Thursday, December 22, 2016


On the battlefields of old, on the scaffolds of today;
when the news is toilet paper – nothing weighed for worth as Gold.
Talk is cheap and has no silver-tongues, no wise-man has a say;
when some leftovers are right or wrong! – Is there anyone so Bold..?

No brave Hero has a stalwart guard to witness the just cause;
only renegades and mercenaries freelance in the crowd.
Corpses running headless on the streets and relentless the applause;
then the crows and ravens gather round and peck the fallen crown…

Listen, stranger, who you wish to part the world for your own ways;
Saviors aren't born in Heaven, they're forged in Hell's feisty strife!
Before Lady Luck can smile on you so many yeah's turn to nay's –
It's not the armor and the shield and not the silent knife…

Sometimes mercy is so betters than a mace or offering –
true lords never glee on famished souls and their destinies embrace.
True gratitude and honest praise more boons to you can bring;
than the swordsmanship of mighty foes and knightly honored Grace!

Virtue begets in the merits of the Hollowed and Divine;
don't loose your spirit and your soul to arbiter bad faith.
Wanting to be more than Self can lead to the ends ravine;
for the marble statues dost not cheer whatever may be sayeth!

Hundred friends are more worth than is fame of prophecies and saints;
suicides and martyrs parodies are costly subtle plays…
Hundred families at peace – more than any artist paints;
more than any writers ferocious quilted “Hey's!”…

On the battlefields of old, on the scaffolds of today;
nothing yet is lost for good if you can relent from merchants: “Sold!”
Smallest critters can be warriors if learning how to pray –
trusting on thyself impending quests and on your friends as told!

Come, my Saviors of Faith, come thy darkest saints of sinners;
like a crimson and clovered wraith, like the pawn of broken dreams!
Come, and save us from our stakes what can make us to beginners;
the hour is neigh to have a stand and win for the promised meadow realms...

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