into their Hum-V

greenhouse lives, casting stones on Philistines;

while the log filed a law-suit for pristine

snapshots of Splinters turtle-farm soon-to-be

discontinued private eyes on Constantine.

Like a Whiteraven, thawed in miasma...

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