Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Endless night

What is this thrill, what keeps up the night;
that longing in my chest, while staring the moon?
Is it a monster or armies, some ancient blight?! –
I wish you there here, come to thee soon…

Would you rejoice for kingdoms and stars;
if I lay treasures to engolden your path?
Or just a quiet stroll to places afar;
there the chatter of people has not scathed…

To enjoy the silence, while you're so close –
could honey be sweeter or a lion stronger,
than your eyes gaze, if you'd chose –
don't leave me hanging, to be a stranger!

I would climb mountains and dragons defeat;
chase away wolves from our chosen flock.
When is my beloved ready to meet;
or am I mistaken and out of luck…

Endless the night and you are still trapped;
locked in this game, my maddened despair!
I'd bring you to life against all jacks;
lanterns and reapers – they don't put up the scare...

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