Friday, December 23, 2016

Overtime (FAQ)

When are the working hours of Heaven?
What are the chosen perks of office?”
He dost not died for you from nine til seven –
So why are you coughing, don't buy yourself a coffin!

What do I get some, when I give my life?
Is He gonna come running if I have a pray?”
What you wanna be – husband or wife;
do you trust Him, you don't have to even say!

Does He pay for overtime too?
Does He pension, when I'm feeling so wasted?”
Why, of course – its your flesh and blood, fool;
don't sully the Holy Spirit, He dost not like to be tested!

I don't want the wise men to notice;
can I be a faithful follower in shrouds of mystery?”
Thanks for your offer – the exit is no dice;
either you're in or you're out, end of the story!!

I feel rather weak and wimpy?
Do they have a role for the hide-and-seeker?”
Weakness is a tool to find your skimpy
love in Jesus what makes you the Hell's breaker!

How should I put this – to forget and forgive –
when did the others turn to me the other cheek?”
Son, you don't live your own life – what gives?
Haven't you heard about what happens to the meek?!

But if my girl cheats on me – that means, I can cheat her too!
If I murder the killers and rob the thugs – that would be justice!!”
Did you feel nice, when you felt like a tool?
Don't be the weapon on devil's solstice!

What if there's no Heaven and what if God is dead?
What if I wake up and it all was but a dream?”
When be One yourself and don't cower under your bed;
live your life so you could wake up without regrets in gleam...

Tühi haud

Miks vaatate siia, haud on ju tühi;
miks otsite Jeesust surnute seast!
Las minna need surnud, et maetaks omad;
kuid sina, kes kristlane – järgi Jumalat...”

Nii ütles ingel ja Taevasse lendas;
jüngrid vaid nõutult vaatasid tõtt.
Kaks Maarjat leinasid lohutult kõrval,
et nende tunnistus ei kõlvanud üht!

Miks vaatate tänna, kus komejant vastu
veres; tules ja suitsus teeb tööd?
Jõulud on rahuks ja mitte kaubaks;
et koju võiks jõuda ka sulane...”

Nii kutsub Jeesus peatumaid kanu;
tibusid, keda saaks emana hoida.
Nende pead ammugi õõtsumas taevas –
Arkaadia väljadel unus valitud mesi!

Võltsid ja labased on palvused pikad;
vastikud vaadata härraste ohvrid!
Kes annab piskust ja kes toovad küllast:
ei ole võrdsed need südame mõõdud!”

Nii ütleb tunnistus kristlase hinges:
Pühas Vaimus on lohutus saadud!
Talendid koju ja võõrsile relvis;
palged seletust andku ka rajal...

Aeg on, et alata kirikust aru;
pidada pühakus esmalt on käsk!
Mõõk raiu süütumat, kirves löö toorest;
sikud lammastest lahuta tõest!”

Oh armas Jeesus, kes oleme meie!
Kärvanud koerad ja kõhetund sead;
muttide nõukoda, nahkhiirte tarind;
pimedad kurttummad kõik meie targad!

Selita kulda ja räbu kõik hülga;
sulata hõbedat, pilasta tina.
Vaske valitse kaledal südamel;
pronksi karjatse kartmatul pilgul!”

Oh, Jumal Taevas, me hüljatud hõbe!
Oh, Jeesus Kristus, me tuhmunud kuld!
Kui sina sõrmega puudutad ohvreid,
roojaseks muutub nii kandja kui särk!

Kes ise alandab südames ennast;
hinge lõikab käris'tes ümber.
Ei see pea minu karikat jooma;
kildusid närima koirohuks eht!”

Kuidas peaks sündima kohtlasel tarkus;
kuidas peaks tulema albile au?
Iikabod valitseb, Haas-Bas toob tõivu;
Maher Salal kirikus võidumees!

Seepärast, Altarid, saate kõik põrmuks;
jala all tallatud pühitset' sool!
Et käändus võõra isanda poole,
preestrite käsi ja selg ning ka põu...”

Pühitset' tões on kõik sinu sõnad;
umbrohtu kitkudes mõtle ka kehval.
Kui raiud seedreid ja palme – jäta meil kännud –
siis seeme kandmas on õiglaselt vilja!

Kes minu omist läheks Soodoma;
kes minu sulaseist rüüstaks Gomorrat?
Mine sa, kuri vaim, täiesti emane;
kiuslikud kaalud sa sulata lokku!”

Mine ja sajata pilkaja killavoor;
kes ise kirjades täitnud on seinad!
Lubjatud ausambad – kuigi ei minu poolt –
kuse neil kodades aknad ja nurgad!!”

Kes langeb uhkusest, kes langeb palgist;
kes langeb sõimust, kes liha sees pinnust!
Kes langeb ohvrist, kes õiglase hõirust...
kuni on sööti jäänd lesknaise künad!”

Püha, oh Püham Sa, Kirkaimast Pühim!
Oled Sa Olnud ja Igavest Jääd;
Jeesus, mu Ainuke, too jõuluks koju
Hea Tahe Rahus, mis laulis kord ingel!

Anna meil armu, sel lõppeval aastal;
heida me uuele halastav pilk!
Vahest ehk variser käristab hõlma;
vahest ehk saduser püherdab tuhas...

Vahest ehk paladin kummardub maani,
ei tõsta puuslikku, Su kohale end;
vahest ehk nasiir viinast jääb kaineks;
joobudes Sinust vaid kõigile kasuks...

Õndsad on jõulu a'al küpsiste kandjad;
õndsad on päkapikk, jõulumees vana.
Õndsad on memmed ja tütarde salgad,
kes kõik on vaaritand; koristand talus!”

Õnnis on lapsemeel – Tarkusest veatu –
mis veel ei proovitud õpetus himus!
Lapselik hing ja tänulik süda –
parem kui Vatikan; Raamatud; Mõigud!”

Thursday, December 22, 2016


On the battlefields of old, on the scaffolds of today;
when the news is toilet paper – nothing weighed for worth as Gold.
Talk is cheap and has no silver-tongues, no wise-man has a say;
when some leftovers are right or wrong! – Is there anyone so Bold..?

No brave Hero has a stalwart guard to witness the just cause;
only renegades and mercenaries freelance in the crowd.
Corpses running headless on the streets and relentless the applause;
then the crows and ravens gather round and peck the fallen crown…

Listen, stranger, who you wish to part the world for your own ways;
Saviors aren't born in Heaven, they're forged in Hell's feisty strife!
Before Lady Luck can smile on you so many yeah's turn to nay's –
It's not the armor and the shield and not the silent knife…

Sometimes mercy is so betters than a mace or offering –
true lords never glee on famished souls and their destinies embrace.
True gratitude and honest praise more boons to you can bring;
than the swordsmanship of mighty foes and knightly honored Grace!

Virtue begets in the merits of the Hollowed and Divine;
don't loose your spirit and your soul to arbiter bad faith.
Wanting to be more than Self can lead to the ends ravine;
for the marble statues dost not cheer whatever may be sayeth!

Hundred friends are more worth than is fame of prophecies and saints;
suicides and martyrs parodies are costly subtle plays…
Hundred families at peace – more than any artist paints;
more than any writers ferocious quilted “Hey's!”…

On the battlefields of old, on the scaffolds of today;
nothing yet is lost for good if you can relent from merchants: “Sold!”
Smallest critters can be warriors if learning how to pray –
trusting on thyself impending quests and on your friends as told!

Come, my Saviors of Faith, come thy darkest saints of sinners;
like a crimson and clovered wraith, like the pawn of broken dreams!
Come, and save us from our stakes what can make us to beginners;
the hour is neigh to have a stand and win for the promised meadow realms...

Thursday, December 15, 2016


Those, who know, don't talk; those, who talk, don't know!” Lao-zi
Every now and when somebody pops out and tells you something about being someone special. “I am this and that!” – “I am a fan of Manchester United!!” if somebody wants to impress you about loving soccer like you do. I would count myself as a Sunday-follower of Man U because I don't have much time to watch soccer and familiarize myself with the facts what are necessary and important to be one. People tell you all sorts of information who they are, and it might not be true. Especially you must be suspicious of the truthfulness of a man and woman who claims to be a witch and a Christian at the same consecutive time. How does he/she do it? Can an FBI agent be at the same time a CIA agent? In history it has been attempted and all the participants have no career in neither branch anymore. They are gone from the grit of Agency – because they violated their loyalty. Especially true is that fact, when some “sage” claims to know everything about something. If a CIA operative is so high ranking in his office to know that much – is he/she gonna tell it to you? Wouldn't he/she be killed in action for even considering it, lest to attempt it… So don't fear a psyhic who claims to know that much. If he/she really knew it, he/she wouldn't tell the tale. The more you know, the less you can talk about it, because your knowledge is like bleach, it will do the very same with unknowing people like that kind of chemical agent does with uncovered hands. Only unknowing pupils can blabber about anything that they know it all. Because they have no responsibilities yet nor any confidentiality orders. Why would the IRS trust a worker about their secrets who would tell about it on FB or Google+? Wouldn't it be stupid? Wouldn't it be dangerous to their cause? So don't fear and respect those who know it all. Their clearly lying or soon to be dead for treachery, so why would you be in awe for them… Knowledge is begotten in silence like a crouching tiger and a hidden dragon. If you know – don't say it!! If you are in need of the encouragement of the crowd, then you can't be truly enlightened. True prophets and sages live in the desert – not because the knowledge is there, but because silence and forsakenness of the people is there. Because the people can't see you there and askew about your knowledge. Maybe you're just a bafoon who went to the hills cause lack of brains. Sometimes they live in the “stone deserts” of this world – in the city, blending in with society like an undercover operative. Why else would lord Jesus Christ had to warn the wicked spirits in rating him out, for they knew who he were. Luke 4:34,35 The more you know and can do, the less you talk about it. The President of the United States cannot talk about how he/she does his/her job, because that would be betrayal and treachery! If a man/woman still is something and talks too much and nothing happens to him/her – when you should be concerned about it. Does his master want a war with your leaders and state, that he/she is so free with his/her “hugs” and information? Before Communist China invaded Tibet, they gave gifts to the monks and common people of Tibet so they would love them. If Abshalom planned a coup against his father king David, he first stole the hearts of the Israelites, who went to court to ask for Mišpat – justice.... 2Sa 15:6 So be afraid, when somebody can be “everything” and nothing bad happens to him/her. Can an engine be the street-light at the same time, or the police officer something in the yakuza? At best he/she could be the corrupt official – the demo version of the real thing and not the real thing – and if that person still were the real thing he/she would be something above the law and beyond Good and Evil. Only God Almighty could be that or His lowest of slaves, who can be sacrificed immediately when its necessary to the cause – just like pawns are sacked in Chess… and sometimes even bishops and knights and rooks and queens! That kind of man/woman, who is so “enlightened” to “know it all” can't talk nor have any rights what so ever – why would he need them, then he/she has such a service to God! The cult of Ashera – you must understand, that being a Christian restricts my language, and I cannot name another deity or its followers better than cults and elven or fairy worship – for otherwise it would arouse the question, how much I really love lord Jesus Christ, if there can be more than one God in my life – had its male priests castrated. A castrated man had no rights in the society and could not fuck; it didn't allow him to have a normal manly ego, for the lack of testosterone in his body; it allowed the “goddess” to better take root in his persona, making him more girl-like so he would be more submissive. Again because he didn't need the normal kind of respect and social life for the new kind of respect with his Goddess. For that it was affordable to burn all the bridges with your previous life. Or what does Mat 10 else imply? You must hate yourself and everything about your life to be granted something what you don't have yet – and when you shall have it! Or the plow saying about not looking back when you have put your hand on it? If you have committed to something you have to deliver. You don't buy a Lamborghini to let it rust in your garage – you buy it to drive it; to gloat with it; to be proud of it, but you don't leave it in a back alley with the keys in the lock and the door open! That would be the equivalent of having some kind of superior inside information and abusing it for yourself or telling it to the others. What happens to stock-brokers who sell inside information? Are they loved by either side? Are they somebodies friends? Can they look into the eyes of their colleagues; friends; superiors and family-members? I know people love Wiki-leaks for telling the tale, to be the Robin Hood of today's society. How did the real Robin Hood die – he did not want to serve King James and was ill and went to a monastery to get cured by blood drainage – but the healer who did it to him, was loyal to the king and let too much out, and Robin Hood had to cast out an arrow through the window to pick a spot for his grave – and then he died. If you want to be the lonely wolf, why would you go back to your previous life?! That was Robin Hoods mistake – letting himself be healed by a loyalist and not suspecting that kind of thing… He was no God, but still he expected betters from that healer, like he was David who receives the sword of Goliath and the loafs of God and divine council. 1Sa 21:1-10 and the priest who provided it received death for high-treason! And that healer who did loyally did not die like Achimelech and his family! If you want to be like the creator of Wikileaks, you have to forsake your previous life to be granted that right and you are as free as a Robin on the nest or a wolf in the den. If somebody kills you, he/she is not guilty of anything, for you're no longer anything inside the society. For the rights and freedoms are for those, who live according to the laws and commandments and not to the rebels and brothers and sisters of the forest! That term was used in Estonia, to mark those guerrilla who stood up against the Soviet Union or simply didn't want to live according to its laws or there on the list to be deported into Gulag and could escape in time… Did they go back to their families to have a nice chat? No! That would have brought harm against them! If a forest brother or sister was caught and interrogated, they had to even lie about the help they received and call it “stealing” for otherwise not only them would suffer, but all those who aided them. And all those, who aided them, had to act like the harlot who sheltered the agents of Israel when they came against Jericho Jos 2:2-7 “Oh I saw them but did not know them and they went that way!" Though she had hid them into her house risking her very life with it, but for that deed she saved herself and entire family from the death of war then they there excused – had she been caught, she would be dead as her entire family! You can only serve one lord, for you either love one and hate the other; or you love the other and hate one! Mat 6:24 Its that simple, and if you love too many gifts; too much life – you shall forfeit yours. Why dost the pro athletes deny themselves junk-food and other stuff what is not illegal to other people? Because that denial grants them their rights as pro athletes. Nothing comes for free – nothing ventured, nothing gained! And because of that, it can be no redemption for those who cheat. Temptation only provides you with contempt and misfortune, so don't attempt to outwit yourself or the rules – you can't have it… Better be blind, then looking in the wrong direction; better be death, then listening to the wrong tune; better be mute, then telling the tale – remember, what the three monkeys taught you! You shall not let pass any errors in judgement, what relieve you in your duties. Only the lord can relieve you like that, but a servant can't relieve himself. What would you do, if you drive had an illegal operation? You would terminate it and find out, what the issue and bug is and remove it from the system, even if you have to replace the entire drive – but you wont have mercy unto it. Because the drive is not human like you – and so are not Christians God like Jahwe Sebaot, or lord Jesus Christ or the Holy Spirit! They are as much God Almighty lets them be god – like a content creator can make a character called “Avatar” and give it all the traits he desires. And then it has those traits – not because he deserved them; not because it was just; not because it was fair – it was the audacity of choice what the creator had inside his mind to create exactly that “Avatar” and not a different kind – and hissing or snarling that this is Good or Evil, is purely irrelevant. You haven't even seen the plot nor the ending, so how could you decide a characters goodness or wickedness. A bajonett makes a poor excuse of a chair, and a couch is a bad rifle! People only judge according to their own whim and gain, so how could that tell them, what God might want from their lives. Still some people claim to know it all – so better be able to perceive this from that, so you wont be buying an apple computer and getting 10 pounds of edible apples instead. Or if someone asks you to close the Window, you shut down your computer or collapse what is on your desktop… Free your mind and know yourself! Then the truth however ugly shall present itself...

Sunday, December 11, 2016


"Now it happened as they went that He entered a certain village; and a certain woman named Martha welcomed Him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary, who also sat at Jesus’ feet and heard His word. But Martha was distracted with much serving, and she approached Him and said, “Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore tell her to help me.” And Jesus answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. “But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:38-42

Normally when I try to write a sermon it goes easy. I know what I want to say and get a title fast. And then there are days when lord Jesus Christ has to wrestle me down like Jacob who was trembling because of his brother he had previously conned the birthright out and has to face again. This kind of facing a bible quote never looked so pleasing – especially if it involves Martha and Mary. The title is derived from Luke 2:14 from the lips of an angel who was exalting God Allmighty about the birth of Lord Jesus Christ, when he was happy around some sheppards. Let this sermon be a good will and not a woeful one as the testaments of mortal men these days…
Before we even go there – the house of beloved Martha and Mary – let's study and analyze the back-ground. Before that story unfolds another story is going rounds in the town. The story about lord Jesus Christ, and who he really is. He had just cast out 70 of his disciples in sets of two and commissioned them to be humble; meek and only depend on the charity of the benevolent giver and not on their own charms or abilities or success. He even grants them the right to “bless the house” - not all the people in Israel there allowed to “Bless” something like that. Especially not uneducated; undisciplined and unschooled pupils as the bulk of the fellowship of lord Jesus Christ. I mean he even said, that if they aren't received as messengers of God, they can also condemn that house or that entire city to Hell! Please raise your hand, who can do that for lord Jesus Christ ye Christians! What? No takers? Anybody?! I didn't think so… And if the house is worthy of that blessing a divine goodwill shall be bestowed upon that dwelling. The same kind of goodwill what the angel was referring on Luke 2:14 the kind of goodwill what the Nazis abused and other leaderships to state their own goals and feats and not the wants and needs of God.
Everybody wants to rule the world” as Mojo Jojo from Powerpuff girls sings on Cartoon Network.
It must have really angered the pharisees into an overzealous frenzied glee, the likes of when he said the parable about the disloyal steward and making friends with Mammon later on (Luke 16) it checked the authorship and respectfulness of pharisees in more than one count. Basically, the service on earth, as lord Jesus Christ was, pissed on everything what the pharisees wanted to be in Israel. Read the woes on Luke 10:13-16 and try to understand them in unison of being a Jew who has lived his entire life for Yahweh, being a faithful follower of God in these places – and it all shall perish. They believed ardently and with all heart, that if one single pharisee could produce one single day of piety – it could be more than sufficient to exalt the entirety of the world into Heaven – but when the disciples of Christ come back and even the wicked spirits gave way!! Luke 10:17 That must have made them grind their tooth to dust... The very reason why lord Jesus Christ was cast down to earth, to be born as a man, was to listen and grant those prayers, so many Jews had been dying off. And now he was there – the answer and goodwill of God Jahweh Sebaot, who is El Shaddai, who is El Elyon, who is Adonai! And his own people despised him in being that Man who they wanted to come. He was they Messiah and they didn't recognize him. They denial was so fervent that they sent a young pupil to molest him with words. I mean, if you really want to destroy somebody Christian or Jewish in origin, send a young troll against him to askew about Eternal Life. It doesn't matter what he says there, its a guaranteed lawsuit in motion already, if he agrees with that asking. Somebody will always be offended if you say who gets granted to Heaven and who gets booted out. Remember Luke 2:14 the angel and the sheppards – no pharisees around to be happy about it!! Lord Jesus Christ answered that challenge with the parable of the good Samaritan. It was such a great answer that still good people are called “Good Samaritans” although at Jesus times, a Samaritan was thought to be as good as a mujahidin warrior today – a terrorist and usurper of the true and righteous path! That was also a slap in the face of the Pharisees, to dare use the name Samaritan in positive and not as “nigger” as other Jews did. All the other Jews who there listening heared him say that sentence: “And all who are of true faith, do it like a good nigger does!!” They thought of themselves better of as the Samaritans, because the Samaritans didn't read the prophetic books like the pharisees did. They only had the 5 books of Moses to begin with! That was the first contempt what pharisees had against Samaritans. Strike two was genealogy – they didn't mind who they there begetting with and how Jewish that person was. Most of them didn't even knew their true genealogy – did they have Syrian blood in…? I don't know, they could have been even descendants of Goliath the Philistine or related to some other nativities who had a blood feud with Israel. One of the reasons Jews had to suffer bad karma under the nazi-boot as they did unto the Samaritans… I don't say Holocaust was nice – I am saying it was the logical answer of not following their own religion and ignoring all criticism… And that's why these days a Jew doesn't even have to be circumcised to be one then previously they had to kill off all offspring who was not at the age of 8 days!! But I am deviating from my path now. The topic was “Goodwill” Let us go back to our bible quote. After that quote comes the Father who art in Heaven prayer and the question whether or not does lord Jesus Christ need the help of the devil to do his bidding… So that sums up the back-grounds. In comes the next character who is – Martha!
Martha is a humble and pious Jew who sees a rabbi strolling around and wanting for him to be next to her. Nothing frivolous – just as a teacher. You have to keep in mind, that girls had a lot harder time in getting into a rabbi's class. Every time something needed to be done in the kitchen or in the house, that kind of student was immediately excused from her studies while the boys there excused from their chores to study the Torah! That was the very reason why Martha got so mad at her sister little Mary who just forgat herself listening to Jesus. Think about it. A person as famous as Marilyn Manson enters your house, because your crazy older sister invited Him in for... I don't know what – obviously He doesn't travel alone but with his staff and followers and groupies and news-reporters… I want to see a 14 year old girl who can think of doing her chores at that moment… or even a boy and not wanting an autograph or just sit there and listen – for that moment will never ever happen again! And they all knew that… On the account of Martha, I must say thus: She wanted to be “Worthy” of that “Goodwill” lord Jesus Christ was arguing about his disciples and pharisees. She wanted to be worthy of Eternal Life – but she also knew that she was not a pharisee – not even a Man! How should she qualify for that honor in the first place? If she could but be a good host to lord Jesus Christ, that would be her slice of Heaven! – And little Mary dost not play along! What a shame as the older sister, when the younger does not listen in Judaism or other semitic countries… So many honorable guests, and Mary doesn't behave like a girl!! She must have been feeling like an older sister who spots her little sisters Google account, and its covered in Mary's nudes and all their relatives can see em… She felt like dying there – and she pleads mercy from lord Jesus Christ, so she still would be worthy of that “Goodwill”. The problem never was, that Martha couldn't do it alone or she would have been too jealous about Mary and her place. If she had those kind of feelings towards her sister, Jesus had told her so: it ain't cool. I think what she was really feeling there, resonated to the same feelings Joseph had towards his fiancee Mary, who was found pregnant before marriage, when he intended to dump and forsake her lest to let her be stoned to death. She wanted to save her little sister from public shame – not many sermons about Martha and Mary point that out – Martha was scared as hell, that some of the followers of Christ or his enemies would remember the name and face of Mary – but like at the ending of the parable of the ten maidens of honor – and she would be one of the moronic ones, who dost not get married. She wanted her little sister to get married with the very best, for that also highlighted a good older sister who has to be like the Godfather, when the parents are dead. It is really funny, that the story never talks about their parents, when normally Jews aren't that way shy. Every living Jew wants to be remembered that “Jesus was here! At my house!! My name is this and that my genealogy is thus! And now only Martha and Mary are mentioned alone… They must have belonged to an impoverished family who's parents and maybe even brothers there dead or at least to poor to grant them normal life and marriage. They lived and waited like the daughters of Lot til' someone would marry them from the Hills but too proud to do as they did... Martha maybe have wanted that kind of proposal from Jesus either for herself or for her sister, for that would have really made it for them both. To be the wife or even the maid of honor in such a marriage, there your sister gets to marry Jesus – that is true bliss!
And Jesus is offering her the same place as is underneath Mary. Basically lord Jesus Christ said that He didn't expect that they had to service him, but wanted them to accept the honor what was held to men! The words of God! And now Martha understood – though the bible doesn't say that, but since it ended so abruptly from there I guess the problem of serving dinner was postponed to some other time… Lord Jesus Christ may want to grant you such a “Goodwill” that it exceeds your wildest dreams… You just wanted to worship Him with your life, but he is putting you onto the honorary place you never wanted to sit on – to avoid all the evil eyes who would shoo you away from there for not deserving that honor… Accept that good will from me and know that you can live your lives as Mary and Martha did and that is perfectly sufficient in receiving Heaven. For you don't need to be Christian to be able to read this, do you now! Accept the good parts from Heaven and be yourself! Amen!

Monday, December 5, 2016

Sina oled See

Kus on minu katedraalid, kus on minu ohvrid?
Kus on kõik mu tuhatkonnad, võrgutatud jüngrid?
Kus on kõik mu pisarad ja kerkobussi sohvrid? –
Et ei peaks ma Kuningriigist pakkima ma kohvrid!
Sina oled See, kes annab vastust nagu kringlit;
palvetajal lapselikul, et võiks laulda singlit –
koera kombel tahaks sulle voodi kanda tuhvlit –
aga maailm naeratab ja rinda näitab pringilt!!

Kus on minu meelehea ja kus on minu saapad?
Kus on minu prohvetid ja preestrid ning kõik Targad?
Kus on minu abielud Sinu auks ja koopad? –
Et saaks mõni sambapühak ümmardada kopralt!
Sina oled see, kes täidab hirmuga kõik Vargad;
tuhatnelja, ülepeakaela neile taha kargad!
Pole üldse sinu asi, kes see seab neil rööpaid,
sina ikka üles juurid, nende seinad märgad...

Kus on minu kaubahoovid, kaubitsejad, sellid?
Kus on minu tuulelipud, tuuleveskid, ahjud?
Kus on minu mõisahooned, kiltrimajad, tallid? –
Et saaks kurjal vaimul lasta põllul kratilt tralli!
Sina oled See, kes situb ahju lakke kahjuks;
trollid kinni härra silmad nagu roostes vahiuks!
Tont käib mööda Taaralinna – kui vaja rebin kolli
välja oma ninasõõrmeist rujatades ihnud...

Kus on minu pjedestaalid, kus on minu sallid?
Kus on minu Mulderid ja mullamutid, pardid?
Kus on minu matused ja sünnipäevad kallid? –
Et ei peaks ma oma habet hukutama pardlis...
Sina oled See, kes sallimatusest teeb tordi;
Inimesest aretad sa armastava sordi!
Maletad ja kabetad ja ikka võidad partiid;
formelitki võiksid sõita ja ka šeeri kanti!!

Kus on minu allikad ja kus on minu kaevud?
Kus on minu rajatulbad, põllulapid, metsad?
Kus on minu ürikud ja valgeis mastis laevad? –
Sina oled See, kes ristipuul end lasi peksta,
halval arvamusel sünagoogis nagu Spectra...
Ei sa iial pahandanud hingamise vaevust,
kuigi ristirahvas sinu kaelas nagu retsid...

Kus on minu ärklikorter, Merivälja villa?
Kus on minu kapipede, marukoer ja kitu?
Kus on minu Šveitsi konto, Castillo di Sevilla? –
Et kui põrgu kiirustades näeks ka ninja Vanillat!
Sina oled See, kes märjaks teha võib ka vitu;
riista kõvaks, meele kergeks – et saaks minna pittu!
Tulgu sandilaager kasvõi leinarõiva killas –
Sina paned koerad sigadestki lahku sittu!!

Kus on minu Kama suutra, kus on minu päevik?
Kus on minu karmavõlad, kohinoored, paugud?
Kus on minu posijad ja kerko ümber alevik? –
Et saaks laulda surmatantsu hipidega auku...
Sina oled See, kes annab luuletajal autul,
kirjutada verega ja oma liha kaevik
raputada kehva ümber, et ei saaks tast karvik –
vaid, et selle laiba varjus taevauks neil paotuks!