Monday, August 24, 2020

Sell your Soul


I have thought of this topic many times. It has filled many libraries and minds with ideas of madness and despair. Priests and Bishops have been taught; knights and footpads ordained – to protect something and offer to the Lord All-Mighty, what is called “The Soul” There are even allegoric fairy-tales about a poor virgin maiden bathing in the sauna at midnight, because the master took the holy times, so the unholy times there left to the serf. And behold! The Devil stands at the doorstep knocking, as to mock the Bible with its Jesus behind the door knocking. What would you do? The suspense! You only armed with the Birch Wound – a small bundle of birch branches tied up together to whip you with in the sauna, while you pour warm water on hot stones to have some steam. A tradition of self-cleansing and cleaning. It is said in the Estonian tradition, that the devil cannot enter the Sauna. So sacred was that tradition, that it even survived the church, making its way into this fairy-tale, I am telling you right now, I heard in my childhood and still reminisce. So you are totally naked, inside the sauna, with a birch wound – and the Lord of Hell is standing behind the door. Technically you cannot enter the sauna directly, because there is the changing room first, and the washing room but ok, lets give the narrator, who first wrote it, the benefit of the doubt. How do you defeat the Prime Evil? The girl hastily draws the pentagram on the door frame – job well done. The devil asks to enter because needs to marry his son. Would the fair maiden come out and come with him?What kind of freakish questions would you answer butt-naked in the sauna! But its the devil. He might blow away the entire house, hinting at another fairy-tale. The girl sees a mouse in the sauna – I assume, in the changing room, because I fail to believe, there is a single sauna infested with those rodents, because it would be an insult to the owner. They there kept in perfect shape and order, how matter how poor you there. – The mouse, hinting at yet another fairy-tale, suggests the girl to “on at a time, sister” to use trickery against the devil to make him wait until morning, there the devil must leave. I wonder what story today used this trope? So the girl persuades the devil, that she cannot come out for not having any cloths to wear for this situation, would the devil kindly not bring them to her. And she really asks every part of the wedding dress until the morning and the devil is off to go, the pauper one wedding dress richer. That's some way to play hangman, isn't it! So what will the landlords daughter do, when she finds out, you can get free wedding dresses, when you bathe there at midnight? She decides to try it out, if its true. The next night the devil is back and asks the girl to come out, and receives the same answer. Only the landlords daughter is haughty and hasty, doesn't listen to little mice bickering: “Shut the fuck up, who asked your opinion?” and orders the entire wedding dress at once. Ask and you shall receive. The next moment, she stands in full garment to be wed to the devils son! And they lived happily ever after... The End,

What is the moral of the story? Times have changed a lot, so have the hopes and dreams; fears and superstitions. People still holding fast, how to protect your Soul. Why? Your Soul, is the part, what helps you dream and imagine things in your own unique way. It's basically what allows you to draw and write poetry. If somebody is unimaginative and dull, he's also accused of “not having a soul” And everybody wants to catch that Soul. The music industry; the Corporations; the Parties; The Governments; Work draft agents etc. Gotta catch em all, like a character in an anime show would say.

My question is, why would you even ponder on this question and not become the devils bride?

Playing devils advocate a little. Think in your heart – there do you belong. What is the thing, what you there meant to do in this World? Protect that happy thought at all costs, because, if that gets lost, you have lost everything. You don't have to agree with me and become a Christian, as I am, but still find your own Way just as Naruto found his nindo. It's ironic, that he was possessed by a nine tailed demon-fox, who he made his best friend! Funny how stories go and shape lives. What is your favourite story; what are its punch-lines and what does it fight for? Maybe its time to tell your story and fight for something! Tell me your quest. It might not be with Dungeons and Dragons, with Fairies and Dwarfs... I wonder, why there is no board game around Dwarves and Fairies in animation. I'm thinking on a variation of the Circus Game. Catch a fairy and you go up, bother a dwarf at mining and you go down. Included should be a variety of taunts every time you trigger one of these, with various point scores before you can reach the end goal. If you don't have enough points, the road from 100-120 will be blocked and you have to go back seven paces and re-roll. I'll leave this thought in here for a programmer to find. But I'm sure, your story is one worth telling. And listen to this with all ears. You have your whole life ahead, in your hands, to tell that story!

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